Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The live capture of Saddam Hussein will force the world to come to grips with the horror's of Saddam's Iraq
Published on December 14, 2003 By Draginol In Current Events
Saddam Hussein as captured during a lightning raid that apparently caught him quite unawares last night. CNN has a story on it here. This is good news on many levels.  For one thing, as there is likely to be a trial for his war crimes, there will finally be more attention given to the horrors committed by this man and his regime.  Opponents to the war in Iraq have been amazingly silent on all the evidence of mass murders committed by Saddam.  The one that chilled me to the bone was a mass grave in which a little girl was found still clutching a doll -- she was buried alive.

Saddam has been defiant about this already and responded, "They were thieves." Yea, all those women and children stealing...something..."  There will be plenty of shame to go around to those journalists, protesters, and others who turned a blind eye to the horrors perpetuated by Saddam against innocents.  A blind eye so that they could focus their ire on Bush. 

No doubt the fixation on Weapons of Mass Destruction, one of many reasons given for the toppling of Saddam, will still get plenty of coverage.  But I seem to recall little outrage over Kosovo when it turned out there was zero evidence of "ethnic" cleansing. A couple of mass graves with a few hundred young men in them was about the extent of "genocide" in Kosovo.  Were there street demonstrations in Europe and the United States over bombing civilians in Serbia over this? Nope.

Which makes one wonder -- do the people who are against the war in Iraq simply blinded by their hatred of Bush or are they racist? Racist in the sense that the mass deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents by Saddam's regime isn't that big of a deal because they're not white?  After all, most of the anti-war people also propose turning everything over to the UN. The same UN that stood by and watched hundreds of thousands of people slaughtered in Rwanda. Of course, those people weren't white. You see the pattern here? There's really only two likely scenarios: Either these people don't really think killing of non-white people is a big deal or they hate George W. Bush so much that it's clouding their rational thinking.  I tend to think it's a bit of both.

The capture of Saddam will bring to light the horrors of Saddam's Iraq. It will be incredibly difficult to sweep the atrocities under the rug (like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have done with their selective recount of war crimes). People around the world will finally have to come to grips that the United States did the right thing when it liberated Iraq from one of the most brutal monsters in history.  Certainly not the primary objective for US forces but one that cannot be denied nonetheless.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 14, 2003
Thank You for publicly saying what I have been saying all along,
on Dec 14, 2003
I'm not trying to be sarcastic here, but I really do feel strangely happy that he was finally captured. I didn't think I would be that happy about it.

This new "look" of Saddam certainly takes away some of the terror, doesn't it?

on Dec 14, 2003
What happened in Kosovo was one of the darkest hours for the UN maybe even worse then Rwanda. In Rwanda the UN simply allowed the slaughter to happen, in Kosovo they were an accessory to the massacre because they disarmed the massacre victims. The UN told the people that they would find safety in a UN “safe zone,” everybody believed that their safety was assured by the UN, so they laid down weapons that could have been used for self defense, and flocked to the protection of the UN safe zone. When Serbian police marched into srebrenica, which became the worst massacre on European soil since the third Reich, the UN handed 6000 defenseless men over for execution. The Serbian’s needed fuel for the bulldozers they used to plow dead bodies into the ground, according to reports, the Dutch UN peacekeepers helped them out.
on Dec 14, 2003
Hmm well a mixed feeling here I feel sorry for the guy since he could have done good and not bad and also feel happy since now the iraqi people can look towards freedom
on Dec 14, 2003
I woke up this morning, grabbed my cellphone, and through the wonders of 3G, downloaded the latest news from Iraq. Said the first headline, "Saddam Captured in Raid". Said the Jewish Zionist American installed administrator, Paul Bremmer, "Ladies and Gentleman, we got him. The tyrant is a prisoner." And so began an expected discourse in "illuminati justice" in the Jewish model: while the world will hail the capture of Saddam Hussein, the King of the Jews, Ariel "Shalom" Sharon, and architect of current Zionist global terror, remains a free man while his agents in America and the world over raise toasts to their engineering of the overthrow of a sovereign nation through the Jewish inspired doctrine of "unilateral force", otherwise known as "pre-emptive strikes", which is the Jewish way of saying, "If you dont like our rule, we reserve the right to do anything we want to you, and in the process, prove that we care nothing for rule of law in the world."

