Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The left and right debate the existence of overt bias
Published on January 18, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

George W. Bush seems to have some sort of Crazedar. That is, he sends out some sort of subliminal signal to those on the left that drives them insane and lose all sense of perspective. This hasn't just affected politicians and activists, it's affected journalists too.

So incensed are some left-winger journalists and activists that they have gone off and formed a new media network to combat the "growing right wing media influence". It's called Central Air Media. There's a certain militancy to the whole thing. A zealotry that didn't exist before Bush. A zealotry that extends far beyond a few people trying to start an overtly liberal media network. It's made its presence felt on network news, in newspapers (particularly the New York Times), and elsewhere.

The net result is that the American media, which was long suspected of having a left-wing bias, has moved enough to the left that only a few far left apologists remain convinced that there is no left-wing bent to the mainstream American media (there are a few that have gone off the deep end so far that they are convinced there's a right-wing bias to the media now).

One obvious beneficiary of this trend has been Fox News which has, since Bush's election, become the top cable news network. Of course, that's all relative as cable news still gets a tiny amount of viewers relative to other mediums. There is an ongoing debate about whether Fox News is right-wing.  I tend to say that that depends on how far to the left you are. I've never been able to find someone on the political left to articulate exactly why they think Fox News is right-wing. The usual response is, "Everyone knows Fox is a right wing tool!" Why? How?

Yesterday on C-Span, Al Franken tried to argue that Bill O'Reilly is right-wing.  To a right-winger, Bill O'Reilly is pretty damn liberal. In reality, O'Reilly is Catholic. He's got a sprinkling from all sides. But when someone like Franken tries to lump O'Reilly in with Limbaugh he just demonstrates the intolerance some on the left have for dissenting opinions. You either march lock-step with their agenda or you're a right-wing nut.

The intolerance for dissenting opinion has resulted in a movement to establish an official "liberal" media network. As if ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time and the Washington Post aren't enough.  This new network, "Central Air" is bringing on Al Franken to co-host a liberal radio talk-show. Oops, I'm sorry, "Progressive".

As Eric Alterman, who writes for MSNBC and occasionally for Newsweek said, "Liberal journalists are journalists first, conservative journalists are conservatives first." (Yea, you're truly putting journalistic integrity above personal rantings over at MSNBC...).

The contempt that Franken, Alterman, and their ilk have for dissent is one reason why the left has lost so much of its influence in recent years. Their contempt doesn't stop for conservatives, it extends into their views of the average American. "The problem with the average American isn't that they're ignorant but rather they're indoctrinated by the right" said one liberal commentator last night.  In their eyes, the vast right wing media complex they imagine has to be fought against.

In reality, they would prefer a system in which only enlightened people such as themselves delivered the news. Liberals, after all, are enlightened enough to be fair whereas those fascist conservatives are only interested in "indoctrinating" those gullible ditto-head masses. Don't take my word for that, that's essentially what Franken and Alterman said last night. Alterman claims on his site to have been on his "best" behavior too. BTW, Altermen also has an anti-Bush book coming out too. The Crazedar is done its work on him.

Alterman's views are particularly useful for understanding the left-wing mindset which can be summed up as follows:

  • Liberals are more enlightened and civilized and thus able to be "fair" in their reporting
  • Most Americans have liberal views and it is only through a tiny right-wing minority that is well organized that the will of the people is thwarted year in and year out
  • Conservatives are ideologues and incapable of being fair
  • The mainstream media may be populated by liberals but they try to be fair. The vast right wing media is just pushing its message

Of course, Alterman wouldn't even concede that NPR has any left-wing bias at all. Is he really that far gone? But he sure is quick to talk about the big right-wing bias. Which begs the question, what vast right-wing media network?

Let's do a quick table with the left side being the "spin" and the right side the reality.

The Spin

Reality Check

"Talk Radio"

Yea, AM Radio! Tax Payer funded NPR is on in every significant market in the United States on FM. Of course, since Alterman wouldn't even concede NPR's bias he would shrug that off.

The Weekly Standard

The skin site, gets more traffic than this site. It has about 30,000 subscribers. Whoo.

