The UN, once again, seems to have mastered giving the appearance of doing a lot of work while doing very little. Instead, they take credit for the work of others. Perhaps they should look into getting into game publishing...
Here's a good follow-up article:
And more:
Now now. That's unfair. Game publishers aren't nearly as inefficient and impotent as the UN! They actually get their product where they're supposed to be!
Reading these though, it makes me applaud how the US and other nations have decided to do the aid their own way.
You're way behind on the news, the has been paying its dues for some years now. It suspended payment in the early 90s to pressure the UN to clean up its act. Which it did until the US started paying again. I think it's time to not pay again.
So, there's nothing wrong with taking credit for something they didn't do? Does that mean that nobody will complain when we give all the credit to everything good in the world to the US, even if it involved others, or does it only apply to the UN?