To drive this point home, during the past 48 hours, we have witnessed Jews kill another six people in a raid on the town of Rafah. One partisan was killed, and another 5 civilians mowed down in the Jewish Aktion.

Meanwhile, the Jewish state threw the world a "bone", and declared in a statement yesterday, that Sharon will not be making any efforts unilaterally to revive peace talks. Perhaps we was tipped off by Jewish traitors in the American intelligence services that Saddam was to be captured and hence feels that if unrest in Iraq dies down, there will be less pressure on Jews in America to give in to global Jewish desires to expand their racist idiologies, a cornerstone of the Jewish political infrastructure.

And yet again today, we find that Jews murdered unlilaterally another victim in the Middle East. So while one tyrant, the creation of the American CIA, has been captured, the defacto rulers of the American democracy, the Jewish people, continue to have a free reign to spread a comparable form of terror to the peoples whom the Jewish people seek to lord over.

Yet inspite of all this, what was rather laughable on one end of the spectrum, and shameless equally on the other, is the clear invokation of the Protocols of Zion by President Bush in his speech to the nation. This was so blatantly obvious that he might as well have come out and simply said the truth: 9-11 was a Jewish engineered coup to take the United States to war. Now that we have Saddam, you can forget about all the lies we used to bring about this war. Afterall, the rule of law is not a Jewish concept: Richard Perle, the "Dark Angel", said so himself, "International Law stood in the way to doing what was right."

Of course, that Richard Perle equally invoked the Protocols of Zion should not be a surprise. From Protocol 1, 12,

12. Our right lies in force. The word "right" is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.

13. Where does right begin? Where does it end?

In otherwords, the Illuminati, which in this case is shown to be the Jewish elite who are ruling America through the power of appointment, believe clearly in a "concept", or a "philosophy" that is equally held by virtually every nation states highest levels of control: that is, what is a "right" is truly arbitrary and the domain of the ruling power. When Saddam was seen as an impediment to Jewish racist idiologies and refused to cooperate on various economic projects as the Aqaba Pipeline which would have been a windfall to the ruling Jewish elite, then what was "right" simply became an abstract absurdity.

Following International Laws, then, equally becomes an abstract absurdity as shown by the ruling Jewish elite power structure. Their actions prove this. Perle says matter of factly, "International Law stood in the way of doing what was "right"". Yet as we can see by the subsequent events set in motion, what was "right" really amounted to the invokation in the Protocols of Zion, wherein the most basic premise is:
12. Our right lies in force. The word "right" is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.

Look back equally to Afghanistan. Said the American elite via spokesman George Bush, "Hand us Osama." The Taliban said, "show us proof first that he has engaged in these crimes you say, and then we shall discuss handing him over." In truth, there was no interest in truth and doing "what was right", which was to present to the American people (it is we who are waging war and thus expending capital and blood on behalf of these Jewish elitists in power), but equally to the world. Again, Afghanistan showed a basic Jewish Illuminatus concept, and that is simple: what is right is whatever Jews claim is right, and anything less is absurd, for when one has absolute power, the idea of what is "right" truly boils down to the Jewish idiology (via the Illuminatus equally) of simply giving "me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you."

The basic premise of this doctrine hints at the amoral nature of the ruling elite as a process of politics, but since Jews are so vocal in their words, it is often much easier to highlight their use of these strategies and techniques.

"Right", and with it, "justice", is purely an abstract absurdity which, like the wind, blows wherever public opinion will find traction upon the concepts being advanced. Retribution for Saddam is a "right" of the Iraqi people, but we can assume that holding Wolfowitz and Perle responsible for all the chaos wrought to the people of Iraq who otherwise would not have had to worry about Saddam and who now suffer far more than when Saddam was in power, presumeably will have no rights.

Justice, therefore becomes an abstract absurdity, equally.

That is the underlying lesson of this whole so called "war on terror". Jewish terror is "self defense" because it is passed off as a "doctrine", and that "doctrine" is known as "pre-emptive strikes". Of course, the reality is that the underlying concept is, "Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you."

What Jews are telling the world is that if the Palestinians do not capitulate to them unconditionally, then by the racist American Jewish infrastructure arming the racist Israeli political infrastructure via Noahidism and its political constutuencies, then Jews can maintain their strategy clearly being invoked from the Protocols of Zion.