The Wallstreet Journal

The whole paper? No. Just the single editorial page.

Fox News

No specifics ever given other than "O'Reilly" who is not right-wing. But let's say it is right-wing. It's a cable news channel. One. Out of how many? It's no more right-wing than CNN is left wing.

New York Post

Yep, it's right wing. Ever see the New York Post at an airport? Not I (other than in New York). New York Times, however, is the world's most popular newspaper and has in the past couple of years become flagrantly left-wing (remember the 40+ articles against that Augusta country club?)

That's it pretty much. Wow. It's vast.

Yet conservatives have to deal regularly with statements such as these:

"He went along with having an openly gay congressman address the convention last night, yet bush opposes hate crimes legislation, gay marriage, and gay adoption." -ABC's Dean Reynolds on World News Tonight right after the Republican National Convention.  You see, not being for those things is akin to being a homophobe really..

"The GOP platform is again very strongly pro-life and rejects abortion rights, and the platform specifically comes out against gay unions and against legal protections baesd on sexual preferences. So is this really an open, compassionate, tolerant party?" -ABC's Charles Gibson to Lynne Cheney on ABC's Good Morning America.   Once again, if you are not for left-wing policies, it's because you're full of hate.

"Since 9/11 the word "terrorist" has come to mean someone who is radical, Islamic, and foreign. But many believe we have as much to fear from a homegrown group of anti-abortion crusaders." -ABC's Jami Floyd on 20/20 just 2 months after 9/11. Oh yea, I am sure "many" of you reading this have just as much fear of anti-abortion crusaders as Al Queda.

But it's not really the flagrant left-wing bias stuff out there. One can nit-pick that sort of thing all day if you look hard enough.  There are entire websites dedicated to it.  What Americans are increasingly becoming frustrated with, in my opinion, is being treated like ignorant cattle by the "mainstream" media.

The most obvious symptom of that contempt is the use of labels. Don't believe there's a bias in the media? Watch the shows, any shows and look for the labeling.  "Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh..." versus "Satirist Al Franken". Why not "Liberal commenator Al Franken"?

Or the "Hard Right-wing congressman Newt Gingrich" versus "Senator Ted Kennedy".  Ever heard the term "Hard left" used at all to describe any congressman or senator?  Ever hear liberal or left wing labels put in front of NOW? Or ACLU?  On the other hand, the NRA regularly gets labeled as conservative or right-wing or worse. And while the Christian-Coalition is nearly always labeled as a right-wing or conservative group, the NAACP is almost never identified as left-wing or liberal.

Labeling is just one example where you can easily see the biases. But the biases are often very tough to spot unless you're really into this stuff. For example, there are two big Washington think-tanks on political philosophies: The Heritage Foundation (conservative) and The Brookings Institute (liberal). Besides the fact that the Heritage Foundation is nearly always labeled, the selective use of guests from these foundations can be very telling. If you follow the news closely, odds are you have heard of the Brookings Institute much more the Heritage Foundation. That would be because ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and particularly NPR have guests from the Brookings Institute much more often than from the Heritage Foundation. Not only does it get much more air time but rarely is its political affiliation identified.

NPR had an almost surreal interview about 3 weeks ago regarding Gays in the military.  NPR had two guests to debate the issue about what the military policy concerning gays in the military should be.  The two guests? Two former high ranking officers from the military -- both gay and both in favor of openly allowing gays in the military. Way to go NPR. You're right Alterman, no bias there.

And of course we won't even get into the soft-influence from Hollywood which has a very far left of center perspective on the world. Franken, true to form, tried to argue that Hollywood isn't that left by pointing out Arnold Swartz nagger is right-wing. Well yea, barely. So okay, score one for the Republicans against the thousands of Clooney's, Gere's, Streisand's, etc.

Unfortunately for the media, capitalism works its magic. The mainstream media is losing its grip. Contrary to their view that the typical American is some knuckle-dragging imbecile, the average American is no fool. They can detect spin and political correctness. And they're getting fed up with it and turning to other mediums.

