Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Okay, I'm in..
Published on November 22, 2004 By Draginol In PC Gaming

Tomorrow World of Warcraft begins. I've been on the testing team for about a year. I got the initial alpha and played through some of the betas.  I can tell you that it is fantastic - if you're into this kind of thing. It is, ultimately a pretty standard time eating massively multiplayer game.

I plan to get the full game tomorrow though. And one thing I've learned, you need a guild.

I'm going to play on the human side and as soon as I'm set up I'll mention which server I'm playing on.  If anyone wants to put together a guild with me, respond here. By working together, we can make each other's lives easier in the game.  Also, we have a voice over IP server that can make things easier to interact (think of it as JoeUser but voice).


Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 22, 2004
i plan on buying it....and getting rid of EQ2......
on Nov 22, 2004
I got lucky enough to get in on the short, open beta and really enjoyed it. It was my first mmorpg, so I'm still quite new at it all. I read a little about guilds, but don't know much. I'd be interested in joining. What would be required from me?
on Nov 23, 2004
chipr - The idea behind guilds is that we can help one another. A mage may find a great set of armor on a monster. They could sell that armor (since they can't use it) or alternatively give it to someone else. In the case of a guild, you would see if someone else in the guild needs it. After all, that mage might need some reagants or a magic robe or a staff or something.

Often times, quests are difficult to do on your own. Much faster to do them with friends.
on Nov 23, 2004
on Nov 23, 2004
I plan to play if I can get a copy tommorrow. (On vacation this week)
Will just have to know which server .

on Nov 23, 2004
I just walked in from the cold with it....bought it at Walmart....12:20 am......surprised me that they actually had it....

Brad, let me know when you wanna get together in game.....i will be more than happy to join up with you.

on Nov 23, 2004
I agree
click here

on Nov 23, 2004
What server are you planning on playing on?

Sadly, my preorder won't be delivered until 3pm today, by which point I'll be several hours on my way driving home for Thanksgiving. No WoW for me until Saturday night at the earliest
on Nov 23, 2004

I'm going out to the store today to get it. Will be setting it up this afternoon.

on Nov 23, 2004
I'm going out to the store today to get it. Will be setting it up this afternoon.

It may take me a few days to get it, but count me in please.
on Nov 23, 2004

Hey Brad,

My son's going to be getting the game.  He uses the same tag, since he's the one who created the account in the first place.  I'm sure he needs a guild. Oh, and Brad, how come my user rank shows N/A? I looked at some of the posts on the subject but couldn't find anything.

on Nov 23, 2004
Provided I can scrape up enough money to pay for the game and a subscription, I'd be interested to join a JoeUser guild.
on Nov 24, 2004
Ok, I'm on the Pacific server called Uther as Draginol.  Cya there!
on Nov 24, 2004
If I can get a hold of the US Version and a few gamecards I'll be there.

[From Europe.. so they dont like us on the US servers ]

Playing EQ2 at the moment.. and i *REALLY* miss WoW (played the beta).
on Nov 24, 2004
Btw: You should upgrade to CosmosUI or other XML UI Modifications for the game, they *really* expand on how good the game is.

Without UI Modification:

With UI Modification:

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