Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The live capture of Saddam Hussein will force the world to come to grips with the horror's of Saddam's Iraq
Published on December 14, 2003 By Draginol In Current Events
Saddam Hussein as captured during a lightning raid that apparently caught him quite unawares last night. CNN has a story on it here. This is good news on many levels.  For one thing, as there is likely to be a trial for his war crimes, there will finally be more attention given to the horrors committed by this man and his regime.  Opponents to the war in Iraq have been amazingly silent on all the evidence of mass murders committed by Saddam.  The one that chilled me to the bone was a mass grave in which a little girl was found still clutching a doll -- she was buried alive.

Saddam has been defiant about this already and responded, "They were thieves." Yea, all those women and children stealing...something..."  There will be plenty of shame to go around to those journalists, protesters, and others who turned a blind eye to the horrors perpetuated by Saddam against innocents.  A blind eye so that they could focus their ire on Bush. 

No doubt the fixation on Weapons of Mass Destruction, one of many reasons given for the toppling of Saddam, will still get plenty of coverage.  But I seem to recall little outrage over Kosovo when it turned out there was zero evidence of "ethnic" cleansing. A couple of mass graves with a few hundred young men in them was about the extent of "genocide" in Kosovo.  Were there street demonstrations in Europe and the United States over bombing civilians in Serbia over this? Nope.

Which makes one wonder -- do the people who are against the war in Iraq simply blinded by their hatred of Bush or are they racist? Racist in the sense that the mass deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents by Saddam's regime isn't that big of a deal because they're not white?  After all, most of the anti-war people also propose turning everything over to the UN. The same UN that stood by and watched hundreds of thousands of people slaughtered in Rwanda. Of course, those people weren't white. You see the pattern here? There's really only two likely scenarios: Either these people don't really think killing of non-white people is a big deal or they hate George W. Bush so much that it's clouding their rational thinking.  I tend to think it's a bit of both.

The capture of Saddam will bring to light the horrors of Saddam's Iraq. It will be incredibly difficult to sweep the atrocities under the rug (like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have done with their selective recount of war crimes). People around the world will finally have to come to grips that the United States did the right thing when it liberated Iraq from one of the most brutal monsters in history.  Certainly not the primary objective for US forces but one that cannot be denied nonetheless.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 17, 2003
Angel, you are one sick puppy, and i hope you die as confused as you live right now.

Saddam being captured is a good thing, but I fear that for anyone in the States it will raise more questions than answers, given that your (not zionist) government perpetuated his regime for years before deciding he didn't fit any more.

Still, no change there then, given that your foreign policy only ever exists to supplement your domestic political nightmares, rather than be designed to benefit the rest of the world.
on Dec 17, 2003
Angel's posts are nothing more than generated arguements being posted on a topic that has nothing to do with the topic, itself. Copy And Paste propaganda. I've seen quite of this on the blogs, but why doesn't anyone say anything about it?
on Dec 19, 2003
Angel = Energizer Bunny of Foolishness
on Dec 19, 2003
I think it does a disservice to humanity to have to scroll through Angels, or Apples, long winded “Jibba Jabba,” a word eloquently coined by Mr. T.

I pity the fool who talk Jibba Jabba.
on Dec 21, 2003
Alex Jones Interviews Stanley Hilton

Full transcript March 11 2003

AJ: He has a busy schedule. He’s been in court, all last week and all this week. We had him on about a year ago. He’s Stanley Hilton.
He was brutally attacked by the big government pimps Hannity and Colmes.
He was a senior advisor for Bob Dole, counsel for Bob Dole and others in the Republican Party. He’s an expert on government-sponsored terrorism and has written a book about it, throughout history. And he now has new revelations never before revealed from his depositions of witnesses involved in and around 9/11. He represents over 400 of the victims of 9/11’s families and he has been given almost no attention. While some of the other groups headed by well-known PR bureaucrats, we’ve had them on the show, as well, are trying to suppress this information. Joining us is Stanley Hilton. We are honored to have you on the show Stanley.

SH: Glad to be here.

AJ: Tell us just a little bit about yourself, your lawsuit, recap what we covered last year and in the last year. Tell us what’s developed with the lawsuit and the new revelations that you told me about on the phone.