So now we turn to President Bush's statements on the capture of Saddam Hussein and the impending "justice" which presumably will be borne out of this capture. Whatever "justice" is meted out is: noone in the intelligentsia opposed to Jewish racial idiologies, Noahidims, and the efforts by this political group to cause so much death and destruction to the American Armed Services and the Iraqi people will be deluded into believing that any semblence of Justice will be done till the America Jewish elite that brought this tradgedy to the fore is equally brought to trial and convicted, which includes first and foremost, Richard Perle, who has admitted that the invasion was against International Law in favor of doing what is "right", which is purely a Jewish abstract aburdity, as is clearly evident.

Said Bush, "It marks the end of the road for him and all who killed and bullied in his name." Again we are left to mock the hippocracy. What of 36 years of bullying and killing by Jews, and the clear efforts by America's Jews to prevent this system of criminality from being brought to the surface by constantly attacking those of us opposed to Jewish bullying and killing? Does this give us a "right" to utilize Jewish techniques to oppose Jewish idiologies? Clearly if we were Jews, there would and could be no reservations about exercising our "pre-emptive rights", and that includes pre-emptive strikes against Noahidism.

Yet we live in a world of laws which preclude such actions and perhaps rightly so. It is clear that Jews and their elite do not adhere to such standards of conduct: hence American soldiers are being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, while Jewish leaders hail the capture as if this capture was predicated upon any semblance of morality and legality. It was predicated on what is "right" set against Jewish paradigms which, thankfully, most of the civilised world is opposed to.

But Bush's hippocracy did not stop there. His rather arrogant invokation of the Protocols of Zion (one has to wonder if he needs a new speech writer who is not so painfully obvious) shows that the American people and the people of the Middle East are in for a long series of protracted wars on behalf of this rather arrogant and mindless elite.

Said Bush,

I also have a message for all Americans: The capture of Saddam Hussein does not mean the end of violence in Iraq. We still face terrorists who would rather go on killing the innocent than accept the rise of liberty in the heart of the Middle East. Such men are a direct threat to the American people, and they will be defeated.

We've come to this moment through patience and resolve and focused action. And that is our strategy moving forward. The war on terror is a different kind of war, waged capture by capture, cell by cell, and victory by victory. Our security is assured by our perseverance and by our sure belief in the success of liberty. And the United States of America will not relent until this war is won.

It should be abundantly clear to all of you that the Jewish elite in power in America has no interest, like their racist Israeli's, of seeking a peace. This statement shows a more sinister plan in the offing, and that is a takeover by the American Jewish and Zionist Elite of the Middle East, and it is clear that the Protocols of Zion, and the strategies contained within, is being invoked.

Step 1: Declare what is a right and then use absolute force to bring this right into existence. (from Protocol 1)

Step 2 (From Protocol 1, 25)

25. Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll- parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob. The would-be wise men of the GOYIM, the intellectuals, could not make anything out of the uttered words in their abstractedness; did not see that in nature there is no equality, cannot be freedom: that Nature herself has established inequality of minds, of characters, and capacities, just as immutably as she has established subordination to her laws: never stopped to think that the mob is a blind thing, that upstarts elected from among it to bear rule are, in regard to the political, the same blind men as the mob itself, that the adept, though he be a fool, can yet rule, whereas the non-adept, even if he were a genius, understands nothing in the political - to all those things the GOYIM paid no regard; yet all the time it was based upon these things that dynastic rule rested: the father passed on to the son a knowledge of the course of political affairs in such wise that none should know it but members of the dynasty and none could betray it to the governed. As time went on, the meaning of the dynastic transference of the true position of affairs in the political was lost, and this aided the success of our cause.

26. In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOYA States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card - the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us. On the ruins of the eternal and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force.

27. Our triumph has been rendered easier by the fact that in our relations with the men, whom we wanted, we have always worked upon the most sensitive chords of the human mind, upon the cash account, upon the cupidity, upon the insatiability for material needs of man; and each one of these human weaknesses, taken alone, is sufficient to paralyze initiative, for it hands over the will of men to the disposition of him who has bought their activities.

28. The abstraction of freedom has enabled us to persuade the mob in all countries that their government is nothing but the steward of the people who are the owners of the country, and that the steward may be replaced like a worn-out glove.

29. It is this possibility of replacing the representatives of the people which has placed at our disposal, and, as it were, given us the power of appointment.