It will be interesting to see how Central Air Media does. I believe it will fail miserably. From a business perspective, I don't think they've done their demographics homework.  But the real "root cause" of its failure, in my opinion, is that most of the media is already to the left of mainstream America and people have had their fill. That's why sources that are more in tune with American sensibilities or to the right are doing so well. We've had enough and we're not going to take it anymore.  One wonders though, when Central Air Media bombs, will there be any introspection by the Frankens and Moores and Altermans of the world that maybe they are just a bit out of touch?

on Jan 18, 2004
Luckily I have faith that the general populace doesn't take the Al Franken / Bill O'Rielly feud any more seriously than a feud between Jay Leno and David Letterman. It's silly hollywood nonsense intended to keep you watching.

Hopefully their opinions are taken even less seriously.

Personally the things I've heard about Al and Bill fighting is more intriguing than the things I've generally heard them say when they're being "serious".
on Jan 18, 2004
One example of how oblivious some people are of the bias is the actual people involved in these debates.

So for the left you have Al Franken and Eric Alterman. Both immensely famous people in the media.

And for the right, the best they can do is Tucker Carlson and Laurel Ingram.

Gee, which two have been built up the most in the media?

The list of famous left-wing pundits is huge. Besides Franken you have Moore, you have a large chunk of Hollywood celebrities, you have the seemingly never-ending Kennedy mistique, John Stewart, Jame Carville, etc.

And on the right? Umm... Rush Limbaugh. The fact you end up with such obscure figures like Tucker Carlson having to be brought up as an avatar of the right (and I don't mind that, he's far more articulate and decent as a human being than his more famous adversaries) tells the tale.
on Jan 18, 2004
If you list out the bullet points that the left and right are fighting over (gun control, Iraq, abortion rights, direction of tax money, affirmative action, and so on) and then you sit and watch one day's worth of TV - pick a channel, any channel - you will see the liberal side displayed overwhelmingly. Rarely will you see the conservative view.

How often do you see a citizen owning a gun portrayed as a good thing? I've watched hundreds of episodes of Law and Order and never seen one. I've watched the news (pick your station, even fox!) and never once have I seen a story covered about how someone protected themselves with a personal firearm.

As an avid TV fan, I can testify that TV is overwhelmingly liberal. If you really want to get scared, watch what the KIDS love. MTV is one billion times more scary than NPR. Nobody who hasn't already picked a side listens to NPR, but I swear to you everyone under 30 watches MTV, and they are deliberate in their liberal propaganda. "Rock the Vote"? Who do you think THEY support?

Most popular channel in the world. Think about it.
on Jan 18, 2004
Matt: Absolutely. How often do we hear about crimes that were solved by armed citizens? It happens a lot. In "Arrogance" (new book) a few specific cases were brought up where armed citizens stopped a serious criminal because they had weapons. But the media will regularly ignore those stories.
on Jan 18, 2004
I agree with you that the media shows a decidedly liberal point-of-view and has for quite some time. You certainly know that former Vice President Spiro Agnew referred to the media as the "nattering nabobs of negativism." I would further state that financial prospects of conservative alternatives are mediocre at best, while left-wing sites such as seem rosy.

But this to me is an example of the free market economy in action. American's tend to vote conservatively, but then pay money at the newstand or watch commercials on TV stations that are critical of the candidates they have just elected. Perhaps it is some sort of undocumented check and balance system integral to the American character.

Our Constitution guarantees our right to criticize our leaders and we love to exercise that right.

