Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Become the party of problem solving, not problem identifying
Published on November 28, 2004 By Draginol In Democrat

Since 1992, the Democrats have seen a pretty steady decline in their status in the American political system.  They lost seats in the house of representatives, the senate, state governorships, and state assemblies.

In 2000 they narrowly lost the white house as well. And since 2000, things have become dramatically worse for the Democrats with them being a minority party in every sense? What the hell happened?

James Carville, a Democratic advisor to Kerry and Clinton put it succinctly on Meet the Press last week.  Simpy put, the Democrats need to stop being the party that manages problems and instead be a party that puts forth real world solutions. Identify a problem in society, a specific problem, and look for a way to fix it. Americans are a nation of fixers. We like problem solvers. We don't like whiners. And the Democrats have increasingly become identified as the party of whiners.

As Carville (and Bush ironically) put it, a littany of complaints isn't a plan.  Indeed, whether it be the private sector or the public sector, conservatives and thereby Republicans are associated with people who are looking to solve specific problems.  You may not agree with their goals but you have to agree that they are trying to solve problems. 

Entrepreneurs are over-OVERwhelmingly conservatives. Go to an Entrepreneur of the Year banquet and try to find a Democrat. Good luck. Some people, let's call them..dumb people.. think that Entrepreneurs are Republcans because they are greedy. No. You'll find that most Entrepreneurs were conservative long before they were rich.  Just as many Democrats are Democrats regardless of their wealth and status, most Republicans started out conservative as well.  The successful entrepreneurs I've met have almost universally been conservative Republican in nature since their youth.

Most successful people have one thing in common: They are DO-ers.  They don't just come up with an interesting idea. They take their ideas and try to make them into a reality.

Once upon a time, this was not the exclusive domain of conservative Republicans.  The New Deal, hardly a conservative Republican concept, was the fulfillment of a specific plan to solve specific problems.  The "Great Society", which has arguably failed, was at least a specific attempt to solve a specific set of problems.

Democrats at the problems of our country and put forth specific solutions. Specific, realistic, solutions.

Kerry put forth few.  Anyone with even a basic understanding of the health care industry knew that the "import drugs from Canada" plan was a joke. That's not a solution. That's just pandering. (Americans subsidize Canada's drugs, if we started buying all our drugs from Canada, a nation whose population total is less than that of California you can bet the prices would quickly go way up).

And after the failures of the Great Society, Americans are wary of gigantic, vaguely defined projects that have few metrics for success.

War on Terror. Whether you agree with Bush's strategy for the war on terror, at least it's a specific plan.  For the past quarter century militant Islam has been creating terrorists that kill people indiscriminately.  There is a corolation between terrorist creation and the oppressiveness of the regimes. The "Neo-Con" solution is straight forward - try to spread democracy and freedom in the middle east. First by getting rid of the Taliban. Next by getting rid of Saddam and then putting pressure on Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Egypt, etc.  You may quibble with the execution of that plan (or if you're really arrogant you'll try to tell those of us who are pushing for this plan that we're really out for oil or some other asinine idiocy).  But it's a plan trying to solve specific things.

Education? Conservatives think the public schools in the US are pretty awful.  Solution? Put federally mandated testing on them to measure their effectiveness. Those that fail get some help but if they keep failing, the kids can go elsewhere. Conservatives also support school vouchers to help kids go to "better" schools.  Democrats respond by bitching that the programs aren't funded enough or that there are flaws in the program.  Fine, what's your idea? None. The Democrats had 40 years to fix education and they did nothing but throw more money at the flawed system instead of trying to fix it.

Social Security? Democrats demonize everyone who tries to do anything to fix it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that when the baby boomers retire there will not be enough working people to pay for those who are receiving social security.  The Democratic solution? Nothing. Republicans have proposed lots of specific ideas - raise the retirement age dramatically, cut benefits, etc.  But they get nailed by Democrats on all those things.  The latest specific plan is to try to ween people off of the current social secuirty plan by letting people invest in private savings accounts.  Democrats complain that this will be too costly. Complaining isn't a plan. Where is the Democrat's plan?

Health Care.  We already talked about the Democrat's sad pandering of "Canadian drug imports". That's not a plan.  Moreover, Kerry's other health care plan wasn't a real plan either. It was just warm fuzzy talk. It was far too open ended (first, it assumed wrongly that companies wouldn't just drop coverage as soon as the government started providing health care for the uninsured).   Bush's plan is modest. But at least it's a workable plan.  Use the IRA system to create health savings accounts. Let people put money in those accounts to use later if they need it.