SH: Well, we filed the lawsuit last May against Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and several other of the rest of the terrorists that run the U.S. government for complicity in causing and also in aiding and abetting the 9/11 attacks, in order to promote their political agenda. And, we are in the process, you know these lawsuits, they come and they go in terms of level of activity. And most of it is done, you know, in confidential, called discovery, litigation that is depositions under oath, battles in court to get documents. We are facing very strong resistance from the government. They are claiming national security over everything. They claim they don’t want to release documents, etc. But I represent the people who were victimized by what the government did. I’m also challenging the constitutionality of the so-called USA PATRIOT Act, they call it; the anti-patriot act is what I call it. And Patriot Act I and II, with II in the wings, which the government plans to introduce this year, which will be even more severe than Patriot Act I. And this new one, Patriot Act II, they are going to give Bush the right to declare any American citizen a “enemy combatant” arbitrarily. And then take away your citizenship. This will give the government the power to literally strip any American of citizenship if Bush says you’re an enemy combatant, ie: political opponent of the government. So anyway , we saw some very interesting documents and memoranda, including several of those advisors around Bush, namely Wolfowitz, Wormser, Feith, Perle, the rest of them. And they actually wrote these memos several months before 9/11, in which they fervently wished for a “Pearl Harbor type incident” to give them the shock value that would enable them to ramp through their agenda.

AJ: And this you told me last week before this was on ABC News that you have gotten some of this information through depositions and some other little tidbits that haven’t been disclosed. But also, you talked about how you deposed, you got the marriage certificates, the evidence, the photographs - a woman who was married to one of the hijackers. You talked to what you said were six or eight people who were connected to them. And then we have the news articles where the FBI gave them homes, paid their rent, followed them around. We know Israel was involved in similar things. Can you speak to that please?

SH: Yes, I do have a witness who was married, she’s an American woman, but she was married to one of the hijackers and she knew about seven of them. She met seven of them. Essentially these Arab hijackers were double agents. That is, they were operating inside the U.S. for ten to fifteen years in “cells”. Some of them used the term al Qaeda, they’ve used other terms. Al Qaeda is just a word. That means nothing. You could call them the Muslim Brotherhood, the Army of God, they go by all sorts of names. But what they are is a series of cells that have been aided and abetted by the U.S. Government. This woman was involved also, married to him at the time of the 1993 World Trade Center first bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing when her “ex-husband” actually traveled to Oklahoma City several weeks before the bombings. And they were involved, apparently, in that.

But what we have here is double agents. In that they nominally appear to be Arab fanatics. But one of the points that she stressed is they are really not Muslims. They are more interested in Playboy than in the Koran. I mean these people drink. They are very secular. They are not the fanatical Muslim zealots that the Bush criminals would lead us to believe is what’s operating here. What they are is they receive regular payments from the U.S. Government. They have been recruited by the CIA, FBI, counter-intelligence, and so-forth and paid money and allowed to exchange information with U.S. government agents about various activities going on and....

AJ: Let me stop you right there Mr. Hilton. Everything you said was already backed up by mainstream reports. You’ve gotten it now, in sworn testimony in depositions under oath. But something that everybody wants to ignore is that three of the hijackers, at least, were trained at Pensacola Naval Air Station not at a local airfield - on the base, by the government, at least. Now we find out that eight of the hijackers under names we heard are still alive in the Middle East, on television doing interviews. You know, their faces, their names, same people. We have then Mohamed Atta being sent over to the Defense Language School at Monterrey. You talked to Steven Butler.

SH: Yeah.

AJ: The Colonel there, the Dean of the school. So, we know this. And then I have the stories on, in in the 9/11 archives, which is a great research tool for anybody, where they admit - FBI paid for their houses, FBI lived with them, Mossad lived with them. Now, you’re saying double agents. And you’re saying what we already had the pieces of here without your depositions, but it’s a great confirmation, that they’re involved in World Trade Center I in ’93 and Oklahoma City. But here’s the deal, the FBI cooked the bomb, trained the driver, gave the guys the detonators in the first World Trade Center. We know that. That’s in the New York Times. We know that the feds were inside planting the bombs at Oklahoma City and had these Iraqis outside with McVeigh. I’ve talked to police, the FBI. So when you say double agent, I would venture to say that these are double agents who were still alive who were just seen at the scene of the crime while the globalists militarily carry out the attacks themselves. That’s where the evidence points. But what you’ve proven and what the news has proven is they at least received payments and training and protection and the FBI has been told not to stop these al Qaeda groups. Go ahead.

