The music industry, particularly the on-line music industry, has some real
challenges ahead of it. People are still prone to pirate music rather than
purchase it even when it's only 99 cents.
My belief has been that much of music piracy has to do with convenience. But
in a poll last week on that asked whether people would be
buying music on-line the results were not reassuring.
Over 1,200 people responded on WinCustomize and 42% of people responded that
they would continue to just download it for free (pirate it). What's worse, the
demographics of WinCustomize are pretty much the music industry's best case
scenario - average age is around 30 years old on WinCustomize and they tend to
purchase software.
Yet on music, given equal convenience, they'll still pirate it.
Here's the results of the poll.

1,233 respondents