As I get older, I am becoming more aware of how the body seems to change from a position of “must make sure this organism lives so it can reproduce” to “meh”. At 38, I am definitely seeing the transition from “must live” to “meh” which is not uncommon for people my age from what I’m learning.
Being the ungraceful kook I am, I’m learning about dietary supplements that might provide if not a reversal of the negative trend at least some sort of decreased in the rate of decline. Of course, there’s a lot of info out there and a lot of it falls well into quackary in my opinion.
Having spent quite a bit of time online there remains a considerable amount of debate over whether dietary supplements are worthwhile or simply create “expensive urine”.
I haven’t gone whole hog on dietary supplements from from simply using Juvenon and Fish Oil I can say with certainty that yes, they have a noticeable effect and it is a good one.
After having to go on Statin drugs for Cholesterol I decided to look further into this and ended up taking a few more supplements and the difference, again, is significant and yet subtle. The most noticeable change (for me) is that my flexibility is noticeably better which is not something I had anticipated but is noticeable enough that I can’t attribute it to anything else.
So I fall firmly in the camp that yea, dietary supplements can be beneficial. But I also am very skeptical about how much impact they can really have since there’s a lot of nonsense out there.
There’s plenty of people that think it’s all nonsense such as this guy. While I think the jury is definitely out on supplements for cancer prevention, I think they can be very useful for cardiovascular health.
So where to start?
In no particular order:
Phosphatidycholine. General cellular health.
Policosanol. Lowers LDL cholesterol and raises HDL cholesterol.
Read Yeast Rice. Improves cholesterol.
phosphatidylserine. Improves memory.
CoEnzyme Q10. Useful if you’re taking a Statin drug.
Vitamin D.
Vitamin E.
Vitamin B12.
Grape Seed extract.
Alpha Lipoic.
These are just the tips of the iceberg. I am only looking at this. Some people, like Ray Kurzweil, take over 200 supplements per day. I don’t think I could even remotely imagine consuming that many supplements.
But as try different things, I’ll let you know what I find. 
Ones in bold. I am trying presently.