SH: Yeah, the witness I was talking about, personally met Atta - two Attas - Mohamed and the younger brother. And they are alleged to be two of the ones on the airliners. You know, the thing is, these individuals are, in my view, “patsies”. That is, they were paid by the government. I don’t believe that they themselves flew the planes into, as I said previously, allegations are that the government has this device that we codename Cyclops that allows, from an airbase nearby, to disable the pilot’s control of an airliners and to fly them by remote control.

AJ: That’s admitted. It’s decades old. It’s called Global Hawk.

SH: Yeah, Global Hawk, right. Of course, the government denied that it’s “deployed”. They say they’ve got the technology but they haven’t deployed it.

AJ: Let me stop you. Let me stop you. This is really key, Sir. We are so honored to have you. I’ve really studied this and I want to give you.. You probably already have and I want to reiterate it for the listeners. Bush, two days after the attack at a speech in New York said that in the future we can remote control these planes and land them so this doesn’t happen. And someone reached up and physically grabbed him by the arm and made him shut-up. And, if you’ve seen “The Masters of Terror,” we have the two Associated Press articles, after you were on our show and brought this up that you have this from inside military officers.....

SH: Yes.

AJ: Suddenly, they had a cover story and two AP articles in the New York Daily News, all in the film, where they said, “Lo and behold, 8:30 in the morning, the CIA was running a drill of flying jetliners into buildings in New York and D.C.” It just so happened at that very minute they were running this and it just so happened that NORAD stood down for an hour and half, the 58 minutes in different cases. I mean it’s incredible when you add all this together. Go ahead.

SH: Yeah, that’s right. The official government party line is, the first line of defense is the cause and effect of science fiction doesn’t exist. But that’s a total lie. Anybody that works - and I’ve spoken to hundreds of mechanics and maintenance managers at United Airlines and American Airlines and several others and they all confirm that technology exists.

AJ: Well, how do drones operate? The company is in Fort Worth.

SH: Sure, sure, the question is has it been deployed. The answer is: yes, it has. I have one witness who was on the very same United aircraft from Newark, New Jersey to San Francisco, four days before September 11th, and observed certain individuals on that plane who were then later claimed to be the hijackers. He observed them speaking with the government agents.

AJ: Is that Mr. Woods?

SH: I can’t disclose names on that right now.

AJ: And then, he was threatened. I don’t know if it is Woods but Woods said, he....

SH: No, it’s not Woods. It’s someone else. It’s someone else. This is a civilian.

AJ: But with Woods, the famous actor, (garbled) and this is a problem, the FBI came and said you tell anybody about this and you are going to jail.

SH: Well yes, that’s right. The anti-Patriot Act I and II, as I call them, are the tools which are very similar to what happened in Nazi Germany, Hitler’s enabling act after the Reichstag fire. It gave him dictatorial power. That’s the goal here. That’s the end run. This is what we have to look at here - what their purpose ultimately is. I mean this attempt to invade Iraq now, for no purpose, is coming I guess next week or the week after, is just starting. This was planned long before 9/11. These people around Wolfowitz and so forth. I mean I went to school with Wolfowitz. I was at the same university in the late ‘60s when he was very active with the Israelis over there at the University of Chicago. He was pursuing a PhD and these people have an agenda. It’s not an agenda that helps the America people; it’s an attempt to use this country and its power, to wreck this country, in the service of another nefarious and ulterior goal.

AJ: Now, Mr. Hilton, there is a lot to cover. Can we just go through your depositions and this is incredibly dangerous. You have incredible, amazing honor and will, and I mean this Sir. God bless you. People like you are going to save this country. Your witnesses do...You know what you are doing is very, very dangerous. I’m going to be honest with you, I hope you have large life insurance policies.

SH: (Laughs)

AJ: I need them too, but no, what you are really doing pierces the veil and you are on target. But there is so many of us now, it’s why they are on the run and we are on the march. Go down some of the key stuff you’ve got in depositions. I don’t want to give your whole case away..

SH: Well, as I mentioned, the individual on the aircraft that was later hijacked, four days later - same flight, same destination - Newark to San Francisco - what he observed, what others on that plane, including United flight attendants observed, were these individuals who four days later were said to be on the plane that crashed it. And they’re government controlled - and there is this term “trade craft,” meaning basically spying, counter spying. And one of the terms in trade craft is control. These Arabs that were alleged to have done it had controls and some of our discovery has identified some of these people. They are FBI and CIA agents who...

