In hindsight, Notes are such an obvious feature that every RTS should have them. Though, admittedly, I would like to thank the various karma gods that such a feature did not exist in Total Annihilation as I would never have been able to find anyone to play (I helped pioneer such tactics as com napping, flash tank sticking, metal creators being “given” to the enemy).
We only have half of the note system in.
Here’s how it works:
Go to Pantheon ( ) and then find the games you’ve recently played and you can click on any user you want and then, by clicking on the new “notes” tab add a note. Only you can see these notes.
Now, in the next week or two, we’ll have an update to Demigod in which you’ll be able to see these notes in the lobby (in the connection info area). So if someone was particularly fun to play with, you can make a note of that. If they did something really annoying (rage quit, plays only in premades, swears at you, etc.) you can make a note of that too. Like I said, only you can see the notes you’ve written but they work as great reminders.

Ready to Play
If you haven’t already signed up for the Impulse Ready to Play beta, do so now. It’s
I’ve been playing with this for the past few days. The number of beta testers has been kept very low (only people who sign up, only people who have multiple games) but we’re going to be expanding this in the next few days and Demigod users are going to be moved to the top of the list. It makes getting a game going much much easier and the actual games are much better. Don’t take my word for it though, if anyone who has Ready to Play wants to comment here, go for it.
But you combine the notes with Ready to Play and you end up with a significantly better experience in my opinion.