My diabolical friend Norm lent me a series of comics called "Rising Stars".
It's created by the same guy who made Babylon 5. On the NGs, we always refer to
him as JMS.
It's a fantastic series of comic books. In a nutshell, what happens is that
in a small Illinois town, a flash of light occurs one evening. All the women in
that town who were pregnant at the time (around 115) gave birth to children who
would have super powers of various kinds.
The series goes through their lives as children and young adults and how the
world deals with having super kids in their midst. In their early adulthood,
some of them discover something -- the energy that gives them these power is
finite and shared by all of them. When one of them dies, that energy is
redistributed making the survivors more powerful. It doesn't take long for all
hell to break loose then.
The series isn't done yet. Unfortunately JMS has stopped working on it for
now due to some vague dispute over the script being written for a movie
adaptation of the series. Which is a real shame because it is an incredibly
compelling story. It would make a really good mini-series. The stories are very
solid and compelling. It's not a matter of some of these guys are good guys and
some are bad guys. The characters are much more complex than that, much more
realistic. It reads more like a Stephen King novel than a comic book.
If JMS ever finishes the series, it's something I would highly recommend.
Though for now you may want to stay back since it does suck you into it and it
can get frustrating having the end of the series just out of reach.
Here are some good websites I found for it:
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