The conquoring of nation states and societies by Illuminati elements is always the same, and the first step is to destroy a society through a variety of stunts that destroys the underlying capitalisation of the nation state. It is difficult to deny that since Rumsfelds trip to Bagdad in 1983, Iraq went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation with a national debt of over US$120 billion.

Having destroyed the country financially, and now having control of it through the "Principle of What is Right", which simply means one can use whatever is in ones power to takeover what one desires, the next step is to then seek forgiveness of debts under the guise of "helping the country and people get back on their feet". The real truth of the issue is that once one has control, the new ruling order seeks to maintain that control via a virtual theft of others resources by creating a situation where the underlying thesis is that "others should forgive debt" so that the people can get back on their feet.

Yet all the while, they who often (and Iraq is no different) are responsible for bringing about the debt, either through internationally monetary manuevers, persuasion of "allies" to advance credits (often under the guise of defense via engineered wars as was the Iran Iraq and Gulf War's), what happens is that the old cliche of "OPM", or "other peoples money" is used by the target people who are seeking control of a given piece of nation state real estate.

Hence in this case, France, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, all countries who advanced credits to the former Iraqi regime are being asked to forgive debt on behalf of the current rulers (Zionist America) so that the Zionists can exercise their "right", or the forceful conquest of Iraq, free of all encumbrances, or "national debt."

Yet all of this cannot be accomplished without a simple yet critical component: BLOOD.

This is where the phraseology of : Our triumph has been rendered easier by the fact that in our relations with the men, whom we wanted, we have always worked upon the most sensitive chords of the human mind..."

...comes into play. The "spell" contained in the word LIBERTY is very powerful. It is, like "right", and "freedom", regarded as "abstractedness" in the Illuminati way of thought, or "abstract absurdity" in the more precise rendering as a form set against human mind. As is clearly elucidated in the Protocols of the Illuminati (Zion). That the Protocols of Zion is an Illuminatus document more than a purely "Jewish" document is self evident in the very words invoked in this above Protocol set.

25. Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll- parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob.

In some respects, George Bush himself is a "poll parrot" who is carrying away with his irrationality, the very well being of the world at large, and with it, freedom of the individual. George Bush (and with him the Zionist elites who are the fountain from which he comes), are promising you one thing: more war, and all in the name of "Liberty". Like a bait, indeed, those with uncritical thinking latch onto these formulas and never take the time to analyse them in the abstract purpose for which they are brought to the fore.

You see, what is known by the Elite (and that is Jew and non Jew alike) who adhere to Jewish idiologies known as Jehovianism, that mankind will rebel and fight even against Nature and the laws therein when motivated by the words Liberty and Freedom. These words, when invoked at the most powerful layer of human political conciousness, are not spoken out of an irrational calculation.

The goal is an unending war on behalf of Jews as they seek to bring about their Noahidist state. The means of distraction is a "war on terror" which is being implemented by they who are the fountain of terror, the Jewish elite and its political constituency who lacks the analytical skills and training to see the forces in play.

It is they, who like "poll parrots", who are at the fore of preaching Liberty and Equality and Freedom, and behind the scenes are the puppeteers who pull the strings of these marionettes in the desire to bring about a one world order predicated on a Jewish world order that is subjugated to the Jewish elite via Noahidism.

Afterall, George Bush said very clearly,

May God bless the people of Iraq, and may God bless America. Thank you.

END 12:18 P.M. EST (6+6:6+6+6)

Since when has the blessings of this god brought unto the peoples of the world peace? He who decieves does so out of the ignorance of the people whom are being decieved.

on Dec 14, 2003
Anthony, that was Bosnia. Not Kosovo.
on Dec 15, 2003
angel - you make me sick. Brad, delete this filth off your comments, please.
on Dec 15, 2003
Your right that was in Bosnia, it would seem that all the news servers are so overwhelmed this morning that there crashing, BBC, CNN, Yahoo are stripped of pictures and slow to load, and sometimes wont load.
on Dec 15, 2003
I found much right with your thoughts and definitely feel that as a "Bush hater" my rational thoughts are conflicted (I find the use of "clouded" to be negative in connotation) at times. For instance, upon hearing of Saddam's capture I felt thankful and distraught. Thankful, that such a horrible person had been found and the Iraqi's chance of succeeding in this war we are all "slogging" through had increased. Alas, I also felt distraught and conflicted in the fact that our finding Saddam and ultimately Osama Bin Laden will more than likely get Bush re-elected. In a time when our Country needs to be unified, I find myself unable to reconcile with Bush's blatant deaf ear to half of this country. His "my way or the highway" dogma does little to bring us American's closer together. I value my freedom and my patriotism and even if I don't agree with your point of view, I generally make the effort to listen and try to understand where you are coming from.

As to "the world coming to grips with the horror's of Saddam's Iraq", Are there not many who still say that the holocaust never happend? People will find justification where they may and focus on what makes them right and therefore not subject to scrutiny or other points of view.

For the record I view the killing of civillians of all races and religions with equal abhorrence, but for some reason it seems to bother me more when it is a friend or family member.
on Dec 15, 2003
LOL! Someone took the "protocols of zion" seriously! LOLOL!!!
on Dec 15, 2003
Excerpt from "THE LONDON TIMES", Tuesday, August 16, 1921, pp. 9, 10





The so-called "Protocols of the Elders of Sion" were published in London last year under the title of "The Jewish Peril."

This book is a translation of a book published in Russia in 1905, by Sergei Nilus, a government official, who professed to have received from a friend a copy of a summary of the minutes of a secret meeting, held in Paris, by a Jewish organization that was plotting to overthrow civilization in order to establish a Jewish world state.

These "Protocols" attracted little attention until after the Russian Revolution of 1917, when the appearance of the Bolshevists, among whom were many Jews, professing and practicing political doctrines that in some points resembled those advocated in the "Protocols," led many to believe that Nilus’ alleged discovery was genuine. The "Protocols" were widely discussed and translated into several European languages. Their authenticity has been frequently attacked and many arguments have been adduced for the theory that they are a forgery.

In the following articles our Constantinople Correspondent for the first time presents conclusive proof that the document is in the main a clumsy plagiarism. He has forwarded us a copy of the French book from which the plagiarism is made. The British Museum has a complete copy of the book, which is entitled, "Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu, ou la Politique de Machiavel au XIX. Siècle. Par un Contemporain," and was published at Brussels in 1865. Shortly after its publication the author, Maurice Joly, a Paris lawyer and publicist, was arrested by the police of Napoleon III. and sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment.



(From Our Constantinople Correspondent.)

"There is one thing about Constantinople that is worth your while to remember," said a diplomatist to the writer in 1908. "If you only stay here long enough you will meet many men who matter, and you may find the key to many strange secrets." Yet I must confess that when the discovery which is the theme of these articles was communicated to me I was at first incredulous. Mr. X who brought me the evidence was convinced.

"Read this book through," he said, "and you will find irrefutable proof that the ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion’ is a plagiarism."

Mr. X., who does not wish his real name to be known, is a Russian landowner with English connexions. Orthodox by religion, he is in Political opinion a Constitutional Monarchist. He came here as a refugee after the final failure of the White cause in South Russia. He had long been interested in the Jewish question as far as it concerned Russia, had studied the "Protocols," and during the period of Denikin’s ascendancy had made investigations with the object of discovering whether any occult "Masonic" organization, such as the "Protocols" speak of, existed in Southern Russia. The only such organization was a Monarchist one. The discovery of the key to the problem of the "Protocols" came to him by chance.


A few months ago he bought a number of old books from a former officer of the "Okhrana" (Political Police) who had fled to Constantinople. Among these books was a small volume in French, lacking the title page, with dimensions of 5 ½ in. by 3 ¾ in. It had been cheaply rebound. On the leather back is printed in Latin capitals the word Joli. The preface, entitled "Simple avertissement," is dated Geneva, October 15, 1864. The book contains 324 pages, of which numbers 315-322 inclusive follow page 24 in the only copy known to Mr. X, perhaps owing to a mistake when the book was rebound. Both the paper and the type are characteristic of the "sixties and seventies" of the last century. These details are given in the hope that they may lead to the discovery of the title of the book [Note from Emperor's Clothes: The introduction, above, states that Publisher had located the text in the British Museum. Today you can now buy it from].

Mr. X believes it must be rare, since, had it not been so, the "Protocols" would have speedily been recognized as a plagiarism by anyone who had read the original.

