Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on August 8, 2009 By Draginol In Politics

I wrote this almost 3 years ago:

“What happens if the earth starts cooling?”

Of course, we have since found since then that yep, the earth’s mean temperature is starting to go down again despite all the claims of the global warming zealots who claimed it would be a steady rise.

I wonder how long it will take for the whole “climate change” zealotry to start to die out?

I imagine the comments area will contain tons of people who disagree with me since the masses are still convinced that the earth is on a warming trend caused by humans.  I invite that because this post will be around for years and we can look back in the future.

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on Aug 08, 2009

I wonder how long it will take for the whole “climate change” zealotry to start to die out?

Well, up here it's still in full force my friend. Funny little things like this past summer the high arctic getting temperatures got up to over 70 degrees. Normally, the most they'll get up to during summer time is 45 degrees.

And, the Inuit will be the first to tell you about all the changes we're seeing that deviate from a normal cycle. And they've got a multi-generational history of the weather that's been passed down and goes back a lot longer than we've got records, so if they say things are going to shit, and scientists say things are going to shit, I'm obliged to believe them!


on Aug 08, 2009

Right now I'm researching hydro-geological issues, specifically how to artificially re-charge aquifers in our nation using various engineering methods.

The reason it applies to your topic is because in all the literature (geological, engineering, management, social sciences) written in the last three years..."global warming" references became "climate change."

The thing is, the climate is changing.

It's ALWAYS changing.  It's SUPPOSED to change.  I don't understand why real scientists can't say, oops, we bought into bad theory and were wrong, now lets move on and start working on real issues, like polluting and depleting aquifers.


on Aug 08, 2009

And, the Inuit will be the first to tell you about all the changes we're seeing that deviate from a normal cycle. And they've got a multi-generational history of the weather that's been passed down and goes back a lot longer than we've got records, so if they say things are going to shit, and scientists say things are going to shit, I'm obliged to believe them!

So, your point would be?

on Aug 08, 2009

These scientists?

Fifty-nine additional scientists from around the world have been added to the U.S. Senate Minority Report of dissenting scientists, pushing the total to over 700 skeptical international scientists – a dramatic increase from the original 650 scientists featured in the initial December 11, 2008 release. The 59 additional scientists added to the 255-page Senate Minority report since the initial release 13 ½ weeks ago represents an average of over four skeptical scientists a week.  This updated report – which includes yet another former UN IPCC scientist – represents an additional 300 (and growing) scientists and climate researchers since the initial report’s release in December 2007. 

The over 700 dissenting scientists are now more than 13 times the number of UN scientists (52) who authored the media-hyped IPCC 2007 Summary for Policymakers. The 59 additional scientists hail from all over the world, including Japan, Italy, UK, Czech Republic, Canada, Netherlands, the U.S. and many are affiliated with prestigious institutions including, NASA, U.S. Navy, U.S. Defense Department, Energy Department, U.S. Air Force, the Philosophical Society of Washington (the oldest scientific society in Washington), Princeton University, Tulane University, American University, Oregon State University, U.S. Naval Academy and EPA.

on Aug 08, 2009

Oh yeah?

I got these scientists to say global warming is getting worse:

on Aug 09, 2009

You can't be serious? There are 3 year drops in temperature all the time, but the overall trend is upwards. See this NASA graph:

More info here.

I note that data even shows temperatures rose in 2007. Where are you getting your data?

on Aug 09, 2009

What happens if global warming is wrong is that tons of people will have had heated debates over an issue for nothing, like so often in history. Other than that, what will happen if global cooling is wrong and global warming is right (human caused or not)? Will you eat your hat lol

on Aug 10, 2009

heated DEBATE? you mean destruction of economy that has been ongoing for many years? bankrupting the USA, and ruining lives and livelihood of many citizens.

Well... global climate change advocates said that humans caused the earth to cool down with pollution and we need to shut down the industry in the 1970s... then the sun activity picked up and it started heating up, so suddenly humans were causing that with the same pollution and the solution was still destruction of industry... i think that they renamed it "climate change" from the previous "global cooling" and "global warming" names is an indication of where it is going... any climate change is man made in their minds, and must be combatted with more socialism and more shutting down of industry.

on Aug 10, 2009

I read some articles.If the global temperature won't change,nothing will change,maybe.but if the earth is really going cooler and cooler,it will become more and more difficult to get some food and it lead to serious war.  I forgot the further infomation, so if you are interested in it, I would like to recommend you Kunihiko Takeda's books.

on Aug 10, 2009

heated DEBATE? you mean destruction of economy that has been ongoing for many years? bankrupting the USA, and ruining lives and livelihood of many citizens.

Well... global climate change advocates said that humans caused the earth to cool down with pollution and we need to shut down the industry in the 1970s... then the sun activity picked up and it started heating up, so suddenly humans were causing that with the same pollution and the solution was still destruction of industry... i think that they renamed it "climate change" from the previous "global cooling" and "global warming" names is an indication of where it is going... any climate change is man made in their minds, and must be combatted with more socialism and more shutting down of industry.

The economy seems to be doing pretty well again, all things considered, even despite the most recent global financial crisis. The USA is not bankrupt because of that.. don't you know that there is a war going on? It might have something to do with your huge national debt, which was around even before Obama was sworn in.

on Aug 10, 2009

The economy seems to be doing pretty well again

on Aug 10, 2009

The economy seems to be doing pretty well again, all things considered, even despite the most recent global financial crisis


on Aug 10, 2009

This tends to speak well to your posed question "what happens if global warming is wrong?" The title of the video is so hyperbolic it isn't even worth arguing about.

The arguments are sound and logical though.

on Aug 10, 2009

That's what the news are saying: the banks are making profit again, export in Germany is increasing again for example and  economic spokesmen here are cautiously optimistic that the worst is over. Doesn't really paint a bleak future for the next decade

on Aug 11, 2009

[quote]You can't be serious? There are 3 year drops in temperature all the time, but the overall trend is upwards. See this NASA graph:[/quote]

You need to do more than look at graphs, you need learn something you missed in grade school. Our Sun is the source of most of the heat in our Solar System.

When the Sun expands our planet gets hotter. This has been documented since the 1960’s Venus, Earth, and Mars are all getting hotter at the same rate. Man is only on one of those planets, if Man was the cause of this warming why are the other planets getting hotter without man? Just so you know, the IPCC reports claim that man’s contribution to global warming amounts to 6/100 of one degree over the next 100 years. That is if you accept all of their flawed data that is skewed in favor of man being the sole cause of global warming. Look at our Moon for example, In sunlight the temp is 250 degrees in the shade the temp is minus 140, no SUV’s or coal fired power plants on the Moon. So yes, the world is getting hotter and will continue to get hotter with mini ice ages and dips in temperature because of the Sun. This has been known and documented for decades The global warming people still have not noticed this documentation but it is new just 40 years old and back then we were being told that the next ice age was just 20 years away. In fact in 1980 we were going to have ice 1000 feet thick in New York if we did not act immediately. I am sure you remember that ice age and now we are all going to die from global warming, according to Vice-president Gore we only have 9 years left before global warming will be irreversible. Do the research and you will find that this is a cycle, a documented cycle that has been know for about 20 years, we will get colder for a few decades and then it will get warmer. Each cycle has been milder cold and hotter warm cycles until the Earth is cooked.

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