Evidence is mounting that the Obama administration is closing Chrysler dealerships based on whether or not they donated to Republicans or not.
I'm utterly shocked! It's not like Obama's predecessor EVER played favorites. In fact, wasn't there an incident in which a covert CIA operative was revealed by a member of the Whitehouse staff because their husband revealed that the whole Nigerian Yellowcake Uranium deal was a COMPLETE FABRICATION (which Bush used in his address to the United Nations as justification for an attack against Iraq)
Nope, that's not playing favorites at all. Even better is that Bush publicly stated during the investigation that if anyone found to have compromised the identity of that operative that they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Then he issued a presidential pardon to Scooter Libby
It's interesting how quickly you tried to change this into yet another "Bush did it first" debate. Rather than point to the fact that regardless how many have done it, this is wrong; you chose to attempt to excuse this behaviour simply because someone else may have done it before.
It's sad when we see this level of Gov't abuse so clearly and "transparent", what is even sadder are those who excuse this by claiming "he did it too".
LOL @Artysim
That has nothing to do with what he posted. Is that the lefts only response? Bush did it too, so it's OK if Obama is worse.
Oh, and btw, the yellow cake deal was not a fabrication, as has been pointed out here several times in the past few years.
I've read this on a few different sites now, but what none of the articles mention, unless I missed it, is what percentage of Chrysler dealerships donate to GOP vs. dem campaigns. After all, the majority of wealthy americans are republicans, and I'd say the majority of auto dealership owners are pretty wealthy.
From what I understand, this has also been happening to GM dealerships as well.
That's a pretty general statement. Could you back this up? Money quantity does not necessarily describe a persons political party. I'm poor (according to Dem standards) yet I am Republican, the majority in Congress are Dems and most if not all are rich (according to Dem standards).
I would really like to see a counter argument to this article about the topic as oppose to simple "he done it, she done it too" corny arguments.
I really enjoy how liberals called Bush a fascist, but are silent when Obama does things like this.
Is this your only response? Gee, lets just parrot, "Is this the only thing you've got [insert squawk here]*"
Concerning the issue of yellow cake, from what I've read the whole thing was BS. Then again, why bother stating it - I know neither you nor ID will believe it.
As for the issue of whether Obama really is closing the dealerships because of their politics, lets just say I'm not going to take the word of someone's blog. I'll have to research more; but let it be known - if it's true - then I don't particularly care for the tactic.
This would be a huge scandal... if it were true.
Fortunately, it is not true, as is very well explained in this post at The post goes into a great deal of detail, but the gist of it is this:
Yes, a very large percentage of dealerships being closed are owned by republican donors. However, a similarly large percentage of the population of dealerships iare owned by republican donors. Owning a car dealership, it turns out, is primarily a republican occupation. Once you account for that fact, there is essentially no statistically significant relationship between one's political contributions and whether or not your dealership gets closed.
Just for the record though, if dealerships had been closed based on political affiliations it would be outrageous - and the fact that Bush may have engaged in similar behavior would not make it one bit less so.
You're right, that was a pretty bad generalization now that I look at it..
But, since the republican party caters to businesses, it would make sense that business owners are more likely to donate to the republican party then democrat. I don't have any numbers to back that up, but I would like to know how many dealerships donated to each to get a better picture. If 99% of donations were to rep vs. dem, then it wouldn't look so skewed.
Bstock, both parties cater to businesses. One caters to allowing them to run themself, the other caters to the gov't running it for them.
The problem that one dealership owner said was that he did not meet any of the qualifications of the dealerships to be met. I don't remember them off the top but it was regarding volume, capital, etc. This was one of the largest dealerships in Texas in sales and quantity. For some reason he is still being forced to close with no one answering why (since he didn't meet the the requirements for closure).
I don't have the 'facts' to prove or disprove this owners testimony on the radio but it makes me wonder.
I don't care if Bush did it or not. He's not in power and if he did do such things I reject it as being acceptable. What is becoming rather irritating is that Obama campaigned on 'change' but since most of what he is doing the response is 'Bush did it too.' Wasn't it Obama that said McCain would be 4 more years of Bush?
Whether this is happening or not since we have so much invested interest in GM and Chrysler as taxpayers, I'd like to see some kind of public transparency here and investigation.
Uh, I disagree. There's a difference between "catering to," in terms of the interests of the business and your claimed catering to - in gov't taking over. Sorry, but honestly, what business wants the government to take it over?
AJ, the subject matter pertains to political parties and how they cater to business. Note that I did not mention the business' preferences.
Either way, if either party is in office and it looks like they will be taking over businesses, the businesses still has a say. The business can say, "Sorry, but no." That's what I'm talking about.