My car's lease is almost up so I have to think about getting a new one. I currently have a 2003 Bonnaville. It's a pretty good car actually. Cost around $35,000 back in 2003.
But now it's time for a new one? Any suggestions? Here are the specs:
(1) Needs to be front-wheel or all-wheel drive.
(2) I prefer American made cars.
(3) Prefer a head's up display
(4) Prefer but don't require 4-door vehicle.
(5) Needs ot have built in nice GPS type unit.
(6) Needs to have enough horse power so that I never feel like I'm pushing it (I tend to drive fast).
(7) Would like adaptive cruise control
I'm not terribly price conscious. The limiting factor is typically that the cars I want are rear-wheel drive which simply isn't an option in Michigan.
For instance, I'd be tempted to get the Cadillac XLR if it was front wheel drive or all-wheel drive: