“People who say mean things should die in a fire!”
Are we not joining in the same witch-hunt attacks/condemnations that we are railing against here?
We are defining a 'troll' in order to be able to recognise and ELIMINATE them from our Community.
There IS NO attack/condemnation of a fellow site member....as once recognised the troll is no longer a member. It is the troll who does the 'attacking' ...it's simply the site Administration that ministers his removal...
Its not just the internet that is losing its manners and tolerance.
Here in the UK people are being threatened with prison for speaking their minds on immigration policy.
Conversely violent crime is unduly tolerated and the identity of the criminal protected, we call it "human rights".
Troubled times these days. Makes one look back on yesteryears as the good old days. I think things were pretty good back in the day. At the time people were complaining about it, but look how much worse it can get. People take things for granted.
I encounter type 8 on a regular basis. They are the bane of my online existence. Making a comment that isn't perfectly PC, sends them into a tissy fit. Handling them with kid gloves isn't good enough...
"They tend to take everything as a personal assault, and love nothing more than feeling offended. And if they can’t feel offended directly, they also love being offended on other people’s behalves."
Guys these are just internet trolls. You think internet trolls are bad? Try trolls in real life, seriously. I know because I recently tried golfing as a new hobby.
It's amazing how many trolls golf. Why golf? Maybe the appeal is competitive relaxation. Plus trolling gives them an edge in the game, practical application. The last thing you want is to tense up and lose your nerve.
Now the funny thing is post college golfers aren't the problem because they're not very good at RL trolling but that doesn't stop them from numerous failed attempts. Not up to par so to speak. Now the older ones are silver tongued devils and they can golf very very well.
"Did you see that great swing?"
"Isn't it wonderful how one just can get away from it all with a nice game of golf?"
"Let's use this opportunity to catch up."
"So Jim, tell me how your mother is doing after that awful car accident, the one with the drunk driver."
"Oh looks like your up, I'll wait here and you can tell me your story after."