That the latter is a "fake" could not be maintained for an instant by anyone who had seen it. Its original possessor, the old Okhrana Officer, did not remember where he obtained it, and attached no importance to it. Mr. X, glancing at it one day, was struck by a resemblance between a passage which had caught his eye and a phrase in the French edition of the "Protocols" (Edition de la Vieille France, 1920, 5, Rue du Préaux-Cleres, 5, Paris 7th Arrondissement). He followed up the clue, and soon realized that the "Protocols" were to a very large extent as much a paraphrase of the Geneva original as the published version of a War Office or Foreign Office telegram is a paraphrase of the ciphered original. (1)

Before receiving the book from Mr. X, I was, as I have said, incredulous. I did not believe that Sergei Nilus’s "Protocols" were authentic; they explained too much by the theory of a vast Jewish conspiracy. Professor Nilus’s account of how they were obtained was too melodramatic to be credible, and it was hard to believe that real "Learned Elders of Sion" would not have produced a more intelligent political scheme than the crude and theatrical subtilties of the Protocols. But I could not have believed, had I not seen, that the writer who supplied Nilus with his originals was a careless and shameless plagiarist.

The Geneva book is a very thinly-veiled attack on the despotism of Napoleon III in the form of a series of 25 dialogues divided into four parts. The speakers are Montesquieu and Machiavelli. In the brief preface to his book the anonymous author points out that it contains passages which are applicable to all Governments, "but it particularly personifies a political system which has not varied in its application, for a single day since the fatal and alas! Too distant date when it was enthroned." Its references to the "Haussmannisation" of Paris, to the repressive measures and policy of the French Emperor, to his wasteful financial system, to his foreign wars, to his use of secret societies in foreign policy (cf., his notorious relations with the Carbonari) and his suppression of them in France, to his relations with the Vatican, and to his control of the Press are unmistakable.


The Geneva Book, or as it will henceforth be called the Geneva Dialogues, opens with the meeting of the spirits of Montesquieu and Machiavelli on a desolate beach in the world of shades. After a lengthy exchange of civilities Montesquieu asks Machiavelli why from an ardent Republican he had become the author of "The Prince" and "the founder of that sombre school of thoughts which has made all crowned heads disciples, but which is well fitted to justify the worst crimes of tyranny." Machiavelli replies that he is a realist and proceeds to justify the teaching of "The Prince," and to explain its applicability to the Western European States of 1864.

In the first six "Geneva Dialogues" Montesquieu is given a chance of argument of which he avails himself. In the seventh dialogue, which corresponds to the fifth, sixth, seventh, and part of the eighth "Protocols," he gives Machiavelli permission to describe at length how he would solve the problem of stabilizing political societies "incessantly disturbed by the spirit of anarchy and revolution." Henceforth Machiavelli or in reality Napoleon III., speaking through Machiavelli, has the lion’s share of the dialogue. Montesquieu’s contributions thereto become more and more exclamatory; he is profoundly shocked by Machiavelli-Napoleon’s defence of an able and ruthless dictatorship, but his counter-arguments grow briefer and weaker. At times, indeed, the author of "L’Espirit des Lois" is made to cut as poor a figure as—parvum componere magno—does Dr. Watson when he attempts to talk criminology to Sherlock Holmes.


The "Protocols" follow almost the same order as the Dialogues. Dialogues 1-17 generally correspond with "Protocols" 1-19. There are a few exceptions to this. One is in the 18th "Protocol," where, together with paraphrases of passages from the 17th Dialogue ("Geneva Dialogues," pp. 216, 217) there, is an echo of a passage in the 25th "Geneva Dialogue," viz. :–"Quand le malheureux est opprimé il dit ‘si le Roi le savait’; Quand on veut se venger, qu on espère un secours, on dit ‘le Roi le saura.’" This appears on page 68 of the English edition of the "Protocols" (4th Edition, published by "The Britons," 62, Oxford-street, London, W.) as "In order to exist, the prestige of power must occupy such a position that the people can say among themselves, ‘If only the King knew about it,’ or ‘When the King knows about it.’"

The last five "protocols" (Nos. 20-24 inclusive) do not contain so many paraphrases of the "Geneva Dialogues" as the first 19. Some of their resemblances and paraphrases are, however, very striking, eg., the following:—

[Start Quote from Protocols on Loans]

"A loan is an issue of Government paper which entails an obligation to pay interest amounting to a percentage of the total sum of the borrowed money. If a loan is at 5 per cent., then in 20 years the Government would have unnecessarily paid out a sum equal to that of the loan in order to cover the percentage. In 40 years it will have paid twice; and in 60 thrice that amount, but the loan will still remain as an unpaid debt."
— "Protocols," p. 77.

