Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Map of Jesus Land explained
Published on December 17, 2004 By Draginol In Republican

In my Christmas letter I talked about liberal Democrats fleeing to Canada to escape "Jesus Land".  I've talked to some family members and friends who weren't familiar with this reference. So for those of them that visit my blog, here's what I was referring to:

Shortly after the election a bunch of far left wing bloggers and journalists started claiming that the only reason why Bush won is because the "Jesus Freaks" came out in force to vote for Bush. And so in their view we have a divided country with one side being "rational, thoughtful, intelligent" people who should break off and hook up with Canada and the other side a bunch of "moronic, reactionary religious nuts who are too blind to recognize what a Nazi Bush is" who should just form their own country and call it "jesus land".

And a John Kerry supporter then created this map to lampoon conservatives. I thought it was pretty funny but not for the same reasons. Where the Kerry supporters seemed to think it spoke a lot more proof, conservatives, such as myself who aren't even religious, found it amusing in demonstrating that those partiuclarly liberals just don't have a clue why they lost. So I decided to refer to it in my letter.

In my Christmas letter, I overestimated how many people had heard of this thing. They thought I had made up the concept of "Jesus Land" and map. I didn't.  I was poking fun at far left wing people who had crudely tried to stereotype Bush voters.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 18, 2004
We'll take Chicago and the other civilized parts

A few of my fellow medics at Lifestar and Chicago FD would beg to differ on the "civilized" part. ;~D
on Dec 18, 2004
Republicans are so steriotyped..... Im a repub. and i havent been to church in my life.(i know i should...) Also im not rich between my birthday and christmas i dont get anything
on Dec 18, 2004
Im a repub. and i havent been to church in my life

You don't have to go to church to be a republican and all republicans are not Christians, but I think we all will agree the Jesus Land which is predominately republican, at least in values have the more conservative moral direction!

God Bless & Merry Christmas Grog577

ps it's not church that is all important but Jesus Christ- He is the reason for the season.

on Dec 19, 2004

ps it's not church that is all important but Jesus Christ- He is the reason for the season.

Thank you for this, preacherman.

on Dec 20, 2004

indeed. And my point was to make fun of those who would stereotype Republicans as a bunch of religious zealots. I'm not religious either.

on Dec 20, 2004
Let's see, I'm a White, Republican, Christian, Army NG Retired, heterosexual, of completely British Descent..... and I voted for Prs. Bush.

on Dec 21, 2004
Here's your stone-cutter robe..
on Dec 21, 2004
I thought that this was an interesting piece of writing. However, the constitution of the uSA does not recognise any state relogion and this make the uS a secular state with a Christian majority. No one can really claim that the USA is a Christian country in the same sense that countries in the Middle East calim to be Islamic.
on Dec 21, 2004

Reply #39 By: Bahu Virupaksha - 12/21/2004 6:25:45 AM
I thought that this was an interesting piece of writing. However, the constitution of the uSA does not recognise any state relogion and this make the uS a secular state with a Christian majority. No one can really claim that the USA is a Christian country in the same sense that countries in the Middle East calim to be Islamic.

Nor I think would we want to be. So what your saying is that Islam is a state religion? In other words either you are or else?
on Dec 21, 2004

ps it's not church that is all important but Jesus Christ- He is the reason for the season.

Actually the reason for the season was to kill a pegan holiday.... and heck it didn't hurt that the bible was written by Constantine (after he had all of the people that were supposed to put it together executed because he didn't like what they put together) who was the head of the pegan religion at the time and HATED women. (hence why Marry Magdalin is a prostitute in the bible and not a direct decendant of Soloman and a very important jewish business woman that was married to Jesus (as was proper for Jews at the time), had a daughter by him, and was the "unknown" deciple in the bible whom Jesus regularily kisses and pisses off the other deciples as a result.

(not this isn't just me reading Dan Brown, this is well documented historical fact. The bible is fiction, the story of Jesus is so far from reailty that it might as well be a lie. Read up on the events surrounding the creating of the New Testiment and you'll understand what I'm talking about. It's awe inspiring.)
on Dec 21, 2004
(not this isn't just me reading Dan Brown, this is well documented historical fact. The bible is fiction, the story of Jesus is so far from reailty that it might as well be a lie. Read up on the events surrounding the creating of the New Testiment and you'll understand what I'm talking about. It's awe inspiring.)

And many of the stories in the Bible, including such things as "the coming of the Son of Man" and "the virgin birth" , to name a couple, can be found in older religious traditions, such as Zoroastrianism, which predates Christianity by some 1500 years.
on Dec 21, 2004
Great article; hadn't seen it for someone. Thanks for the enlightenment on the subject. Kudos once again. I've heard the US refered to as "The Land of 'Thou Shalt Not'" by Europeans I know. After hearing what is "normal" in their countries, makes me awfully comfortable to reside here. And thankful.
on Dec 21, 2004
Sorry.... hadn't seen it for *** some reason ****.

And I'm glad being Republican isn't equated with being religious or with being a Christian in actuality. I don't want a state-run religion. I'm just as glad the thing most republicans embrace together is a hierarchy of values -- denial of post-moderism and appreciation for the Tao, in whatever form each Republican finds it expressed.
on Dec 21, 2004
while everyone is dividing the states lets not forget da right reverned jesse jacksons remark about nyc HYMIEVILLE... so where do us Jews get to live?
on Jan 07, 2005
When I first saw the title of this blog I thought Öh no not more arguments about THE MIDDLE EAST" instaed I was pleasently surprised to find a very amusing dig at the short sightedness of the reasons why John Kerry ost the election. As per the democrates. I always find it interesting when people loose elections they will balme everyone but themselves for the loss, not matter what the politics. I find that in most cases when this happens you can generally say that they will probably loose successive elections too, until they learn to look inwardly, instead of playing the blame game. Yes I know I am being to serious, but the reason people voted against John Kerry are many, and to complex to dicsuss ina reply, however I do have to say that in many cases governments stay in power because those they would replace offer no real change or change that is not in line with the general populace, so to ignor this is shorted sighted, ptronising and insulting to all.
As for the Jesus land Jokes etc, I can think of no better way to drive these people further to the republicans than by insulting them.
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