I’ve been working on the AI this weekend and making a few proposed balancing changes. For one thing, I moved the tougher monsters away further from starting locations and murdered the remaining “Uhh” sound effects that make me cry the tears of a thousand rains every time I hear them (I get dehydrated a lot).
I’m making my own faction

The Drengin Empire are back, baby!

I’m not above gaming the system until Kael notices this. I should probably tell him that you can combine natural leader with cruel and get +1 attack. Should.

I am now ready to bring ruin, death, and pain to the world.

Nice place here. Remember how sunny and pleasant it was because when I’m done with it, it’ll make Mordor look like a resort.

I really need that balanced axe so…please die.

The Drengin Empire are able to train their slavelings.

The seem nice. I wonder what they’ll taste like.

This Apiary supplies food to Arrab. Some people like to “city spam”. Personally, we Drengin prefer a handful of very powerful cities being fed in by distant resources.

The known world in 179 AC. Tip: Ctrl-X will hide the UI so you can see just the map.
A few other little tips
Kael and I have difference preferences on the map view. If you hit the 1 key, that’s the default view (Kael’s preference). If you hit the 2 key you get my default camera view.

The known world in 210 AC. Click on it to get the high rez version.

Remember that nice area. Well the city of Seclur has taken its place. I think I’ll rename it to Drengi for future reference.

Umderdroths. In Elemental: Destiny's Embers it took an iron golem, a Sion, and a champion to take one down.