Now the media was perhaps unfairly forgiving of President Clinton. But our national character has always loved a rogue.
on Jan 18, 2004
TV will steal your soul and blame you for watching it.
Money back guaranteed, call now!
on Jan 18, 2004
Perhaps Americans vote conservatively because liberalism is in the Media too much. It's like when one eats cake everyday that don't want anymore cake on their birthday, except the cake is liberals and the birthday is election day.
on Jan 19, 2004
Well-presented points Brad. Authoritatively drawn from various sources. I have to say that I don't agree with all of it, but my main point is that it is much-a-do about nothing. It serves to polarize viewers into two possible camps, the one 'left' the other 'right'. Neither makes sense to me as I view the news as an American first then a 'team'. It has also fallen on deaf ears to try to tell c-span to not force Americans into either Rep. or Dem. sides on their call-ins. Lamb's Argument for their style choice is not adequate to justify it in my opinion. The least he could do is ask callers to comment on (just make them name them jeez) what THEIR State Rep. or Sen. voted on the issue since this is the only place their opinion will count in the election.
One of the things the media does seem to have trouble coping with is the recent Immigration policy change by President Bush. He has stolen a solid Democratic mainstay by siding with the Mexican illegals over Americans, which may win him the Mexican vote this year. They can't say they agree or they lose the issue. They can't disagree or they lose the votes. It is funny how both Parties agree with his move yet hold that they are different to the public.
I will be studying your 'source' on your posts as it has http ref links embedded and clickables to other sites, highlighting and bold-facing, etc. You really ought to put this source up for others to use as template for thier own potential blogs to show how good they can look with work. I do appreciate the post and hope to learn more on this from your work. Thanks.
on Jan 19, 2004
So for the left you have Al Franken and Eric Alterman. Both immensely famous people in the media.

And for the right, the best they can do is Tucker Carlson and Laurel Ingram.

it probably depends on the audience. franken is fairly famous. i actually recognized carlson because i see him on political talk shows often (plus he has a neat first name) and he does seem like a decent guy. but did not know who alterman was and didn't recognize him. ingram's name did ring a bell.

How often do you see a citizen owning a gun portrayed as a good thing? I've watched hundreds of episodes of Law and Order and never seen one.

there was that "law and order" episode where that crazy guy was shooting black people and got back on the street due to a technicality and was then shot by a black teenage girl at the end.

and that episode of "the practice" where the skinny prosecutor chick at home shot the serial killer freaky dude dressed as a nun while she was naked.

and of course that great scene from the first season episode of "the sopranos" where the mafia boss' wife hears someone fooling with the window outside and rushes out with an ak-47.
on Jan 19, 2004
Ingram and Carlson are relatively innocuous in their conservative views--could it be C-Span felt that the conservatives would therefore look moderate in contrast to Franken and Alterman?
on Jan 19, 2004
Matt: How do you account for all the gun-toting heroes and HEROINES, the buffoonery of gays, with gun-control and civil union liberal addicts?

Larry: All is relative--a rogue in sex is not exactly equal to a rogue who forges a war of choice on faulty logic. The polls showing strong support for Bush is indicative of your belief that the more roguish the better. Same applies to Arnold.
Russell: Where have you been? If not guns or knives, surely, there's plenty of bloody kick ass.
on Jan 19, 2004
Russell - you shame me. I thought I was a TV guru. I stand corrected.

Stevendedalus - gun toting heroes and villains in non-reality based TV, like A-team, or more currently shows like Alias, don't reflect on the legislature or regulation of guns because they are fantasy. Furthermore, there is a lack of moralizing about it in these shows. You don't see them say, "thank goodness for my AK-47, or I wouldn't have made it!"; whereas you do see the endless moralizing of guns in reality-based shows, like almost all dramas, where they can't go without a, "if only these guns weren't available on the street."

Guns in media are almost always portrayed as the -cause- of misery and death, and almost never as a defensive tool.

As for the portrayal of gays, barring the FX show "The Shield", every single gay on TV is shown to be demonstratively benevalent - usually by their forgiveness after being attacked by an evil gay basher. It's -always- portrayed as normal and healthy. Always. Again, on the bullet-point list, Homosexuality isn't normal and healthy on the right-side of things.
on Jan 19, 2004
You have to remember the media only lets you see what it wants you to see...

Media isn't left or right because of what it shows you, it is what it is because of what it doesn't show you.

I simply dont watch TV, and make sure i read different accounts of world events from at least 5-6 international publications. As i have said before, if you dont program your own mind the world will do it for you.


on Jan 19, 2004

The main problem is that journalism just doesn't tend to attract conservatives into that field. It's like entertainment or art, you don't see too many conservatives interested in that sort of thing.