AJ: So they had control - actual agents or case officers and they had their little minion drones with them.

SH: Yeah, these people operated in cells. The cells are from six to twelve individuals. And the cells move around, for instance, from Portland, Oregon to San Diego. It’s just one example. But they didn’t move all six to twelve of them by chance. They were instructed to do it. They were at locations or schools or apartments, etc., that were bought here. Again, this is from a direct eyewitness. This has been verified with marriage certificates, documents, photographs - photographs with bin Laden and his brothers.

AJ: Paid for by the U.S. Government. That’s official.

SH: Yeah.

AJ: Associated Press, Washington Post and they just kind of brush that over.

SH: See the thing is that you look back in ’93 and ’95, Oklahoma City, World Trade Center, and you say well Clinton was in power; whereas now it’s Bush. So you say well how could it be the same players here? The answer is that the shadow government transcends individual political puppets that occupy 1600 Pennsylvania. I mean it doesn’t really make much difference whether it’s Clinton or Bush. The shadow government, as I call it, essentially is continuous. These bureaucrats that you’ve got there at the Pentagon, State Dept., White House, etc., they stay on. They stay on from administration to administration pursuing a certain agenda. And I think this is all part of a pattern. And the latest example, manifestation was 9/11. You’ve got that and the anthrax attack which happened immediately right after 9/11.

AJ: Well that turns out - the most weaponized form of anthrax ever seen, U.S. Government patented design. It is incredibly small microns, levels, coated in bentonite, sent and then Bush is on Cipro, the anthrax antibiotic on September 10th, with his cabinet. Judicial Watch tries to serve a summons to depose the press secretary who admitted this and they tell them at the front gate, you’ll be arrested if you depose us. Did you hear about that?

SH: Yes, I did.

AJ: Stay there. I mean Clinton didn’t even do that. Stanley Hilton, an amazing man, we'll be right back.


AJ: And we will take your calls for Mr. Hilton in the next hour. Again, this guy knows what he’s talking about. He has worked with some of the highest levels in the U.S. government, in the U.S. Senate. He was counsel to Bob Dole. He is a good American. He knows tyranny when he sees it; same thing with me. Again, I’ve been a Republican for years but I’m not this type of a Republican. I love America and the Bill of Rights. These neocons are the worst of Stalin and Hitler, rolled into one. And I’m not using those terms for effect. These are scary people. Mr. Hilton, from your experience, what types of groups of people, the shadow government, which they just announced, remember last year, that we’ve known about for years. And what does the shadow government want this world to be like?

SH: Basically a one-world globalist tyranny controlled by them, of course, the neocons, neo-conservatives. But they are not really conservatives; they are radicals because they are seeking a radical destruction of our way of life for the last two-hundred years. They’re are basically introducing an alien anti-American form of tyranny which has more to do with old Europe and Asia than it has to do with this country. The ultimate goal, of course, is to advance their own agenda. Certainly, the extension of Israel’s borders from the Nile to the Euphrates as they say the Bible mandates is certainly a major goal. No question about it. Emulation of Sharon’s government in Israel to turn the U.S. into sort of a super Israel, I think is another purpose. And if you look at what’s going on now with the propaganda war - all this 9/11 exaggerations and lies and so forth by these criminals around Bush. That is certainly aimed at the agenda of territorial expansion of Israel in the Middle East - the major goal, there is no question about it.

AJ: You know that’s a key motive that I haven’t talked enough about. We do have the trillions of dollars of oil, the weapons sales, the $1.7 to 1.9 trillion cost of a 5-year occupation paid into the Carlyle Group and others. The domestic police state crackdown, the smokescreen for economic collapse while they consolidate, while they suck Enron and other companies dry. They can declare national security on investigations of that. But I would agree with you about Israel because what makes me lean more toward what you’re saying is that it’s being one of the central crown jewels or the star of the crown, one of the big ones, the head piece, is that the announcement three months ago by Reuters, by Israel, that the government is going to let us kill American citizens in America. No judge, no jury, no nothing, they’re just going to kill us. And now at Janes’ weapons, this is mainstream, you know the big world weapons tracker, came out about Israel and others, so did the Times of London, with race specific viruses and bacteria to kill other races other than themselves. That is the ultimate of Hitlerian-type activities.

