Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Map of Jesus Land explained
Published on December 17, 2004 By Draginol In Republican

In my Christmas letter I talked about liberal Democrats fleeing to Canada to escape "Jesus Land".  I've talked to some family members and friends who weren't familiar with this reference. So for those of them that visit my blog, here's what I was referring to:

Shortly after the election a bunch of far left wing bloggers and journalists started claiming that the only reason why Bush won is because the "Jesus Freaks" came out in force to vote for Bush. And so in their view we have a divided country with one side being "rational, thoughtful, intelligent" people who should break off and hook up with Canada and the other side a bunch of "moronic, reactionary religious nuts who are too blind to recognize what a Nazi Bush is" who should just form their own country and call it "jesus land".

And a John Kerry supporter then created this map to lampoon conservatives. I thought it was pretty funny but not for the same reasons. Where the Kerry supporters seemed to think it spoke a lot more proof, conservatives, such as myself who aren't even religious, found it amusing in demonstrating that those partiuclarly liberals just don't have a clue why they lost. So I decided to refer to it in my letter.

In my Christmas letter, I overestimated how many people had heard of this thing. They thought I had made up the concept of "Jesus Land" and map. I didn't.  I was poking fun at far left wing people who had crudely tried to stereotype Bush voters.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 17, 2004
I was poking fun at far left wing people who had crudely tried to stereotype Bush voters.

Finally, more sefentic statement than 'left'. Too many were blaming the entire left foor actions of 'far left'. I consider 'far left' had went so far left that they went over the cliff.

I wonder why people thinks that 'red' or 'blue' state meant that everyone there voted for person in same party as that color. Purple USA is more realistic.

on Dec 18, 2004
This is why it's not always a good idea to write Christmas letters.
on Dec 18, 2004
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of Jesusland. And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice to all.

Insightful for this iamheather

I reside in one of the very red states!

Merry Christmas All
on Dec 18, 2004
The funny part about this whole thing is, Liberals cringe when they hear Conservatives say that the US is a Christian nation, and the Conservatives cringing when the Liberals call (most of it) "Jesusland".

OH THE IRONY!!!!!! ;~D
on Dec 18, 2004
Good map, it's the way I've thought of NA since visiting some of the soutern states and most of the northern states too. It's like Canada and most Northern States are pretty damn close in disposition (even between republicans and democrats)....

But you forgot something: Florida is owned by Cubans and Canadians, so cut off a small section of Miami and call it "United States of Cuba" and the rest (minus the northern part of Florida put in the United States of Canada.

Granted, it would make things a little dififcult having a separated territory, but then Jesusland has to deal with the same thing with Alaska....

Maybe we can do a trade, Alaska, Maryland and North Carolina for Florida... but we don't make any promises about USofC... that's your problem

I've always said that Canada was going to rule the world some day... this is just confirmation
on Dec 18, 2004
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of Jesusland. And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice to all.

I'm offended..... ;~D
on Dec 18, 2004
Good map, it's the way I've thought of NA since visiting some of the soutern states and most of the northern states too. It's like Canada and most Northern States are pretty damn close in disposition (even between republicans and democrats)....

The dichotomy (if you want to call it that) exists between rural and many suburban counties, and urban counties in the northern states. Outside of the urban centers of the Twin Cities, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Detroit, political similarities tend to be more with American Southerners rather than with Canadians. The great bulk of the northerrn population resides within urban areas. There is one notable exception to the rural/suburban vs. urban split. The Mississippi River Complex. Proximity to the Mississippi River shows a correlation toward the Democratic Party. This remains true for much of the length of the River on both sides.
on Dec 18, 2004
Man this political section has really gone off the deep end. Our country is doomed with this man in office and your still discussing the stupid election and why it went the way it did. There are more things to worry about like China being our number 1 country who now fronts our countries debt. I think dicussions should be about this situation that your man Bush is responsible for. China will soon be the super power what say you all when this happens and it will? Enjoy your choice!
on Dec 18, 2004
I'm offended..... ;~D

iamheather- you can't say that anymore.... you offended parated2k.

Sound familiar?

Your map has not offended me draginol... you can continue to post.

on Dec 18, 2004

(lots of flame posts between users on off topic stuff deleted)

Desert Fox: Feel free to write about whatever YOU would like.  On my blog, I'll write about what I want.  I don't write for your edification.  Please feel free not to read my blog at all.

I wrote this blog so that my family and friends who get our Christmas Letter can know what the Jesus Land reference in my letter was referring to.

on Dec 18, 2004

Insightful for this iamheather

I reside in one of the very red states!

Thanks preacherman. So do I!

iamheather- you can't say that anymore.... you offended parated2k
I'm offended..... ;~D

I will say it and can say it. Parated2k isn't offended. I know him better than that.

on Dec 18, 2004
Drat, only been here a couple of weeks and she's already figured me out!!! ;~D
on Dec 18, 2004

Drat, only been here a couple of weeks and she's already figured me out!!!

Please stand and join with me ParaTed2K....

I pledge allegiance to the flag of Jesusland....

on Dec 18, 2004
No problem. Keep your rural areas. We'll take Chicago and the other civilized parts of the state whose name translates as "foul smelling."

We'll also take Travis County, Texas...which Bush lost by an OVERWHELMING margin. For those 90% of us Amercians who can only identify five or six of our own states on an unlabeled map, Travis county is where Austin is. Austin is the capital of Texas. Remember, where "DUH-bya" was governor before he became President? Perhaps that's saying something. Most of us here in Travis County have had a few more years of Bush's inept bungling.

Thanks, and have a nice day.
on Dec 18, 2004

Most of us here in Travis County have had a few more years of Bush's inept bungling.

And a bit more brainwashing by my alma mater, the University of Texas.

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