It never fails. In between Summer and Fall I just get that inter-seasonal
case of the blahs. I'm feeling tired, a little under the weather and down in the
dumps. No particular reason, happens every year. I know that because, like
the statistics geek I am, I've graphed it over the years and noticed that when
the weather starts to change from warm summers to cool Fall that I just lose all
sense of motivation.
I don't write for the reasons many people do. I don't consider blogging to be
some sort of personal journal. I like to think of it as "indie editorials".
One of the reasons I like blogging is that I've become very disenchanted with
the mainstream media. I've taken lots of press tours and dealt with the press
many times and there's nothing consistent about it. You get good journalists and
bad journalists and the bad ones are far worse than the typical blogger.
That's why I like blogging, I find the editorial content to be rich,
interesting, and often very insightful.
That's why I don't think it's any coincidence that it was during one of these
blah periods that I started blogging. I find interacting with a gigantic group
of people very uplifting. The first blog I started reading was
Steven Den Beste's. I didn't even know it
was a blog back then. I don't think they had the term yet. He was my "nemesis"
on the OS/2 groups. I met him during the dying days of my youthful
idealistic naiveté involving OS/2. I was an OS/2 advocate. He was an OS/2
detractor. I found his arguments against OS/2 compelling in the sense that they
were effective at making his case appear stronger to neutral parties than mine
were. Those who know me know that is saying a lot as I consider myself
quite good at debating. He wasn't above selective use of statistics and evidence
but in a debate, it's not your job to be objective, but rather to present your
case in its strongest way. From there, I saw thousands of other sites of
varying quality but nearly all fascinating.
There's so many sites out there that it's sometimes overwhelming. But it's
all good. Now, if only I could just get out of this blah feeling. There's
so much to do at work which is part of the problem. I spend only around 6 to 8
hours at the office but then come home and do another 4 to 6 hours at home of
work. Done long enough, one tends to not form hobbies that aren't related
tangentially to work. Which is a bit of a bummer. That's why blogging is
so interesting. Hearing about the lives, opinions, and views of others, I think,
is a worthwhile hobby of sorts.