SH: Well, the term that has been used is Zionazis, I think it’s an apt term - Zionazis. And I think it’s ironic because the Nazis based their theory on the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which are alleged to have been shaped by Czar claiming the Jews wanted world conflict. Now we’ve got the complete reverse, where the current Zionazis of Israel and their friends here in the Bush administration and elsewhere are emulating Hitler. It’s come full circle. Essentially it is the same thing, whether you call them Jews or non-Jews. The point is it’s the same ideology - tyranny....

AJ: Yeah, it could be Chinese, you know you said the Asian model. It’s just old fashion, Egyptian, Babylonian, ancient tyranny.

SH: Yeah, Hitler used the word Jew. Today the word we are using terrorist. This term terrorist can apply to anybody. As I said, they are attempting to legalize it just as Hitler had the 1935 Nuremberg laws that outlawed the Jews. Well, now they are trying to come out with an anti-patriot laws to outlaw any kind of dissent and to call you a terrorist if you attack Bush or these criminals around him - these alien criminals. And I think the agenda is clear - it is to turn the American people into Palestinian slaves. I mean that’s the way it seems to me - just as the Israelis are treating the Palestinians there as sub-humans....

AJ: And then to legitimize that, they founded Hamas, which is now admitted. We’ll be right back, stay with us.


on Dec 26, 2003
AJ: Whether it’s Adolf Hitler or Saddam Hussein, the globalists, the New World Order is funded and trained them to bring you the crises, so they can offer their solution: world government. We are talking to Stanley Hilton. He is the lawyer for over 400 of the victims’ families of 9/11. He is suing the government, not just for prior knowledge, but for complicity. He now, on recap, has the evidence from depositions, government agents, you name it, wives of supposed hijackers, that they were paid, funded, housed, protected by the U.S. government. That’s all come out in mainstream news - but a piece here and a piece there: “Oh, the FBI, in a strange twist, owned the houses that the hijackers lived in and paid them. In another twist, there were trained at a secret military program at Pensacola.” On and on and on. The LA Times, before the attacks, Bush gives $134 million to the Taliban. They’re in business together, the bin Ladens are in satellites and oil and they just bought, through the Carlyle Group, Universal Studios. And they are buying up radio networks and TV. We’ve got all this happening and when you add it all together.... Mr. Hilton, have you heard them talk about how torture is good? And as if that’s not enough of terrorist suspects, now they want to torture terrorist suspects’ children but the Patriot Act, in Section 802, says that any action that endangers human life and is a violation of any federal or state law. As a lawyer, as Bob Doles’ former chief counsel, what does that mean when the definition is any action that endangers human life, that’s a violation of federal or state law? This isn’t just going to be the Arabs that get tortured, is it?

SH: No, itÂ’s just a blank check for the government to completely destroy democracy and torture any dissenter. You know, Alan Dershowitz, the so-called professor of law at Harvard, which is my alma mater, at Harvard University Law School. HeÂ’s the one who is coming out with calling for torture. I believe he testified before a Senate Committee a few weeks ago...

AJ: Stick needles under their fingers..

SH: Yeah. Well, you know, him and his book of chutzpah and elsewhere, there is another Israeli firster, dual loyalist. But, I donÂ’t know if I should use the term dual loyalist; I think rather Israeli loyalist. I mean these are the people behind this. They use this....

AJ: Well, it is bazaar, it was Abrams, on the Abrams Report, on MSNBC, said “let’s torture people’s children.” I’m sorry, torturing children is wrong. We are seeing this unified Nazi-like, weird race thing.

SH: Yeah. Well, I hope this will backfire on them because this is outrageous. ItÂ’s an attempt to, thereÂ’s a word in Hebrew called Goyim, which means non-Jews, it means cattle. I think that summarizes it all. You know, you torture the cattle. What difference does it make? TheyÂ’re not the master race so you canÂ’t have first class citizenship in Israel unless you are born from a Jewish mother. Now if thatÂ’s not racism, you tell me what it is. These are the people we are dying for. I mean thatÂ’s the law of Israel. You can be born in Milwaukee and as long as your mother is Jewish, you can become an Israeli citizen. But if you are born in Jerusalem and you donÂ’t have a Jewish mother, you canÂ’t. But you tell me if thatÂ’s not racist.

