Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Real quotes from really dumb people
Published on January 6, 2005 By Draginol In Current Events
Not surprisingly, most of the worst ones are from left wingers.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 06, 2005
"2. Let them eat sea-grass: David Holcberg, a research associate at the Ayn Rand Institute in Irvine, California, demonstrates he's not for any sissy labels like "compassionate libertarian":

"The United States government... should not give any money to help the tsunami victims. Why? Because the money is not the government's to give. Every cent the government spends comes from taxation. Every dollar the government hands out as foreign aid has to be extorted from an American taxpayer first.""

While I agree that it is our money (not the government's), apparently the good Mr. Holcberg has never heard of "deficit spending" if he thinks that the dollars must "first" be extorted from the taxpayers. ;~D

"4. Sounds like yet another case of sour grapes: The former UK International Development Secretary and an anti-Blair rotweiller Claire Short:

"I think this initiative from America to set up four countries claiming to coordinate [the aid effort] sounds like yet another attempt to undermine the UN when it is the best system we have got and the one that needs building up... Only really the UN can do that job... It is the only body that has the moral authority.""

I guess when we Americans were recoverying from all the hurricanes, forest fires and other disasters of last year, with no help from the UN, we were undermining it then too!!! ;~D

on Jan 06, 2005
In some ways the UN complaints do make sense - after all, some of those dues everyone is paying go towards kitting out some of the best aid and development thinkers in the world. To refuse their expertise would be a waste of money.
on Jan 06, 2005
some of those dues everyone is paying go towards kitting out some of the best aid and development thinkers in the world.

So, instead of paying dues this year, the member nations should donate that money to the relief effort. ;~D

To refuse their expertise would be a waste of money.

I'll agree with you here. I don't think that the U.S. and other nations working outside the UN is "undermining" it, but that doesn't mean the UN should be omitted from the effort. Between government and private recovery outfits, there seems to be enough work to go around.
on Jan 06, 2005
I just think it's too bad, regardless of political affiliation, that people feel compelled to compare very different situations. Oppose the war in Iraq, the Bush administration, homosexuals, the EU, whatever you want. But don't use the suffering of so many millions to help you make a political statement.
on Jan 06, 2005
As long as they're brown people: This, sadly from someone on the political right

Not all idiots is Left. There is some Right idiots.

That said, I agree that many of those comments is just idiotic.
on Jan 06, 2005
There are idiots on both sides of the spectrum, but the most sickening comments are the ones trying to politicize the humantarian aid.  Damned if we do, and damned if we dont.
on Jan 06, 2005

I laughed, I cried, I got angry, I was not surprised. Thanks for the link, Brad.

on Jan 06, 2005
In some ways the UN complaints do make sense

Of course they do, dear...(pats cacto on the head). Now, run along and play with your little friends. There you go. That's a good little internationalist boy.
on Jan 06, 2005

LEFT BAD!!!!!!



on Jan 07, 2005
Reply #9 By: UBoB - 1/6/2005 6:33:06 PM

LEFT BAD!!!!!!





on Jan 07, 2005
right good? left bad? Why didn't anyone ever TELL me that?

on Jan 07, 2005
I always thought Left and Sinister were synonyms! ;~D
on Jan 07, 2005
right good? left bad? Why didn't anyone ever TELL me that?

Well, hey seem to finally be getting it, too, you newborn moderate, you. We'll win you over to this side, yet.
on Jan 07, 2005
The fact of the UN having it's "assessment teams" staying in inland hotels with chauffered Land Rovers to take them to affected areas says more about their disaster relief than anything I could say.
Here is one US diplomat's take on UN Disaster relief. Link Props to Powerlineblog.

on Jan 10, 2005
'Not surprisingly, most of the worst ones are from left wingers.'

Hmm. This is an explicitly right-wing site, so you're absolutely right to say 'not surprisingly'. Nevertheless, among the 'contributors' to the list are one of Rupert Murdoch's journalists from 'The Times', a Baptist church, even somebody from the Ayn Rand Institute. Somehow I'd hardly expect that lot to be manning the barricades come the day of the Socialist revolution. Or perhaps those are just not 'the worst ones', whatever that means.

Still, top marks for a spirited attempt to both impose and then win a sterile and simplistic 'left-right' battle of ideology, and in the absence of any objective evidence whatsoever.

Look out, Draginol, they're right behind you ...
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