Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
PDC Summary Day 3
Published on October 29, 2003 By Draginol In OS Customization

Today was the third day of Microsoft's Professional Developer Conference (PDC). The day was mostly broken up into sessions where developers could learn more about specific technologies.

Today I'll talk about two of those technologies into more detail. Now, my understanding about the advantages of some of this is sketchy and incomplete since we are, after all, talking about an OS that won't ship for 3 years.  Anyway, those two technologies are: WinFS and managed code in the form of the API called WinFX.

WinFS is not a file system. In fact, there is some debate about whether it is called Win File System or Win Future Storage. Regardless of what the acronymn stands for, WinFS will (not might, will) completely revolutionize the way we deal with our information.

Think about your hard disk for a moment. How large is it? 30 gigabytes? 50?  150?  There are 300 gigabyte hard drives either out or about to come out.  Imagine what they'll be in 2006. 3 gigabytes? And how do you store this data? In DOS-like directory structures like c:\documents and settings\myusernames\my documents\my music. My god that sucks.  Why are we doing that?  Apparently, someone at Microsoft had the same view and the solution comes in the form of WinFS.

So WinFS isn't a file system. Instead, it's more like a...layer on top of NTFS. One that provides database capabilities.  How advanced those capabilities will become will depend on three factors: (1) Security (2) Performance (3) Reliability.  They are often competing demands and so how powerful and neat WinFS will initially be depends a lot on how well the mesh with those 3 issues.

So what does that mean for real world use? Well, there is some talk about replacing folders with "stacks". Folders would remain but they would be tied to physical directory structures. Stacks would, in effect, be what users would slowly migrate to. Hopefully they'll come up with a better name.

So what kinds of things can we hope for in stacks? Well, one thing I would hope to see is that physical location becomes irrelevant. For example, tonight I have to update royalty reports, I messed up on the Stellar Frontier royalty report and need to make a correction. Okay. Great. Where did I put the royalty report?  If you're like me, the answer is, I'll do a search for 2Q2003.xls and it'll scan through my hard drive. If it's not here, then it's at work.


With WinFS, that file would be located in a stack. I would have a bunch of default stacks and more would automatically be created as a generated content. The stack would automatically contain files from any device I have access to. That means my PDAs, my MP3 players, my work machine's main server, my work machine drives, etc. They would all appear in the stack without any concern for whether they were local or not. By 2006, I'll be pretty irritated if my net connection isn't at least 10 megabit (it's 3 right now).

Moreover, these stacks will be intelligent. That is, I would have a stack called "Royalty Reports". One would assume that the Longhorn save dialog will make it very easy to provide some basic classification at the same time so that they will automatically be added to existing stacks.  Now, for you database people, think of stacks as saved queries that dynamically update when a change is detected.

Combine this kind of organization ability with Avalon's compositing engine and you'll be able to display you data in all kinds of useful ways.

Note to Microsoft: Make sure you open it up so that third parties can add their own ways of displaying information and organizing it that appears equally "native". That means both visually and content-wise. So if I want to display family photos in a "Photo album view" and Microsoft hasn't provide a Photo Album view for displaying stacks, a third party should be able to create one and have it as an option at all times.

The second technology for the evening is WinFX. As I've talked to more and more developers, it's increasingly clear that few people are excited about WinFX. It's not that we don't want a cleaned up API for dealing with all this. The problem is that it's managed code. Managed code can mean many things. In this case, in Longhorn, you're really not talking to the part of Windows that does the work. You're talking to its front man.  A managed API is just a layer.  As a developer, I want to talk to the boss directly, I don't want to call its secretary and make an appointment and hope it's willing to do what I want.

Let me give you an example: API hooking. If everything moves to managed code, how do you hook an API? First, I better explain what the heck API hooking is. Or better yet, give you a LINK to someone much smarter than I am who can explain it more clearly. But in a nut shell, API hooking allows developers to replace parts of the OS with their own stuff.  Don't like the way scrollbars are handled in Windows? No problem, API hook them and take control of them yourself.  Microsoft forget to add some feature to the file dialog? No problem, API hook the file dialog and put in your own.  API hooking is the foundation of all good desktop enhancements. Without it, it's very difficult for a developer to extend the Windows base feature set in a way that's seamless.

But how do you hook a managed API? It's not even doing the job. You gotta talk to its boss which is underneath.  Now, managed APIs have a lot of good things going for them.  For one thing, a managed API is safe which means since Microsoft knows exactly what they can and can't do, they can make them available to scripting languages. This is a big deal to Microsoft because part of the goal of Longhorn is to merge the web and applications together via a super HTML type language called XAML. And using C# or whatever, you would then have access to any managed API right from a website. If you're at PDC, check out the booth.

The problem is, if Microsoft hasn't already thought of a feature or function in the OS, tough luck. There's no easy solution for this. Microsoft wants to eventually move to a 100% managed API architecture for support and future backward compatibility.  In Longhorn, at present, WinFX is a front end to Win32 and the new technologies.  Eventually though they want to be able to drop Win32 and the rest and be free to put whatever they want behind WinFX. That wouldn't happen for a long time.