AJ: Israel has got a big problem because the left-wing has woken up to the incredible racism we are dealing with here. And whether itÂ’s Hitler or Jiang Zemin or Israel involved in all this, itÂ’s wrong. Now, and when they say they are going to come in here and kill American citizens with no trial, if it was Russians doing that, would we put up with it?

SH: Well, Russia is our friend now. Bush is cozying up to Putin now. I guess Chechnya, genocide Chechnya is okay because there are terrorists there. Why are these people suddenly our friends? I thought the whole cold war for 50 years....

AJ: And by the way, Putin got his war, he was caught blowing up apartment buildings. ThatÂ’s mainstream news, blaming it on the Chechens.

SH: --and theatres. Putin is just another version of the Russian Czars and the commissars, and so on. These are people who are being presented as friends and Bush is saying he is looking into this fellowÂ’s eyes and seeing a great man. Putin is an ex-KGB person, what do you expect from him? These people are being presented as models for this government; these are the individuals calling for torture who are supposed to be leading this country.

AJ: Totally sick. WeÂ’ll come back and take calls and recap some of the top news.


AJ: We are talking to Stanley Hilton, chief counsel to Bob Dole, one of the architects of the Strategic Petroleum Initiative, to get that set up. And, of course, he is a Harvard graduate, he represents 400 of the victims’ families, according to press reports - over 400 of the victims’ families of 9/11. And he isn’t charging prior knowledge. He has the evidence, he’s done the depositions on the facts, ladies and gentleman. Confirmed by news articles that already came out, he just wanted to document it for himself, that the FBI and CIA handles and controls radical Islam. Yitzhak Rabin, right before he was assassinated by Mossad, was a good man for telling the truth, said, “I apologize.” He said it at Tel Aviv University, the Jerusalem Post reported, for the fact that Israel founded Hamas to destabilize the region so there could never be a true peace. So, whether it’s Bush or the Communist Chinese or the radical Israelis, these globalists need crises, they want war, they want slavery, they want this to happen and it’s happening - whether you’re Bush or Ariel Sharon, they are all together in this New World Order. And when they start talking about torturing terrorist suspects, children, and assassinating Americans, that’s when I come out and say no.

I know weÂ’ve got Andy and Jackie and Gordon and Dan, theyÂ’ve all been holding wanting to talk to you. Any other key depositions youÂ’ve done, not just with military officers or witnesses of the feds protecting the hijackers on planes and training them or people inside the airlines with the Global Hawk on these aircraft, all of this, break it down. Any other key smoking gun pieces of evidence and whereÂ’s your lawsuit going. I read in the press, the government is declaring national security on that and on the fire fighter tapes, that recorded bombs going off. They first said all the tapes malfunctioned. It turns out they were all there, grabbed by Bush. Could you break all this down for us. Any other key areas?

SH: You know there is a lot of this that I canÂ’t really talk about on the air for obvious reasons. But I think the evidence is building as we are going to eventually get it out to the light of day in public trial - which we hope to bring next year, here in the federal court. Also, itÂ’s part of larger agenda, but whatÂ’s really going is we hope to examine the constitutionality of this anti-patriot act because itÂ’s clearly unconstitutional. The Eighth Amendment says you canÂ’t use cruel or unusual punishment. But Dershowitz and his pals, and his friends around Bush, of course, donÂ’t think that means a damn thing. And they want to bring about a lawless society under the guise of laws. And itÂ’s really largely political but I think the evidence will show that these criminals are not only going to be removed from power but brought to justice for their crimes, including mass murder and attempting to destroy this countryÂ’s democracy.

AJ: Well, I would say our constitutional republic. Mr. Hilton, I would add to that that across the board here, you read Patriot Act II. And IÂ’ve written an analysis of it, on I mean it says they can grab you for any reason not even knowing if you aided a terrorist. Grab you - not ever telling when they grabbed you - you are a missing person. And then itÂ’s got a subsection on secret executions.

SH: Yeah, this sounds like something out of a bad science fiction novel. But, throughout history, totalitarian regimes abuse terror as they instrument a state policy and thatÂ’s what we have today. ItÂ’s just a continuation of history. I mean the czars in Russian used it, the Nazis used it, the communists used it. ItÂ’s nothing new. This is just a new guise. They are bringing about selective terror. I would suspect that they will try something again, maybe not quite as spectacular as 9/11 but certainly something of that nature to try again to galvanize, whatÂ’s called GSR, galvanic skin response, to get the people scared to death so they will give up more and more of their rights. But itÂ’s all an illusion. What we need to do is get rid of these criminals, bring them to justice, have them arrested under a real tribunal and put them on trial for their crimes against not only the people, but their crimes against humanity.