Given their personal biases, I think mainstream journalists do a pretty good job trying to be fair. I just wish they'd have the decency to admit that yea, despite their best efforts, there is almost an inevitable tendancy to tilt to the left even if it's unintentional.

The reason why they have to go wtih a Tucker Carlson to be on the right on a show like that is because there are so few big time journalists on the right. Who are they going to pick from the right? Rush Limbaugh? I would bet you dollars to donuts that Rush, despite being quite far right, would show more respect and decency on one of those debates than one can expect from Franken or Alterman.

Listen to Alterman speak or Franken and it's pretty clear - as far as they care concerned, conservatives are sub-human. You can feel their hate as they speak. Their utter contempt. When you think your opposition is basically unprincipled it's easy to get down to depths.  I don't agree with liberal philosphies, but I generally believe those who hold those positions do so out of inexperience in having to deal with those issues in a practical way. I don't think most liberals are unprincipled (though some are just like some conservatives are). But people like Franken and Alterman make it clear that they believe those who believe as I do do so out of personal greed or other equally unpricinpled reasons.

on Jan 21, 2004
got to educate my fiancee this week on the subject. I was on the web, she was watching the news on TV when they showed footage of President Bush laying the wreath on MLK Jr's grave. She immediately started telling me how Bush is a racist, he's never done anything for MLK day before and only did this as a publicity stunt because he's running for re-election, and then told about how the crowd at the cemetery was so offended by his "false" show of respect that they boo'd him.

I went nuts....

I asked why he was fake? "Because he's just doing this for the publicity." So, he shouldn't have done anything... that would be better for you, as a black American, that President Bush IGNORE Martin Luther King day instead of honoring it? "No, of course not... it's just that he's been president for 3 years and never done ANYTHING before now." Well, where were Gephardt, Kerry, Edwards, Clark, Dean, etc? I didn't see them in the video, where were they? "They are all in Iowa running for President, they had business to do." So, their running trying to be chosen as the candidate of their party is more important than actually BEING the president? "No, Bush is allready president, he doesn't have to do anything...." But you just said he only did it BECAUSE he was running. Which is it? "You don't get it because you are white, Bush is all talk but no action - where was he last year?" Where was Hillary this year? Where were Bill and Al this year? "This is about Bush, not the Clintons." That's right.... This is about Bush, and the fact that no matter what he does the liberal left will always hate it and criticize it. Bush goes, and you condemn it as a publicity stunt. You claim he did nothing before, and you condemn that too.... what could he possibly have done that you would have approved of?

At that point the room got quiet and I went to Google, typed in PRESIDENT BUSH MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY and hit enter.

I got several stories about how he was jeered, some criticism of his policies, the things you'd expect.... and then I hit the gold I had expected. I was wanting to find out what he did last year on MLK day....

Turned out, George W. Bush is the president that actually CREATED Martin Luther King Day as a FEDERAL HOLIDAY! It wasn't Clinton or any other democrat, it was Dubya himself. Oh, Clinton made it a National Holiday in 1993 but didn't deem it important enough to go the next step and make it an official Federal Holiday, so that government employees got the day off. Instead Bill Clinton gave MLK day the same importance as say, Ground Hog Day. GW Bush made it a FEDERAL HOLIDAY, that's what he did last year....

She didn't believe me.... so I had to go to the US State Department's website, with it's listing of FEDERAL HOLIDAYS to explain it to her.

"I don't understand, why don't they talk about this stuff on TV and NPR? I've NEVER heard that before, ever?!"

We had a discussion about media bias after that. She's still not a fan of Bush, but she's got a whole new perspective.

Then tonight we watched the State of the Union address.... Condeleeza Rice is one scary looking woman, "she don't play" is my fiancee's description of her, but dear Senator Clinton from NY.... what a lovely woman she is, so full of love and cheer. Have you EVER seen someone more filled with hate than her when she is dicated to applaud Bush? And Ted Kennedy, does he disagree with everything the president is saying or does he just have the DT's and can't control the spasms in his head and eyes? Dick Cheney, who pissed in his cheerio's, does he ever smile without a smirk?

The only two people there that I think I truly like and trust are Bill Frist and Colin Powell.