[End Quote from Protocols on Loans]


[Start Quote from Dialogues on Loans]

MONTESQUIEU.—"How are loans made? By the issue of bonds entailing on the Government the obligation to pay interest proportionate to the capital it has been paid. Thus, if a loan is at 5 per cent., the State, after 20 years, has paid out a sum equal to the borrowed capital. When 40 years have expired it has paid double, after 60 years triple: yet it remains debtor for the entire capital sum."—"Geneva Dialogues," p. 250.

[End Quote from Dialogues on Loans]

But generally speaking "Protocols" 20 and 21, which deal (somewhat unconvincingly) with the financial programme of the Learned Elders, owe less to the "Geneva Dialogues," Nos. 18-21, than to the imagination of the plagiarist author who had for once in a way to show a little originality. This is natural enough since the "Dialogues" in question describe the actual financial policy of the French Imperial Government, while the "Protocols" deal with the future. Again in the last four "Geneva Dialogues" Machiavelli’s apotheosis of the Second Empire, being based upon historical facts which took place between 1852 and 1864, obviously furnished scanty material for the plagiarist who wished to prove or, very possibly, had been ordered to prove in the "Protocols" that the ultimate aim of the leaders of Jewry was to give the world a ruler sprung from the House of David.

The scores of parallels between the two books and a theory concerning the methods of the plagiarist and the reasons for the publication of the "Protocols" in 1905 will be the subject of further articles. Meanwhile it is amusing to find that the only subject with which the "Protocols" deal on lines quite contrary to those followed by Machiavelli in the "Dialogues," is the private life of the Sovereign. The last words of the "Protocols" are "Our Sovereign must be irreproachable." The Elders evidently propose to keep the King of Israel in great order. The historical Machiavelli was, we know, rather a scandalous old gentleman, and his shade insists that amorous adventures, so far from injuring a Sovereign’s reputation, make him an object of interest and sympathy to "the fairest half of his subjects."

(To be continued.)
on Dec 15, 2003
on Dec 16, 2003
I think it is great that he will end up facing some kind of justice in the end. Exactly who will provide it and decide what it should be is up in the air at this point.

I also feel that people need to sit back and take the past actions of the different administrations of the US when it comes to foreign policy and interests of National Security being used as a means to promote and fund War by proxy.

Saddam did in fact make use of WDMs when he ordered Gas attacks on the Iranians, Kurds and others. But he did so with WDMs provided to him by the US in that past. I do not mean to say there is any reason for the US to take upon itself any of the responsibility for his using these weapons. But we are responsible for providing them to him in the first place. Which is something we should never allow to happen again.

Saddam is not the only one who should face the courts, everyone under his command in the upper chain of command that took part in these atrocities should face the charges. I hope this is in fact what ends up being the case...
on Dec 16, 2003

Long winded junk deleted.
on Dec 16, 2003
Dude, you gotta get out more!

You know what I never understood about anti-semites?
The Bible clearly states that they are God's people. It is written in more than one place that the world will always persecute them.
I can't comprehend how a God-fearing person can side against them, regardless of past mistakes, and still consider themselves Christians. That is where Hilter's regime proved their stupidity. They thought they were doing God a favor or something. I have tried to understand where they were coming from, but I don't it's possible to. No other way to look at the Third Reich. They were the forces of darkness, no one else would do what they did to people. Unless of course you don't believe all that actually happened. Try talking to some WWII vets who saw the death camps and mass graves.

Interesting and intriguing reading though, even if is doesn't seem like the proper place for it. I will definitely paste it in a text file for later reading.
Just try not to get too deep into all that JD Rockefeller crap, true or not, it will drive you nuts.

It even has you questioning the value of capturing this evil bastard.
A fitting end for an egotistical psycopath. Hard for us humans with half a heart not to pity his image a little, he looks so broken (heh!), if you DON'T think about all he has done. The only reason I would even consider questioning his execution, is that it seems like death is too good for him. If they do execute him though, it should be a public one.
Time to assasinate that N Korean freako now, and their ppl enjoy the freedom the South Koreans now enjoy!

God Bless America!
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