Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
We're all Hitlers
Published on November 17, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

I have friends that claim that the right is just as bad as the left when it comes to kooks.  Yet, when asked for specifics they vaguely allude to Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter or when really desperate some Christian religious zealot (as if being religious makes you right wing).

Yet time and time again we end up hearing left wingers singing the same hateful crap: Those of us who voted for Bush are stupid, moronic, unenligthened, and ignorant.

Today's example comes from Linda Rondstadt:

“People don’t realize that by voting Republican, they voted against themselves,” she says. Of Iraq in particular, she adds, “I worry that some people are entertained by the idea of this war. They don’t know anything about the Iraqis, but they’re angry and frustrated in their own lives. It’s like Germany, before Hitler took over. The economy was bad and people felt kicked around. They looked for a scapegoat. Now we’ve got a new bunch of Hitlers.”

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on Nov 17, 2004
"Yet time and time again we end up hearing left wingers singing the same hateful crap: Those of us who voted for Bush are stupid, moronic, unenligthened, and ignorant."

I received this in my email today from a good friend of mine. It pretty much sums up how left wingers feel about Bush and the election:

>FYI - H.L. Mencken's cynical prediction below has sadly come true. 52% of
>> these plain folks prevailed. Only morons would equate war, increased
>> poverty, a record deficit, and greater pollution with a "values" President.

>> RS
>>> > "As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents,
>>> > more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and
>>> > glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's
>>> > desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright
>>> > moron." H.L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)

Yes, I really do agree with Mencken. And with RS. Fact is, we do sing the this hateful crap, because we really, really do hate Bush, Cheney and the rest of those right wing morons now in office for the reasons so succinctly stated above. Yup, "morons" fits like a glove.
on Nov 17, 2004
I'm going to jump in here and say . . . no, this is not how I feel about my fellow Americans.

There are reasons why I hold my point of view just as there are reasons why those who voted for Bush hold theirs. They are not ignorant or stupid or evil. I don't agree with their point of view, but I understand that different life experiences shape us all. Everyone is certain that their view is right and that they know what's best for America. I have no doubt that Bush supporters are convinced that their ideas are what's best for our country, and they promote them and vote on them out of love for our country. It runs both ways. However, they are the majority, and I believe in making the best of things whenever I can. I will continue to be cautiously optimistic.

Linda Rondstadt's and dabe's comments do not represent me.
on Nov 17, 2004

This is the second time in 2 days you have personally spotlighted entertainers who represent no one but themselves saying things that reflect on no one but them. Neither story was worth the time or the space used. They are entitled to their opinion, we know that on principle you disagree and why.

on Nov 18, 2004

So Dabe, you think I'm a moron?  Want to compare resumes?  Has it occurred to you that other people, of equal or greater intelligence might possibly be able to look at the same data and come to a different conclusion? What about toleration for diversity of thought?

That's why you keep losing. You guys have this unearned sense of intellectual superiority. An unearned arrogance that really alienates millions of Americans.  Every time I see some liberal imply that people like me are "dumb" I'm just astounded.  I have a snobby side too but I manage to keep it under control - most of the time. I am perfectly willing to accept that those who disagree with me simply came to different conclusions.  I think my resume speaks for itself.  To imply that I'm a moron is..well moronic.

I don't go around arguing that my opponents are "stupid", "dumb", etc.  I understand their point of view. I simply don't agree with their positions.

CrispE: I will determine what it is worth writing about, thank you.  I suggest you read Dabe's response.  Because what I was highlighting is the typical liberal attitude towards conservatives.


on Nov 18, 2004
SEIG.... oh. Wait a tick. *checks for funny little mustache, red arm band* Nope. Definately not hitler.

Although the thought of scores of midget hitlers taking to the streets does frighten me...
on Nov 18, 2004
I'm afraid dabe, and those of like mind, are determined to keep their minds closed and to keep reciting the dogmatic mantra despite all evidence to the contrary. They are certainly free to do so, but their party will attract the support of fewer and fewer people the more they insult the intelligence of the electorate. Come to the table with ideas, argue them with dignity and respect, accept that others may agree or disagree on principle. They might stand a chance then, but only then.

Credit dabe for brazen honesty if you wish, but his reply here is pathetically sad.

