Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on September 25, 2013 By Draginol In Internet

“People who say mean things should die in a fire!”

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 29, 2013

Quoting Fistalis, reply 29 I personally find those traits quite endearing


...but when you become a site Administrator tasked with policing the 'troll' you find you need to draw the proverbial 'line-in-the-sand'.

Your job is to protect ALL Community site users equally.  Generally the average User is NOT obliged to 'suck it in' or 'grin and bear it' when confronted with "Blunt honesty and lack of political correctness and/or diplomatic tact."  Stardock's rules of conduct applying to ALL site users can an do preclude much of what you may consider 'endearing'.

Yes, 'political correctness' can be particularly tiresome.... and 'blunt honesty' can have its place, but not when it is a direct 'attack' on a fellow site member.

Rules are rules, and all facets of society have them.  Those who don't conform to them/abide by them [for whatever reason] soon find themselves on the outer - restricted/denied continued intercourse/interaction.

As Ned Kelly said on the gallows...."Such is life". ...

Meh I always assumed froggy would tire of me and ban me eventually anyway, he shows many of those same traits at times but since its his site its a wee bit different (not to mention our personal views tend to be at odds most of the time). Personal attacks are not the same as blunt honestly and lack of diplomatic tact. You seem to be trying to smear the paint as it were. That is to say mix up one set of traits with another.

No getting banned is not a normal thing for me.. but given the wide subject matter and general discourse of these forums I always assumed it would happen eventually. I would never use personal attacks.. but what YOU may construe as a personal attack can be very different from what I do.

Point being when the day comes that I am faced with what i considered an inevitability I will show neither fear of it happening, nor will I bear any Ill will towards others for it happening. I don't think myself above the rules.. I just understand that in order to maintain my personal convictions I run the risk of breaking them and accepting the price that comes with it.

Anytime you step into someone elses domain you have to either accept that they call the shots and kowtow to their opinions or be true to yourself and accept that your time in their domain may be limited.

on Sep 29, 2013


 Blunt honesty and lack of political correctness and/or diplomatic tact. I personally find those traits quite endearing


Situationally, yes. In general, no.

on Sep 29, 2013

As a mod on another board, I deal with a lot of trolls and people using the anonymity of the Internet to be jerks.

And I agree with most of what has been said here.

But to claim every troll is an unemployed loser is just over the top.

Not everyone who is unemployed is a lazy good for nothing leech. Most people are unemployed because there are dozens of people looking for work for each open position available.

To constantly demonize the unemployed is a biased and a skewed view of reality.




on Sep 29, 2013

No one ever said that everyone who is unemployed is a leech.


The claim was nearly early troll is a loser in reality. Much depends on what you define as a troll.  A troll is not someone who disagrees with you, or even someone who hates you if they believe you did something wrong.  I define troll is someone who starts crap on the internet for their own personal pleasure.


That said, sometimes hatred can turn someone into a troll.   I'll say this: the truly effective trolls I've run across, have been folks who have tended to NOT be losers in life, but there are very few effective trolls.


I agree with you 100% on the demonization of those receiving government help, but that's not what's being claimed here.


on Sep 29, 2013

Anytime you step into someone elses domain you have to either accept that they call the shots and kowtow to their opinions or be true to yourself and accept that your time in their domain may be limited. don't even have to cow-tow to their can happily have your own.  It's only the standards of conduct that needs be followed.

How long someone remains in a 'domain' is exactly the length of how long they WISH to remain so.

Site Administrators are just here to manage the timing...

on Sep 29, 2013


No one ever said that everyone who is unemployed is a leech.


Brad said:

"The typical troll is an unemployed wannabe.  That's what fuels them in the first place. They hate people who have done things they wanted and in order to rationalize their own life failures they have to invent failings in other people. They don't recognize that their own failures are tied to their attitudes on life."

and in another post after that  he mentioned "basement" and "loser" which also implied unemployed (e.g living in your parents basement with no job)

on Sep 29, 2013

Quoting Fistalis, reply 31Anytime you step into someone elses domain you have to either accept that they call the shots and kowtow to their opinions or be true to yourself and accept that your time in their domain may be limited. don't even have to cow-tow to their can happily have your own.  It's only the standards of conduct that needs be followed.

I've joined a number of boards, where if you express an opinion that differs from the majority, you will get banned...


on Sep 29, 2013


Quoting Alstein, reply 34
No one ever said that everyone who is unemployed is a leech.


Brad said:

"The typical troll is an unemployed wannabe.  That's what fuels them in the first place. They hate people who have done things they wanted and in order to rationalize their own life failures they have to invent failings in other people. They don't recognize that their own failures are tied to their attitudes on life."

and in another post after that  he mentioned "basement" and "loser" which also implied unemployed (e.g living in your parents basement with no job)


Yes, but the other poster was impling that Brad thinks every unemployed is a leech/loser, which isn't true.


Being unemployed does not make you a troll.


on Sep 29, 2013


Quoting Alstein,
reply 34

No one ever said that everyone who is unemployed is a leech.


Brad said:

"The typical troll is an unemployed wannabe.  That's what fuels them in the first place. They hate people who have done things they wanted and in order to rationalize their own life failures they have to invent failings in other people. They don't recognize that their own failures are tied to their attitudes on life."

and in another post after that  he mentioned "basement" and "loser" which also implied unemployed (e.g living in your parents basement with no job)

The saying is....every thumb is a finger...but NOT every finger is a thumb.

All trolls [maybe] being unemployed is NOT the same thing as 'all unemployed are trolls'.

People who desire to make trolling their career path typically will be too busy doing so to be able to be gainfully employed at the same time...


on Sep 29, 2013

I've joined a number of boards, where if you express an opinion that differs from the majority, you will get banned...

Not on Stardock's sites you won't....provided that opinion is not racist or discriminatory or incites criminality...

on Sep 29, 2013

Quoting Borg999, reply 37I've joined a number of boards, where if you express an opinion that differs from the majority, you will get banned...

Not on Stardock's sites you won't....provided that opinion is not racist or discriminatory or incites criminality...

Yes, I know. 

on Sep 29, 2013

Does not compute. Internet mob ≠ Logic.

on Sep 29, 2013


As a mod on another board, I deal with a lot of trolls and people using the anonymity of the Internet to be jerks.

And I agree with most of what has been said here.

But to claim every troll is an unemployed loser is just over the top.

Not everyone who is unemployed is a lazy good for nothing leech. Most people are unemployed because there are dozens of people looking for work for each open position available.

To constantly demonize the unemployed is a biased and a skewed view of reality.


No one is saying any such thing.

I said the typical troll is an unemployed, basement dwelling loser.  That doesn't mean every troll nor does it say anything negative about someone who is unemployed.   Retired people are unemployed too. Are they trolls?

The stereotypical troll on the Internet today is a young while male with a lot of time on his hands typically because they don't have a job. They're usually motivated by envy of others but will rationalize their behavior endlessly.  I know this because, having spent 30 years on BBSes/Usenet/Forums and also attending trade shows, user group meetings, etc. I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of these guys.

But the very worst trolls don't fit this description. The sociopath trolls (see sites like somethingawful or broken forum or 4chan to see them in action) are motivated by who knows what and don't fit any specific description (except that they're still typically white males).  The ones I've met are usually (but not always) extremely introverted in person, outright meek but get them behind a computer and they will engage in very time consuming efforts to hate something or someone (usually their targets are political figures).  

on Sep 29, 2013

The sociopath trolls (see sites like somethingawful or broken forum or 4chan to see them in action) are motivated by who knows what

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

on Sep 29, 2013

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

'men' is a bit of a stretch....

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