Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on March 7, 2011 By Draginol In Current Events

One has to wonder what’s going through Charlie Sheens mind.  But I suspect that I’m not the only person who’s wondered how often the mega successful think “Why should I put up with crap? I’m rich!”

The problem is, that place only leads to ruin. As tempting as it is to lash out at your critics and demonstrate your capacity to operate without restraint, no man is an island.

When my son was younger, he asked me why certain words were considered “dirty”. I told him that these were were selected, fairly arbitrarily, by society as being unacceptable for polite conversation. I told him that he should do what he thinks is right and not feel he is forced to live by social norms but at the same time to recognize that there are consequences for violating social norms. My message: Pick your battles carefully.

Charlie Sheen is demonstrating that he is not bound by social norms but he is also paying a price for it – social ostracization (is that even a word?). So unless he plans to live in his own private fortress, he isn’t winning. He’s losing. Badly.

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on Mar 08, 2011

Sheen is probably a little loose in the cranium, but I think the whole episode is a made for TV movie.  It is not real.  All parties are acting like idiots, but that seems to be more to keep the story going than any rationale.  in other words, Sheen , while an enjoyable actor to watch, is hardly a Fleming or Pasteur.  Neither is his producers or Warner Brothers. 

But they are all winning.  They are being kept in the media, and having many articles written about them.

on Mar 08, 2011

But I suspect that I’m not the only person who’s wondered how often the mega successful think “Why should I put up with crap? I’m rich!”

No doubt Sheen was mega successful and rich, but I wonder what "crap" was he putting up with?

From what I can tell Sheen was/is making his own "crap" and that's when the losing streak began.

Being rich doesn't make one free of consequences of one's foolish and destructive actions.

Sheen is probably a little loose in the cranium,


But they are all winning. They are being kept in the media, and having many articles written about them.





on Mar 08, 2011

The guys a nut case plain and simply. His fame has risen so high in him he truly believes he is above everyone. Heck, he had to do, as per the most recent video, his latest machete thing from a high up position. Talk about a guy who truly believes he's at the top.

on Mar 08, 2011

there's a saying that says pride goes before the fall, and what we're witnessing is one mighty Sheen crash going on.   He keeps calling himself a rock star and on and on....

I think it's sad really because what we're seeing is some sort of  public breakdown that he doesn't even realize he's going thru.  Yet. 



on Mar 08, 2011

Well, I want a t-shirt that says "WINNING!" or some other Sheen-ism....heh.

It's a train wreck.  I actually feel a little bad for him, and of course his family.  I'll be glad when it's over.  I hope he escapes this mania with his life.

on Mar 08, 2011

Its difficult to watch. I don't think its an act or scripted... its looks like the guy thinks hes a god or something like that.

on Mar 08, 2011

Its difficult to watch. I don't think its an act or scripted..

Interesting you said that.

I find  Two and A Half Men,  the TV sitcom in which Sheen is the so called "star", really disgusting and difficult to watch.  In many of the episodes he acts on camera just as he portrays himself to be off camera. 

on Mar 08, 2011

I find Two and A Half Men, the TV sitcom in which Sheen is the so called "star", really disgusting and difficult to watch. In many of the episodes he acts on camera just as he portrays himself to be off camera.

I believe he "was" the so called "star". I never watched the show, not my cup of tea but i can't deny I loved several of his movies such as both Hot Shots, Major League and Disney The Three Musketeers. He was very funny in all of them.

on Mar 09, 2011

There is absolutely nothing funny about Charlie Sheen's complete meltdown as a human being.

But, what the hell -

Funniest line I've read related to this (paraphrased):

Christian Bale's next Oscar will be for his portrayal of Charlie Sheen.

Funniest comedy bit to come out of it:

John Cryer taking a job answering phones for the Ellen Show.

For me, Charlie's portrayal of Garth Volbeck was the apex of his career.

on Mar 09, 2011

You folks just don't have dragon's blood.

Charley has the cash (for now) to buy the spotlight. IMO he is just on a bender that perpetuates itself by crazy action to explain crazy actions. It will all stop just as soon as the audience gets bored (or he kills himself) and moves on to the next fountain of entertainment. 

on Mar 09, 2011

I saw him on TV this morning and he looked terrible.  Obviously he's fighting some pretty nasty demons and it looks like they're winning at the moment..not Charlie. 


on Mar 10, 2011

Nitro Cruiser
You folks just don't have dragon's blood.

Charley has the cash (for now) to buy the spotlight. IMO he is just on a bender that perpetuates itself by crazy action to explain crazy actions. It will all stop just as soon as the audience gets bored (or he kills himself) and moves on to the next fountain of entertainment. 

And for later.  Reports are he stands to make $100m from synication of 2 1/2 Men alone.

on Mar 10, 2011

Charley has the cash (for now) to buy the spotlight.

And for later. Reports are he stands to make $100m from synication of 2 1/2 Men alone.

The spotlight is a very fleeting thing. Money can't buy everything. Money can't buy happiness, approval, health, etc. 

on Mar 10, 2011

It's sad how much joy people get watching him unravel.  (Not to be confused with the downright funny things he says.  One can be insane, and still brilliantly funny.)

But I've heard people really egg him on, want him to crash and burn.

Money can't buy a lot of things, but it still buys plenty of envy in this country.  And the most envious are generally the most vicious imo.

on Mar 11, 2011

And the most envious are generally the most vicious imo.

Words of Wisdom!

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