Fiscal Responsibility. This is the one that really bugs me. Bush's plan is to attempt to control spending and hope that the economy outpaces growth so that the deficit will be reduced/eliminated eventually.  I don't agree with this plan at all. On the other hand, I recognize the political expedience of this.  We already saw the Pell grant tirade in which a decrease in the rate of increase of spending is considered a "cut".  So you can't even slow down the rate of spending increases without liberals going into a frenzy.  But still, I would prefer that the government try to have a cross-the-board slow down in spending increases until the deficit is eliminated and start paying down the debt.

But even though I disagree with Bush, I recognize his plan.  Democrats, by contrast, don't seem to have a plan at all. It's all based on an ignorance of how our government is funded.  Raise taxes (roll-back) on the wealthy? That would barely make a dent in short-term tax revenues and could slow down economic growth.  And when you really get into trying to have fiscal sanity, the Democrats start screaming bloody murder if you start to talk about cutting anything at all.  If you want to have fiscal responsibility you have to cut spending more than raise taxes (taxes are already about as high as they're going to get before it creates economic disincentives for those who actually make the money). 

And Democrats don't want to give an inch anywhere. If merely slowing down the rate of increase that Pell grants get triggers hate-filled articles, you can imagine the response of Democrats if one were to suggest slowing the rate of spending increases for Medicare, the EPA, the Department of Education, and other "entitlement" programs.

Democrats need to come to the table with a specific, reasoned plan on how to achieve these goals.

Ultimately..the Democrats are losing because they are seen as the party of whiners. The party of children who sit back and cry about everything the adults are having to do. They don't like this, they don't like that, action X is unfair, action Y is cruel. And when Republicans get flabbergasted and say "Fine, what do you suggest?" We get "I would do everything different!" -- without specifics.

The Democrats need to quit worrying about managing problems so much and start trying to solve problems. They need to come to the table with a set of plans that are understandable by the majority of Americans. Focus on "little things" if necessary but at least come up with something. Show that you're ready to be serious players at governing and the people make let you back in.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 28, 2004
As to no plan again you people are becoming nuissances, one proposed plan that fell through the roof was split the kids up into skill levels, An advanced class for those who have mastered that grades skills and need enrichment programs outside of those already provided, A class for those right there where they need to be so they can learn what they need to know and move on. Then a class for those who need the extra help outside of special ed. No I'm not talking about segregating them which is often a counter from the right.

Here's a realistic solution and who said the entire of that paragraph was on the NCLBA? I live in Colorado the standardized tests their were forced upon schools long before no Child Left Behind.

As for my gramar,lol, you really are desperate aren't you? What makes you think I'm trying to write a "perfect paragraph" if I were not so bored by your remarks I would give you a "grammatically corect paragraph" And you don't know what's funny their I have made up my mind I'd say its funny you copied something from my entry then look for a realistic solution that was available in that very paragraph. Please if you find something real to throw at me maybe then I'll care.

on Nov 28, 2004
I believe Brad asked for plans, not daydreams, which is another failure of the utopian ideals of the Democratic party. Let's use your plans as an example.

Homeland security: When relationships were supposedly 'strong' with other nations, terrorists roamed freely. Remember the Clinton years? Emabassies were blown up by terrorists every other month. Working within the UN has gotten us nowhere, but it has made certain politicians within the UN much richer when they were able to work behind our back with our complete trust. Oh, the Intelligence reform idea was proposed by Republicans.

The War on Terror: See Homeland Security. And add the fact that the UN would rather get wealthy from countries defined as the Axis of Evil than actually do anything proactively defensive to them.

Education: This is what NCLB does. It elevates the teacher to actually teach. Making them heroes has nothing to do with what they were hired to do, which is to educate. Why do Dems always want to slap on a happy feel good label to cover up an issue?

Economy: A nice tax reduction, proposed by our Republican President, has helped us survive Clintons recession and the 09/11 attacks. Besides, Greenspan runs this economy. We should be breeding him. Seriously, do you want to raise or lower taxes? Often times Republicans just cant figure out what Democrats really want to do...

Fiscal Responsibility: Raise income levels? Tell me how you want that done please, specifically. Is there a magic income level wand out there, just a block south of Wall St. we can wave? Another utopian feel good idea. And weve all seen how Democrats SCREAM when even the increases in spending arent increased, we'd probably see suicides and riots by the millions of Liberals if an actual government program really LOST money.

