Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on November 18, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

For those who want a clearer story about what's going on in Iraq with regards to the marine who shot the wounded insurgent in a mosque, read the letter below. It's a definite must-read that gives a much clearer picture of what happened.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 18, 2004

When you get done reading that, check this out:


on Nov 18, 2004
read the article, funny how the elite left media does not report on the crimes committed against the u.s. but will use any oppertunity to slam american forces.
on Nov 18, 2004
read the article, funny how the elite left media does not report on the crimes committed against the u.s. but will use any oppertunity to slam american forces. read other view also AMEN TO THAT!!!
on Nov 18, 2004
I'm glad you posted this. I think it's pathetic that people want to make this guy into the bad guy. Do they feel sympathy for the terrorists? It's sickening.

For those of you who don't know, we Marines, Band of Brothers, Jarheads, Leathernecks, etc., do not fight because we think it is right, or think
it is wrong. We are here for the man to our left, and the man to our right. We choose to give our lives so that the man or woman next to us can go home and see their husbands, wives, children, friends and families.

I think this was an important line, because it's something I've heard my husband express as well . . . they look out for themselves, but their primary concern is for the men and women they serve with . . . the people that become as close (or closer) to them as family.

For those of you who sit on your couches in front of your television, and choose to condemn this man's actions, I have but one thing to say to you. Get out of your recliner, lace up my boots, pick up a rifle, leave your family behind and join me. See what I've seen, walk where I have walked.

That's what the people crying that our service men are "war criminals" need to remember . . . they don't know what it's like. They haven't been there. They don't understand combat. Let our guys do their jobs. More innocent lives are saved when we let them take care of business the way they need to, and stop trying to handicap them.
on Nov 19, 2004
It's a shame isnt it? How could they condemn a soldier for doing what he's supposed to do. And if they know what the situation is like and how many have been killed in that kind of situation, why do they make so much fuss about it???

It's war time, what the hell do they expect???? Those bloody insurgents know it for Christsake!
on Nov 19, 2004
We are in a war. It isn't pretty. The difference is that a reporter is always there to catch the ugliness and blow it out of proportion. Marine stops attack doesn't make the news does it. I am sorry if that man was an innocent bystander (though I doubt he was) but they are in a war zone and people are going to die. That's what war is. These soldiers are getting shot at everyday. They are trying to their job to the best of their abilities and sometimes have to make a split second decision and personally I would rather that they err in the side of caution in protecting themselves and their fellow soldiers. What amazes me is how much coverage this is recieving from Al Jazeera and in Arab newspapers but they haven't shown or reported the woman British aid worker being shot by terrorist.
on Nov 19, 2004
Sometimes it saddens me how the majority so selflessly benefits from the sacrifices of so few.
And the contemptuous manner that they view those sacrifices from their own personal comfort zone, when they learn what those sacrifices sometimes must entail.
on Nov 19, 2004
Even better article about it at Slate:
on Nov 19, 2004
Excellant Articles. Both of them. Thanks for the links.
on Nov 19, 2004
Wow. And I thought that the average American soldier was an asshole. COME ON. This is a "Clearer Story?" Or is it the story from a different angle. You're right, given the chance, to make sure those around you are aware of both sides of the coin. Your're also right that if we're gonna believe anyone, its the people who are actually there. Your're wrong to think that this is all that is needed to vindicate war crimes in general from now on.
But that's the shitty thing about war, and why us "communists" think it shouldn't be used as a tool for economic and political power. I feel badly for all the soldiers in Iraq, even the ones you call "insurgents" or "terrorists." I feel way worse about all the death and destruction in lands free of political power and oil in various parts of Africa that the "liberal media" doesn't reports on enough, but people like Clinton and Bush feel no need to "liberate." The thing with Clinton was that he was generally unwilling to help in, say Rawanda, I think because he figured that no situation was worth his boys getting killed and killing. Bush doesn't have that basic respect for human life. That's why he sucks, and all the soldiers who voted for him deserve what's coming to them.
on Nov 19, 2004
all the soldiers who voted for him deserve what's coming to them.

Zod, you better thank whatever deity you believe in that I don't know who you are or where...........
on Nov 19, 2004
I feel badly for all the soldiers in Iraq, even the ones you call "insurgents" or "terrorists.

The insurgents in Iraq are no soldiers. They obey no rules, follow no laws, have no restrictions. They kill anyone and everyone with very few limits, including their own countrymen and other civilians such as aid workers.

Bush doesn't have that basic respect for human life. That's why he sucks, and all the soldiers who voted for him deserve what's coming to them.

If he, and the soldiers that you bitch about really didn't care about human life, do you think that things like abu grahib, or even this slightly questionable shooting would recieve such extreme attention, or that the media would be allowed to be present and give them such exposure?

The soldiers, the men and women that I work with, fight to give you the right, among others, to say what you believe, Zod.

However, fortunately for me, we also fight so that I have the right to call you an arrogant, ignorant assclown, and that I hope you would choke to death on your own cock, save that it's obviously to small for you to find, and you would never take your head out of your ass long enough regardless.
on Nov 19, 2004
The thing with Clinton was that he was generally unwilling to help in, say Rawanda, I think because he figured that no situation was worth his boys getting killed and killing.

and furthermore, pick a side. Are you going to criticize Bush for sending in the military, or Clinton for not sending in the military?
on Nov 19, 2004
If we were just indiscriminately killing for the sake of it, don't you think there would be more news about AWOL's or fragging or desertion? These boys, and I use boys only because I was Navy and they are mostly younger than me, believe in what they are doing. If the boys had had the opportunity to go to Rwanda, you better believe they would have gone and kicked much ass. Zod wants to feel sorry for people who want to keep people stupid, enslaved, poor. We are but one country, we try, but we can't always do this on our own. We expect far too much from people in the order of humanity and charity. Far too often we are disappointed, but not discouraged. We want to be heroes, we want to be do-gooders, we want other people to have what we have. I cannot grasp why folks can't understand that.
on Nov 19, 2004

all the soldiers who voted for him deserve what's coming to them

You're an asshole.  A total and utter prick.  How can you claim that you don't agree with all the death and destruction, then turn around and wish it upon people?

My apologies, Draginol, for resorting to name calling on your thread.  But wishing death upon members of the armed forces hits close to home for  me.

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