AJ: Well, itÂ’s amazing. You know the world is getting wise to this. The majority of people in Europe and IÂ’ve read the polls, are saying the globalists carried 9/11 out.

SH: Oh yeah.

AJ: So whereÂ’s your suit going? I mean how are they trying to block it using national security?

SH: By refusing to give us documents that we have subpoenaed, documents that we have demanded by the regular court processes, by claiming that there is a national security override. They have also attempted to bribe several of the plaintiffs. One of the fellows I used to work with in the U.S. Senate, named Ken Feinberg, heÂ’s in charge of handing out what I call sugar-coated bribes. That is monetary awards to any of the victims of 9/11 and their families who will drop their suits or waive their right to sue. And, in fact, some of them have brought suit against Ken. I know the guy personally because I used to work with him on the Senate Judiciary Committee. And thatÂ’s one of the things they try to do. But as far as my suit is concerned, they are trying to raise this blanket of national security and so a lot of it is involved in the litigation process and so forth. They can claim to hide everything, to hide what they are doing. ThatÂ’s just a word. It means nothing - national security - what does that mean? Especially when we are accusing these very individuals of sabotaging the national security of this country to pursue their own political objective.

AJ: Well, the new Patriot Act gets rid of almost all civil rights suits and court orders and gives them total immunity. Just like Bush, in Homeland Security, gave vaccine makers immunity for autism class action suits. YouÂ’re right, itÂ’s criminals giving themselves immunity.

SH: That’s right. Well, of course, you know in Nazi Germany you can’t sue Hitler. Did anybody try to sue Hitler? No, he got immunity, too. And the same is true of the communists or czarist Russia, Mao Tse-tung in China, what have you, you cannot enforce your rights unless you can bring these criminals to justice in a court of law. And they are trying to take away that right - not only in that way but in many other ways. They are trying to attack so-called “trial lawyers” - totally take away people’s rights, to con them into believing that if you just blindly follow Bush, make Bush a god, and it is really very frightening.

AJ: What did you think - because I had Judicial Watch on - Judicial Watch is suing Bush for the workers there at the post office who wouldnÂ’t get treatment even after the anthrax attacks were going. It turns out Bush and his cabinet were on Cipro. Judical Watch twice tried to serve papers to the White House press secretary who admitted in the press conference October 10th, 2001, that they were all on Cipro. And they tried to deliver this subpoena for the deposition and they said weÂ’ll arrest you. This was in the news, under the Patriot Act, if you drop that subpoena. Now Clinton would accept subpoenas. Now they are threatening to arrest people for terrorism if they give somebody a subpoena.

SH: Well, itÂ’s absurd but itÂ’s like the situation in the Albany, New York mall where they arrested a guy for wearing a peace t-shirt. We are clearly losing civil liberties here. ItÂ’s just really awful. The way you do that, you undermine like a termite, you undermine and destroy the foundation of peopleÂ’s freedom. I have a client here in San Francisco who was fired by Neiman Marcus a couple of weeks ago because he was distributing some of your literature, Alex, like your videotapes and some of those deception dollars - that has BushÂ’s face as basically a war criminal and as a big brother. And these people arrested him, they put him in handcuffs, they beat him up, they escorted him out of there and they fired him. And they said the country is in war.

AJ: By the way, he is a listener of this show, Abel Ash (?). When the security guy walked him in - he was doing this during his lunch break which everybody was doing. And everybody was giving stuff out during lunch break. And they said to him, you are not allowed to do this. You are not allowed to speak out. We are at war, you canÂ’t do that. And then they fired him. So it shows the mindset, the insane mindset.

SH: Yeah, well itÂ’s pretty much like the analogy of termites. The criminals, what they are doing is they are sending out the termites to undermine the foundation of the country. Just as with termites, you can think there is a brilliant house there that is a house ready to collapse because of the rot inside. ThatÂ’s whatÂ’s happening here in this country - itÂ’s rotting away and these termites are conning average citizens and security guards, mall guards to go out against people and they are saying put an American flag, bumper sticker, on and that makes you a patriot. Meanwhile you are destroying the very principles the flag is supposed to represent.