Good article by George Will in Newsweek this week on this very subject - some of his stuff is too clever by half but he's dead on with this. I highly recommend it.

on Nov 18, 2004
Maybe Linda Rondstadt isn't a left winger singing hateful crap. Did you ever consider that maybe she is right? And maybe all the people who voted for Bush really are unenlightened and ignorant when it comes to the truth about Bush... Give Bush time, he'll prove it himself.
on Nov 18, 2004
You call left wingers "kooks". I call anyone who fell for Bush's rhetoric a moron. Same difference. So please, don't accuse me of being a snob, then saying you're not because you're controling it. Give me a break. Thank you RickWP. You know. I still think Bush should be impeached for lying to Congress, the UN, the American people.

Bush lied. People died. If you refuse to acknowledge that with all the evidence staring you in the face, then maybe you're not a moron, but just plain ............ what do you call someone who refuses to see and hear what's so evident? I dunno. It also seems to me that the only thing you can hang your hat on, drag, is the fact that Bush has saved you some money by cutting your taxes, as a businessman. But, by doing so, he has sunk the rest of this country, minus a few business people and other very wealthy individuals, into the worst deficits, the worst health care crisis, the worst educational funding mess, the worst National Park Service mess, etc. He's done nothing for this country except pander to the selfish. Yeah, that's it..... you're not a moron. You're just selfish.
on Nov 18, 2004

Your post is a diatribe: A litany of inarticulate complaints which does not substitute for meaningful solutions: Fusillades of endless griping is just one of the many reasons that caused kerry to lose.

The insult of begrudging a "selfish" businessmen, who provides you a forum at no charge for you to express yourself, highlights how the left chooses to engage the pressing political & social discourse of out time: by name calling.

Insulting hyperbole: Comparing the woeful economic conditions of pre-nazi Germany - the privation and starvation that persisted at that time - to the present America just goes to show how disconnected from reality you really are. When you go buy loaf bread today, I trust you won't be hauling the dough needed to purchase it in a wheel barrel. Try to appreciate your blessings.
Don't be like those Stalinist (the working class liberators/mass- murderers) pigs informing your suppossed intellect ... that runs wide & shallow. By the way, I thought this site was finished with you, or you with it. Try keepin' 'em promises, 5 cent. Peace out!

on Nov 18, 2004

Ahh....typical? Well, let's see. If you consider there are 50,000,000 Democrats then 2 people would represent 2/50,000,000 or .00000004% of the party. Now, statistically, I would say you would need at least 1% of the population of Democrats to make any kind of "typical" statement so you need to find 499,998 more statements to make even the weakest of cases.

The truth is that you want to say that these people fit "YOUR" liberal stereotype of Democrats, which, once again, we already know. But thanks for reminding us of what you think......
on Nov 18, 2004

you're not a moron. You're just selfish.

He is so selfish that he provides this website for free so that people like you can come on here and say nasty things to him.  Yet, for some reason you think that is OK?

He's also so selfish that he looks at ways to increase the employee head count at his company even if we don't need everyone.  I'm glad he's so selfish- it has provided me with a stable, well compensated job that I have enjoyed for over 9 years.

Selfish?  That's just a joke.

on Nov 18, 2004

I almost think that was support for my argument. Thanks.

BTW: I am not arguing that Draginol has no right to post these links. (Draginol: Elton John bashed the President too. Is that your next article). I do think it an issue that defining Liberalism as a concept or Democrats as a group by what entertainers say is, at best, misleading and would go further in criticism but will leave it at that for personal reasons.

I have nothing but respect for what Draginol does in terms of JU and what Stardock has done in terms of Galactic Civilizations. I'm glad he is employing people and hope that the company is successful.
on Nov 18, 2004
The point here is that celebrities have a public stage from which to spout whatever they want, and our celebrity obsessed culture puts them on TV and in magazines all over. So what if they don't represent the majority of the left -- they're the ones that get heard. I had a similiar article about loud mouth preachers and how they were giving the evangelical right a bad name -- people like Linda Ronstadt are doing the same thing on the left.

on Nov 18, 2004

Mencken was a documented racist, homophobe and bigot. And you call us morons? Guess the yokes on you!
on Nov 18, 2004

You call left wingers "kooks". I call anyone who fell for Bush's rhetoric a moron. Same difference.

There is a basic logical fallacy in this statement.  I call individual left wingers kooks.  You are labeling entire groups as "morons" simply because they agree with Bush's "rhetoric".

Let me turn it around: If you wrote that Ann Coulter is a right wing kook and I wrote that all those who voted for Kerry are pathetic morons, would you really consider the two statements as equivalent?

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