Ultimately, you've offered no real plan, or what content you have is either pulled from Republicans or just doesnt make sense. Try again please. I know you Dems can offer at least one workable plan if you keep at it. After all, isnt it said that 1,000 monkies locked in a room can eventually.... oh, nevermind.
on Nov 28, 2004
Hey hey hey, wait a minute here. As much as I like the repeated bashing of the Democratic Party I think there are more problems then just "The Democrats". There are major flaws in both parties, like it or not they are there. "The Republicans" need "The Democrats" as well as vica-versa. Just try and imagine a nation just run completely by one party. Now throw away your party bias. Sucks, dont it.
on Nov 28, 2004
Dear d3adz0mbie,

What is that nonsence your giving me?

Homeland security: When relationships were supposedly 'strong' with other nations, terrorists roamed freely. Remember the Clinton years? Emabassies were blown up by terrorists every other month. Working within the UN has gotten us nowhere, but it has made certain politicians within the UN much richer when they were able to work behind our back with our complete trust. Oh, the Intelligence reform idea was proposed by Republicans.

Embassies blown up everyother month, personally I'd say that's an exageration, however for the sake of argument I'd rather an embassy every month over an American soldier everday but you can take your pick.

The War on Terror: See Homeland Security. And add the fact that the UN would rather get wealthy from countries defined as the Axis of Evil than actually do anything proactively defensive to them.

That sounds more like the Bush agenda, I think he has a thing for all their oil.

Education: This is what NCLB does. It elevates the teacher to actually teach. Making them heroes has nothing to do with what they were hired to do, which is to educate. Why do Dems always want to slap on a happy feel good label to cover up an issue?

Teachers do "actually teach" and yes they were hired to educate but you know what? They aren't paid diddly so why do it? They care and in my opinion, you care, you do, you are a hero, interesting though you don't seem to appreciate them.

Fiscal Responsibility: Raise income levels? Tell me how you want that done please, specifically. Is there a magic income level wand out there, just a block south of Wall St. we can wave? Another utopian feel good idea. And weve all seen how Democrats SCREAM when even the increases in spending arent increased, we'd probably see suicides and riots by the millions of Liberals if an actual government program really LOST money.

I outlined that as well, Oh boy!

Raise standards of education to attract high paying High-Tech industries to more of the United States outside those in large cities such as Denver and Houston.

I didn't say it would magically make everyone wealthier overnight.

Ultimately, you've offered no real plan, or what content you have is either pulled from Republicans or just doesnt make sense. Try again please. I know you Dems can offer at least one workable plan if you keep at it. After all, isnt it said that 1,000 monkies locked in a room can eventually.... oh, nevermind.

I have given a plan, it makes sense, and though Republicans have proposed similar plans, they have yet to carry through.

on Nov 28, 2004

Reply #18 By: SuperheroCanadian - 11/28/2004 9:31:51 PM
Hey hey hey, wait a minute here. As much as I like the repeated bashing of the Democratic Party I think there are more problems then just "The Democrats". There are major flaws in both parties, like it or not they are there. "The Republicans" need "The Democrats" as well as vica-versa. Just try and imagine a nation just run completely by one party. Now throw away your party bias. Sucks, dont it.

on Nov 28, 2004

That's all nice SuperHeroCanadian.

By all means, the Democrast are free to ignore what I've written. At the rate they're going, they'll be like the Whigs and Federalists in another 25 years.

This isn't an argument over whose party is "better". This is an article outlining what the Democrats need to do to halt their decline. I want a strong two party system.

But let's face it, here we are in 2004 and the Republicans totally dominate every aspect of government. I don't think that's a good thing. The Democrats need to get a strategy to return some semblance of balance.

on Nov 28, 2004

I just had to call you on that.

No 25 years we'll still be here. We're the countries longest running secondary party and we aren't done yet.
on Nov 28, 2004
Economy: A nice tax reduction, proposed by our Republican President, has helped us survive Clintons recession and the 09/11 attacks.

Just to let you know there was no Clinton Recession that is either a figment of the GOP's imagination, or recycled propaganda from their campaign.
on Nov 28, 2004
Homeland security: When relationships were supposedly 'strong' with other nations, terrorists roamed freely. Remember the Clinton years? Emabassies were blown up by terrorists every other month. Working within the UN has gotten us nowhere, but it has made certain politicians within the UN much richer when they were able to work behind our back with our complete trust. Oh, the Intelligence reform idea was proposed by Republicans.