AJ: There you go. The listeners are very patient. Can we take some calls?

SH: Sure.

AJ: Andy in Ohio, and then Jackie, Gordan, Dan and Kevin. Go ahead Andy.

Andy: Hey Alex, itÂ’s good to talk to you.

AJ: You bet. You are on the air with our guest.

Andy: IÂ’m really pleased to talk to you, Mr. Hilton.

SH: Thank you.

Andy: And I wanted to ask you, do you think that the, on September 11th, were there hijackers on those planes or not?

SH: You know, thatÂ’s hard to say since weÂ’ve never seen, from the legal point of view, the bodies. There have never been autopsies. They have never identified bodies.

AJ: There was a passport found in the ruble, uncharred. ItÂ’s turns out eight of the nineteen are still alive. ItÂ’s clear they are patsies, as he said, just seen on camera. We know that. What he is focusing on is: who paid their rent? The FBI. Who protected them? Who told FBI not to stop them? The FBI, the CIA, W199I, Bush. Is that what you are saying Mr. Hilton? You could prove they worked for the U.S. government.

SH: Oh yes, they were on the government payroll. There is no question, as I said earlier, double agents. In some cases, triple agents. But, the point is that what we have here is a situation where, in my opinion, some of those alleged nineteen were on the plane, some were not. The person who used to be married to my witness, for example, we have some evidence to believe that he is still alive, that he has contacted her. And so how could he be dead in a crash when he is contacting her now? I mean, this is the kind of stuff we are dealing with now. These are individuals who were groomed by the U.S. government and they were protected.

AJ: And you said you have depositions that they were involved in Oklahoma City and World Trade I.

SH: Yeah, that they took trips out there shortly before the April 19th, 1995 bombing, etc., etc. Even the date there, HitlerÂ’s birthday being April 20th, you know that was all, of course, it canÂ’t be anti-Semitism because Hitler is the anti-Semite. So that....

AJ: So they are trying to blame it on the right-wing using Islamic proxies. Now we see the story being circulated that the real right-wing that is fighting the New World Order is connected to Saddam. And why would Clinton, after these guys were arrested by good FBI, order their release and why wouldnÂ’t the feds release the surveillance camera footage of them bombing the building? Correct, Stanley?

SH: Oh yes, yes.

(under fade-out music)
AJ: So surely, government operatives being protected and later being linked up with the American people to sic homeland security on, letÂ’s face it, white people, to get you trained to accept it, to get the Arabs, now itÂ’s for everybody.

on Dec 27, 2003
you hate the guy fine, your ryrs can see only one side of the story, here we go I go to the pob, the bar man gave me free drink, he keeps gaving me all the times and I keep going to visit him, fundementally I like this this guy because he gave me something and he likes me, so if the whole world comes and says he is an asswhole, I am the first to say NO.... for no reason is just because the guy( the barman) was so nice to me....
back to our story what exactly does mr SADDAM TO YOU ,, personally?
who in this world does respect his own people fully? does mr bush listen to the anti war demo, does mr blair consern about the voice of brits who appose the involvement in iraq?

does mr sharon listen to the wise israelis who want to do fully peace with the arabs ?

I doubt.....

we learn from history, that no way you will be happy with barman unless he keeps giving you...

by the way one day we will know all about this captured movie, which was badly directed
on Jan 03, 2004
Yes, nice to see Saddam captured. Definitely a bad dude.

Hopefully, he'll give up these "weapons of mass destruction".

Would have been nice if Bush had been more truthful at the outset and said, "Hey, we don't know if he's got them, but we're tired of getting yanked around."

Now, of course, Bush's credibility is suspect in the rest of the world, and even the reigning superpower could use a few friends (and not of the co-opted, black-mailed, variety "either your for us, or your against us) to help with some long-term projects seriously needing attention.

Anyway, maybe Bush will realize that even while the UN structure needs modernization and reform, it can still help in the world. Then maybe Bush will direct the government to pay up their back-owed dues.

None of which diminishes the good result of getting Saddam out of power, and of actually capturing him.

on Jan 07, 2004
You are absolutely right on all accounts. I have even heard people say that Saddam looks so sad and remorseful because of his appearance after they dug him out of his little hole. Once again goes to show that the media and other liberals tend to react with their emotions rather than using rational thought and logic to decipher a situation.
on Mar 11, 2004
That piece on the Protocols was absolutely eye-opening! Wow!
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