Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on November 22, 2009 By Draginol In PC Gaming

It’s like being back in Baldur’s Gate except with today’s tech.

If you liked Baldur’s Gate and don’t have Dragon Age I’m not saying you’re a bad person…but I’m not saying you’re not.

I mean seriously, if you’re into RPGs then this is a no brainer.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 30, 2009

I only get to play a few hours a week so I'm now just over 50 hours in game.  I've only completed the first of the 4 main quest branches and halfway on the 2nd.  Have done a ton of sidequests and missions though.  I'm about to go to level 14.  I'm pretty sure I'll have well over 75 hours into this game.  I need to finish up by Christmas as I'm getting Fallout 3 GOTY and that will suck up another 150 hours of my life.  LOL

on Nov 30, 2009

I have really enjoyed this game so far. Graphics are very nice for this style of RPG, dialogue is done well which is impressive in any game... the story is... okay, as games goes it is good enough. The combat is getting more interesting as my characters level up and I have more options for strategy.


One minor... sometimes major quibble I have is that I can't skip through lines of spoken dialogue and read the subtitles of it without having to hear every word spoken... this is annoying. The voices are done well enough that I have no problem listening to the important conversations but not every single person I come across is worth sitting there and listening them speak... why not let me quickly skip the voice and read the subtitles like most RPGs have always done...? WHY?!!

on Nov 30, 2009

Well, if you don't want to actually listen to the entire conversation and only want to get to the last bit of information they share before your dialog option shows up you can just keep hitting ESC to bypass each scene of their talk.  After a moment their last line of dialogue will display t the top of the screen. 

Useful if you reload and need to talk to an NPC again..  you can just ESC through and pick the dialogue options you want.  Also good for talking to merchants.  As soon as dialogue starts you can ESC to the "Show me your wares" option without listening to their canned greeting for the nth time.

on Nov 30, 2009

The combat is getting more interesting as my characters level up and I have more options for strategy.

That it is.  I typically take both Morrigan and Wynn along (I play a rogue) and I've had Morrigan specialize in lightning and cold spells while Wynn does healing and nature/earth type spells.  Here is a good crowd control combination.  Note I have the game autopause when combat starts so I can access the situation.

Put a hold on the party so they don't move anywhere.  Move Alister and myself to more flanking positions for the guys coming in.

Have Wynn cast Earthquake on the crowd.  It's almost instant and stuns anyone that doesn't pass their check and keeps stunning them.

Have Morrigan cast Tempest in the same area.  This is a lightning storm that lasts about as long as earthquake does.  It takes a few seconds to get it cast though so if there are archers or mages that can hit her pull out the bows and hit them first or have Wynn hit them the mage with the Rock Fist to knock them down .

Now you have Earthquake causing most to be stunned and then a Tempest on top of them causing continuous damage.  Those that do make it out Alister and myself and square up against and they usually are down to half health.  Meanwhile have Morrigan stun anything coming out and have Wynn pick off guys still in the spell area, in particular any archers.

Once the spells wear off a lot of the crowd that was caught will already be dead and those that didn't will be hurt pretty badly.

I really love all the options and tactics in this game.

on Dec 18, 2009

Throwing my hat in for the awesomeness. Finished it twice now, whirring up for playthrough #3.

Also, Gaxkang!


this game was so boring, I couldnt get past the tutorial, hence why you like it Anny

on Dec 18, 2009

i'd be playing it now myself if EA didn't have to eff up the activation system with regards to the digital download versions.

on Dec 19, 2009

I like it.
*Never played Baldur's Gate*



on Dec 19, 2009

It seems rather boring tbh. Generic. 


Convince me.

on Dec 19, 2009

It seems rather boring tbh. Generic. 
Convince me.

*stabs Lifekatana with a shield*

on Dec 19, 2009

The story is good, the voice actors are downright amazing, but combat is so-so at most. Still very much worht buying IMO.

on Dec 19, 2009

See, now I though the combat was a step up from previous cRPGs while the story and character interactions were a step back.  Aside from Alister, Sten and Shale, none of the characters really stood out as being very interesting to me.  Morrigan and Lileana got ejected from the party in record time (Morrigan disapproves -10).  Wynne was uninteresting, but more or less required to survive difficult fights.  Didn't use the Elf, and didn't get the Dorf until the game was almost over.  I'll probably play through it again sometime, doing the main quests in the opposite order to try out the other characters.

Also, while it's nice they got rid of the sliding scale morality they forgot to provide any sort of consequences for most actions; beyond losing influence with certain party members if they were present during the choice.  That whole sequence of events with the election in Orgrimar?  Makes no difference whatsoever beyond a minor blurb in the ending.  The Elves and Werewolves?  Same thing.

on Dec 20, 2009

The story seems the weak point.

on Dec 20, 2009

As a player of the Baldurs Gate series since release I have to say Dragon Age is a fun adventure, but that's it. The story is very weak, and dull. The cut scenes are way to often and annoying...even to just interact with a shop I have to be greated with a quick one...sheesh!

Also the character skills and classes are VERY VERY boring and simular. They give very little diveristy compared to BGII.

The best thing Dragon Age has done, was tempted me to reinstall BGII

on Dec 20, 2009

I'll get it when price goes down; not all of use can get up and get every new game when it comes out.

on Dec 21, 2009

As a player of the Baldurs Gate series since release I have to say Dragon Age is a fun adventure, but that's it. The story is very weak, and dull. The cut scenes are way to often and annoying...even to just interact with a shop I have to be greated with a quick one...sheesh!

Also the character skills and classes are VERY VERY boring and simular. They give very little diveristy compared to BGII.

The best thing Dragon Age has done, was tempted me to reinstall BGII

I really don't understand why they thought the minor benefits from specializations were as good as having full classes in the game.  4 skill points are barely a footnote on how your character plays overall.  That and mages in DA are Mage/Druid/Cleric multiclasses with no drawbacks.

And why did you even uninistall BG2, heathen?  I've played through that game a dozen time, and each time is still more satisfying than any modern RPG.

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