Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on August 12, 2013 By Draginol In Pets & Nature


We went to the reptile show this weekend.  We picked up a male and female Panther Chameleon.  The female, I believe is already ready to lay eggs. So I’m scrambling (no pun intended) to learn how to deal with that.


 2013-08-12 14.03.30 2013-08-12 14.03.16

So the male (left) is like a peacock. It’s all colorful and impressive to attract females.  The female (right) I think is pregnant.  The question is how to tell if she’s ready to lay eggs or not.

on Aug 12, 2013

Well first congratulations on those 2 fine Chams...

on Aug 12, 2013

The female, I believe is already ready to lay eggs. So I’m scrambling (no pun intended) to learn how to deal with that.

Visions of Brad running around boiling water....




...oh look....another pun...

on Aug 13, 2013

Nature is awesome. 

on Aug 13, 2013