The fact that our relationships are no longer strong meant we went into Iraq understaffed for the job needing to be done.
Exaggeration is not going to prove your point. During the Clinton administration we were actually more sucessful in heading off terrorist plots than we were now. In fact, Al Quaida had to totally rethink their strategy and had no major operations for over a year.
If the Republicans find fault with the UN, why don't they try to fix it? Like it or not, we have to get along with the rest of the world.
Intelligence reform proposed by Republicans? Revisionist history. The intelligence reforms were put forth by the bipartisan committee on intelligence. Bush wanted six months to study the recommendations so he would not have to make a decision prior to the election. Kerry called him on it and suddenly there was some action, mostly lip service. There has still been no major action on intelligence reform with the exception of the current witch hunts of those who pointed out the administration did not use the information they were given correctly. Goss is putting some major firings in place under the idea that the CIA works for the administration. They do not, they work for the American people. If the administration is embarrassed by their failings, then the firing should be in the administration. But its always easier to fire the whistle blower than to fix the problem.
on Nov 28, 2004

Embassies blown up everyother month, personally I'd say that's an exageration, however for the sake of argument I'd rather an embassy every month over an American soldier everday but you can take your pick.

Yes, Embassies being blown up every other month was an exageration (click for information on the Kenya and Tanzania bombings), however for the sake of reason a soldier or marine is trained to be shot at and can fully defend themself it a variety of hostile situations. The civilian embassy personel, local employees and people simply passing by who were killed or injured did not necessarily have training or awareness of a dangerous situation that could have given them a fighting chance, especially when a car/truck bomb is set off in an urban environment near an embassy.

I am sure many of these military personel in Iraq and Afghanistan would much prefer those thugs shooting at them than at their friends, spouses and children back home in the U.S.

It is certainly a shame that Clinton did not kick his plan up a few notches beyond a cruise missle strike as perhaps 9/11, which was likely beyond the planning phase, might have been prevented.

on Nov 28, 2004
It is certainly a shame that Clinton did not kick his plan up a few notches beyond a cruise missle strike as perhaps 9/11, which was likely beyond the planning phase, might have been prevented.

There was no mandate to do so. There were complaints from Republicans that he was even doing that. Do you think an invasion plan of Afghanistan in '98 would have passed?
on Nov 28, 2004
I am sure many of these military personel in Iraq and Afghanistan would much prefer those thugs shooting at them than at their friends, spouses and children back home in the U.S.

Yes I am sure that is what they would prefer as well however that quote was taken from an article to prove that democrats have a logical plan, and I am sure they'd rather not be dhot at or bombed at all.

on Nov 28, 2004
Excellent article. I considered writing a post about the abscence of substantive planks in the Democratic platform, but didn't have the time.

The single biggest challenge that we face today is to get the economy back on track. Please, no comments about who is to blame. This country has survived two bankrupticies of epic proportions (MCI and Enron), the 9/11 catastophe and the on-going war on terror. We need to get our economy moving and to restore confidence.

President Bush is supposedly going to put forward a very far-reaching tax reform package. I fear that alone will not be enough. We need to create new jobs, here in the United States, and educate people to fill them. New jobs create new revenues, the only way that the deficit will shrink. Everything else, including healthcare and education, follows.

No Democrat, not Kerry and not Dean, addressed this need with any kind of substantial plan. By substantial, I mean something that begins "On my first day as President, I will propose to Congress that we...."
on Nov 28, 2004
Do you think an invasion plan of Afghanistan in '98 would have passed?

Whoman69, I think it would have been very difficult to pass an invasion of Afgahnistan by not only the rest of the world, but also many people in the U.S. especially with the Clinton/Lewinsky scandle in full swing. I think Clinton offered what was at the time, the best response he could given his personal situation and the scale of the attack on the Embassies. I guess I should have written "could not" instead of "did not" to imply hindsight is 20/20.

Beyond that, I have not dug far enough to find out if there was a solid mandate for an invasion. The U.S. invaded Panama and Grenada for far less however.
on Nov 28, 2004
No Democrat, not Kerry and not Dean, addressed this need with any kind of substantial plan. By substantial, I mean something that begins "On my first day as President, I will propose to Congress that we...."

On the contrary to this statement, in Kerry's final political rally in Colorado he stated just that, "On the first day as President..."
We need to create new jobs, here in the United States, and educate people to fill them. New jobs create new revenues, the only way that the deficit will shrink. Everything else, including healthcare and education, follows.

Quite to my point if a my use your words.

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