Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Criminal vs. Civil wrong doing
Published on August 26, 2003 By Draginol In Current Events

Steven Den Beste, who I've known since "the OS/2 days" took a short sebatical to gather his thoughts and has returned to blogging:

He has an interesting article this week about relative crime rates:

I ran into this post over the weekend which talks about crime rates in the US. It talks about trends over time, and compares American crime rates to those reported from Europe. He is dealing with two basic issues: the belief held by many in Europe that the US has far more crime than in Europe, and the fact that when it comes to certain kinds of violent crime there are certain groups which are disproportionately likely to be involved both as perpetrators and as victims.
Specifically, young black men who live in the inner city are far more likely to commit murder by gunfire, and far more likely to be victims of murder by gunfire. The overall murder rate for the US is somewhat higher than in Europe, but that's being skewed by this particular group. Calculated without them, it turns out that our murder rate is not really much different than in Europe, and in most other kinds of crime (e.g. armed robbery, burglary, rape) it seems our crime rate is much lower.
After having read that article, I spotted this one. The latest report on American crime rates has just been issued, and the crime rate has dropped even further.
Nonetheless, it leaves open the question of why it is that inner city blacks are so much more at risk, and whether anything can be done to help them. There have been many attempts to do so, and they're something of a cause célèbre in certain circles. Their apparent failure is used by many as evidence that there are still lingering effects of slavery and discrimination, even after all this time.

I have a problem, in general, with how we define "crime". First off, for whatever reason African Americans do commit a disproportionately greater percentage of violent crime. But whites commit a disproportional percentage of unreported crime. Crime that in actuality that is never enforced because it falls under "civil" laws.

Let me give you an example:

If I walk into a store and steal a candy bar, that counts as a crime.

But if I am a store and don't pay my distributor for that candy bar, it's not a crime. It's a civil action that can only be dealt with by the courts.

The former counts as a crime statistic, the latter does not.

In my brief 10 year career as a business owner, I've eaten around $720,000 in bad debt. That's right, $720,000 was effectively "stolen". But none of that has counted in any criminal report. It all falls under civil. To me, it's the same thing. Someone else took money that was owed us and put it in their own pockets.

The original OS/2 version of Galactic Civilizations, for instance, was published by a company called "Advanced Idea Machines". They never paid a cent in royalties on the released game. Hundreds of thousands of royalties were pocketed by the unscrupulous owner. My first thought was to call the police. This was a cut and dry issue. He was stealing. Nope, the only recourse was a civil lawsuit. I was a college student then, I couldn't afford a lawyer and because the publisher resided in another state, suing would be an expensive ugly mess and no attorney I did talk to was willing to do it on contingency, especially since the publisher appeared to be a master at shell games.

So then I learned my lesson and decided to publish Galactic Civilizations II directly via Stardock. And the game did really well at retail selling tens of thousands of copies. Unfortunately, we only got paid a fraction of what we were owed. Why? Well even though we published the game, we still had to sell to distributors who in turn sell to the retailers. Our main distributor, Blue Orchards, took the hundreds of thousands of dollars they collected, paid themselves, and filed for bankruptcy.

Between that time and very recently, Stardock switched to selling via its own website. Now the money goes directly from the customer to us. But our most recent game, once again, Galactic Civilizations but this time for Windows, is published by Strategy First. A reputable publisher as far as we know. The game has done very well at retail and has won numerous awards. Our first royalty check is actually due this week and we have high hopes that we'll actually get paid this time around.

But the point is, I am not sure that the discrepancy between white crime and black crime is as large as people think. It's just that crimes committed by non white collar people tend to count in these statistics yet stealing by white collared people tends to count as a "civil issue". To me, stealing is stealing. But when it comes to crime statistics, it seems to be dependent on how rich you are.

on Aug 26, 2003
I don't think Steven is talking about the definition of crime so much as extracting meaning from the best possible facts at hand. In my limited knowledge, we have a system here that is extremely generous to borrowers. My assumption is that it helps the economy to have people who can get their hands on money and invest it to make more money, or something. At any rate, it seems like your situation with AIM was more that they owed you money - and that's a whole different kettle of fish because you start linking people in debt with people in jail. Debt and jail? Uh, no. I also figure, despite all logic, that people just don't care about white collar crime. It's assumed that rich people steal like demon bandits, and the biggest drive for struggling poor/middle class people is the dream of -joining- that category. I don't really have any other explaination for why you can go to jail for years for stealing $1000 but if you lie and cheat your way to billions *cough* Enron *cough* then you get to look guilty and shamefaced on TV for a while and then you retire in one of your multimilliondollar homes. *shrug*
on Aug 26, 2003
I'm not linking debt and crime here. The problem is that there are busineses that seem to operate on the principle of trying to screw other companies out of money. It's people exploiting the system. And to me, it's a pretty fine line between the guy stealing a candy bar from the store and the guy stealing a truckloda of candybars from the guy makin gthem.
on Aug 27, 2003
I have heard many stories just like yours about the gaming industry. Both SirTech and QQP suffered greatly from not getting paid for their games. I've known other small publishers who were never paid by ALL of the super stores they had the misfortune to sell to. It's amazing how tough it is for the little to get shelf space at all, and if he does, it's standard operating proceedure to avoid paying anyone who can't afford to sue you. Thankfully, the Internet makes it possible for anyone to set up a store and take care of their own collections. Heck, you can even set up shop on E-Bay for next to nothing in literally a few minutes. The stranglehold of the retail storefront system is finally being broken.
on Aug 28, 2003
Interesting original article. Even more interesting retort to the article. I am not sure how crime rates are lower then all of Europe, or for that matter violent crime. I am not sure but if most crime is committed by Black men, why was it that most people in jail were white until 1985 or so?? (not sure about that one but I recall reading it somewhere)

Also for a smaller part of the population, how would it be possible that most be the cause of crime when most Black people live in cities?

To me this raises more questions then answers for me. It makes me wonder what crimes do get reported, where and how. And how does the crime rate now look with crime in most cities down at all time lows? Is it still one part of the population causing crime or not causing crime any more?

As far as time in concerned (for the black population from slavery) I think it is more resent then that. Allot of rules, laws, education, stature and so on did not really change until the early 1970's. So many people of color were living as an underclass much more recently then since slavery days. Also how far does anyone expect a population to move forward from those times when most children have parents who use to drink out of colored only water fountains? Mentally, educationally, monetarily the children of those times have only gone so far as to remove the stigmas of the pre 70's. The grand children of those times (between 1 and 10) seem to be more free then those who are 10 - 20 or 20 - 30. There are also more people of color who have good jobs, better pay, effluent positions, business men/women who are more comfortable with themselves. Now whole communities live at a higher scale and educational level.

blah blah blah... and other stuff... anyway, I just saying the crime rate isn't that cut and dry especially between different countries and cultures.