Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
where to next?
Published on January 17, 2005 By Draginol In PC Gaming

Expert blacksmithing gets you to 150.  Artistan starts at 200.  So what do I need to do to get from 150 to 200?

I dunno but I'm finding black smithing to be kind of a waste of time so far.  Aldar is a much better blacksmith and we have no enchanters in our guild.  So I've thought about being an Enchanter but I fear that's too much work to get started and I'm already at 150 on blacksmithing.


on Jan 17, 2005
Stormy's alt. (Capnmurphy) is an enchanter.


Anyone seen the awesome queue idea?

At one point I was 494 in-line for Uther. 37 minute wait.

Im just glad my char is at an Inn and is resting nicely for when I can finally get on.

BTW... for the sake of keeping communication going within the Guild in the offline hours, I put together a simple message forum for the group until we can get strong holdings on a website.
on Jan 18, 2005
Nice forum!
on Jan 18, 2005
Nothing flashy. Just PHPBB and a modified theme for it.
Just thought it would be a nice temporary measure for us to stay in touch with one another outside the game.

on Jan 18, 2005
I am taking the Armorsmith specialization and I think Fin is planning to go Weaponsmith. I'm know I'm going to be needing a lot of mithril and leather to complete the training, so maybe it makes sense to pick up another gathering skill.

I like the forum that Orbitjuice set up, we should start using it!
on Jan 18, 2005
You do NOT want to do enchanting... trust me... it is NOT worth it. With blacksmithing you can mine your resources relatively easily. With enchanting, you have to DISENCHANT all of your components from existing magical items. This means your progress is gated by how many green, blue and purple items you are able to get your hands on. Also, most items have several components they can disenchant to, and varying quantities... all of which are random. I'm at 140 right now, trying to do damage enchants to weapons. These require 1 large glimmering shard per enchant, and it's been a complete PITA to get them. I've lost at least 50g in vendor and AH sales because I have to disenchant every green blue or purple item I come across (that I can't wear myself that is).

Enchanting is the slowest grind and most expensive of the professions (with good reason considering how powerful it makes things)... if blacksmith annoys you, enchanting will infuriate you. If I hadn't dumped so much time into it myself, I would be rethinking my profession.
on Jan 20, 2005
We really need someone to do alchemy. Thatch just had to pay 1g for Shadow Oil
on Jan 21, 2005
What does Shadow Oil do?
on Jan 21, 2005
It is used to make a Shadow Crescent Axe (