Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
America Lasters wrong again..
Published on January 30, 2005 By Draginol In Politics

The said that Afghanistan would be a quagmire. They were wrong.  They said that invading Iraq would cause an "unrelenting wave of terrorists attacks on US soil" they were wrong.  They said that an invasion of Iraq would cost "half a million civilian deaths" they were wrong.

And most recently that the US was losing the hearts and minds of Iraqis. That turn-out in the the Iraqi election would be low because people didn't have faith in the system.  And they were wrong again.

72% of Iraqi's came out to vote.  That's far higher, as a percentage, than the number of Americans who came out to vote in the last election. You remember that recent American election? The one where you should "vote for die"? That we had to vote to get the "smirking chimp" and his "Haliburton paid cronies" out of office? Perhaps if those who have such great fear of "the chimp" had managed to have a 72% turn-out they could have indeed gotten a President Kerry who, even now, would be setting up a time-table to torn and flee from Iraq.

The people whose motto seems to be "When danger reared its ugly head we bravely turned and fled" really have a fundamental issue they need to work through.  They need to have faith in humanity.  In each of these cases the believe that we or those we support are inhuman monsters or, at best, are incapable of success. 

I didn't know for certainty that Iraqis would come out and vote.  I had been so fed the propaganda that Iraqi's wouldn't go to the polls because of intimidation. That many were boycotting the polls. That violence would make it a blood bath (there were 12 deaths from violence -- about the same number who died due to the aborted suicide in California last week).  So I had some misgivings.

But 72%! Holy cow that's a real affirmation that the Iraqi people want democracy. That they want self-determination.  Perhaps...Perhaps the doomsayers will finally see the light and have a little faith that maybe..just maybe the Iraqi people want freedom.  Ah, now I'm being naive..

on Jan 30, 2005
The vote and interviews of Iraqi people as well as what our soldiers have told us was really going on over there only confirms in my mind that the mainstream media has LIED to us all along, again! Thanks for blogging where we can communicate with each other on a grass roots level and get the real truth of the world. I condemn the liberal press as traitorous and undermining of America. Thank you Iraqi people for setting the record, media and the world straight. People who love peace, will vote and work for democracy if given the chance. Thank you President Bush for your steadfastness and courage. Thank you American armed services for your valiant and courageos efforts to do good in the world. Shame on the Press which is ever vigilant to attempt to decieve those of us who love America and democracy. Good riddence to Jon Carey and Ted Kennedy. May they be consigned to total irrelevance.

An Okie
on Jan 30, 2005
The vote and interviews of Iraqi people as well as what our soldiers have told us was really going on over there only confirms in my mind that the mainstream media has LIED to us all along, again! Thanks for blogging where we can communicate with each other on a grass roots level and get the real truth of the world. I condemn the liberal press as traitorous and undermining of America. Thank you Iraqi people for setting the record, media and the world straight. People who love peace, will vote and work for democracy if given the chance. Thank you President Bush for your steadfastness and courage. Thank you American armed services for your valiant and courageos efforts to do good in the world. Shame on the Press which is ever vigilant to attempt to decieve those of us who love America and democracy. Good riddence to Jon Carey and Ted Kennedy. May they be consigned to total irrelevance.

An Okie
on Jan 30, 2005
The vote and interviews of Iraqi people as well as what our soldiers have told us was really going on over there only confirms in my mind that the mainstream media has LIED to us all along, again! Thanks for blogging where we can communicate with each other on a grass roots level and get the real truth of the world. I condemn the liberal press as traitorous and undermining of America. Thank you Iraqi people for setting the record, media and the world straight. People who love peace, will vote and work for democracy if given the chance. Thank you President Bush for your steadfastness and courage. Thank you American armed services for your valiant and courageos efforts to do good in the world. Shame on the Press which is ever vigilant to attempt to decieve those of us who love America and democracy. Good riddence to Jon Carey and Ted Kennedy. May they be consigned to total irrelevance.

An Okie
on Jan 30, 2005
Democracy is a disease

The Iraqi people have been infected

And it will spread throughout the Middle East
on Jan 30, 2005

The vote and interviews of Iraqi people as well as what our soldiers have told us was really going on over there only confirms in my mind that the mainstream media has LIED to us all along, again!

That says it all.  If we only listen to the mainstream media, we will remain ignorant, as they want us to be.  Thank god for the Internet, and Bloggers all over! (Right Dan Rather?)

on Jan 30, 2005
We won't even know the official turn-out for a while; it could be even higher.
on Jan 30, 2005
Down to 60% according to the BBC, you might want to check your facts in the morning.

But I doubt you'll print a correction, that 72 looks so yummy.

We weren't all hoping these elections would be bad. Hell, good turnout means we can possibly end this farce of a war.

But your figure is already misleading, and you've got two articles on the front page with this disinformation. Show some responsibility.
on Jan 30, 2005
Down to 60% according to the BBC, you might want to check your facts in the morning.

But I doubt you'll print a correction, that 72 looks so yummy.

We weren't all hoping these elections would be bad. Hell, good turnout means we can possibly end this farce of a war.

But your figure is already misleading, and you've got two articles on the front page with this disinformation. Show some responsibility.

The figure is from an initial statement issued by the Independent Election Commission of Iraq. I do see on the BBC that it has been 'downgraded' to "60% of those registered." The article that Draginol links fully supports the stats that he quoted (well, not quite; he lists the casualty rate as 12, but it was instead 12 attacks, killing an estimated 25+).
Now, I have no idea what time he posted this, except that it was before 1:33:53 PM (and I'm not sure what time zone that is, either). Since then, it seems, the Commission has revised its figure, but the original article linked even mentioned that the 72 was an estimate based on entirely non-scientific "word-of-mouth" numbers.

I don't feel that the numbers he used are misleading. He backed them up by citing his source, and the conclusion drawn from these numbers is the same as that with the revised numbers (IMO). You are right to remain somewhat skeptical that these will be the final numbers; we do need to keep an ear out for further revisions. (I was crushed when I arrived home from work; I had heard 72% this morning and was elated, but heard a number as low as 30% when I walked in the door this afternoon.) I'm fairly confident now that the final numbers will still qualify as "encouraging" and even "impressive."
on Jan 30, 2005
Myrrander, I linked to CNN which is where the 72% came from. It would be up to CNN to retract it.
on Jan 30, 2005
Again, to support Draginol in this, not only is the statistic from a CNN article, they have it not only front-paged, but it's their lead article.

I suppose Myrrander has written them an indignant response calling them irresponsible about their misleading information, and demanding that they update the statistic...
on Jan 30, 2005
Turnout seems pretty good...I'm liberal minded, but open minded enough to hope that this IS a war worth fighting after all. Major changes and turning points better come out of this.
on Jan 31, 2005

Myrrander, I linked to CNN which is where the 72% came from. It would be up to CNN to retract it.

CNN Must be a right wing site!

on Jan 31, 2005
Actually CNN and most mainstream media is left winged, there are very few that actually remain on the fence...(hint: CBS) *cough* Rather *cough* (found that incident slightly funny) (oh and i am a left winged person.