Note to Microsoft: Please make sure there are ways for developers to be able to hook APIs in Longhorn in some clean non-hack way. Extensibility matters.

For companies like Stardock, we can always just write drivers that do this. There's always going to be a way around it. But looking back at the last 10 years, a great deal of innovation in software has come from individual programmers who have found some way to extend the OS to do something cool and new. 

WinFX may have a hard road as an API. For one thing, code written to WinFX isn't going to work under Windows XP or Windows 2000. Consider that -- by 2006, Windows XP will have been the shipping OS for 5 years. Windows 2000 even longer.  Point being, Windows XP is going to be the main OS people probably for the rest of the decade and that means Win32. So any barrier to WinFX could spell its doom. Developers are going to be forced to write to Win32 for years to come because of market realities.  So anything that makes WinFX less powerful than existing APIs is going to be a big negative.

So on the plus side, managed code lets you access a lot more power from more places. On the down side is it may make it much harder for developers to inherit and replace existing APIs.

So there you have it, 2 of the major new techs in Longhorn.  Tomorrow I'll talk a bit more about the importance of Avalon, XAML. In a nutshell: Vectors are cool and arbitrarily sized desktops are cool. Oh and one other thing: 16x9 is the future my friends. Wide screen! That's why the sidebar in Longhorn is such a big deal.

And now I'll leave you with a screenshot of my desktop, a link to DesktopX 2, and a video of me doing some cool stuff today and letting you imagine what cool things you'll be able to make With DirectGUI technologies (what API underneath DesktopX) in Avalon:

Click to Enlarge
My Desktop

Download DesktopX
Download my desktop

 DesktopX  2 Video Demo!

 See you tomorrow!


on Oct 30, 2003
Is API hooking even necessary if you can change the behavior via subclassing? (You may not be able to change drawing code, but you're shooting yourself in the foot if you do that - really, you're a crappy GUI developer if you feel you have to e.g. write your OWN scroll bar class/struct/whatever)
on Oct 30, 2003
Well one quick counter example: WindowBlinds does that.
on Oct 30, 2003
You are very off-base w/ your API hooks and managed code - I suggest you do some more research.
on Oct 30, 2003
LOL. Feel free to "Educate" me.
on Oct 30, 2003
Yes, but WindowBlinds qualifies as a hack. While I don't agree with it, Microsoft decided it would not be in there interest or whatever to allow theme-able widgets (until XP) and a modular window manager. I'm sure you will still be able to write DLLs in native code and call them in your .NET programs. There will always be some developers who need to touch metal, and the SDKs/DDKs for that will be there. If Microsoft tries to force you as a Windows developer into only writing via managed code, and you don't like that, then you might want to reevaluate coding for Windows at all.
on Oct 30, 2003
WindowBlinds is just one example.

Let me give you another examle, my iFeel mouse, i.e. the Logitech mouse that gives of a slight vibration when you move it over items.

Right now, it's very early so it's tough to tell what will and won't be easy to do. What I am worried about is seeing it so locked down that it's really hard for developers to add new OS-wide features.
on Oct 31, 2003
WinFX or not? I'm sceptic. At present I'm using .net for GUI development. Recently I developed a control which is used both from MFC and from .net apps. I had the choice of doing it either in MFC or in C#. Although the code was a lot smaller in C# end of the day I chose to do it as an MFC OLE control. Executing MFC and win32 is a lot faster because it does not have to start up the .net framework, huffing and puffing. If Longhorn by default loads WinFX at boot time then this may not be an issue. However, anything that restricts me from accessing Win32 API functions or deprecates them without providing replacements is unacceptable.
on Nov 01, 2003
Some comments from people make it appear as if they want Win32 to still exist in the year 2367. Innovation requires change, and change requires acceptance. You can't expect the Windows API to stay the same forever.

That said, your comments seem to be quite backwards. Why on earth would a managed API make it hardware to override Windows functionality? To most people that understand Managed code, it would become much much easier. Imagine the Avalon Window class. Say it has a few methods you would need to override to replace how something is rendered. You subclass, add new functionality, and if WinFX has any concept of widget factories or something along those lines, you would easily be able to swap in your new implementation. Bam, your done. No need for low level API hacks. Do people still write bios interrupt handlers to capture keyboard input? No, they use higher level API's or something like DirectInput.
on Nov 03, 2003
Explain how such a sbuclass would work system wide. Sure, what you describe would work for your own application in its own process but not across the OS. I.e. I can make myWidget use MyBetterPaintAPI but how do I make MS Word use MYBetterPaintAPI?
on Jan 09, 2004
I agree with Brad Wardell. And I can see some programmers are locked inside their own application world.
on Jul 17, 2004
Nice article however there is a mistake. Managed code can run and runs already in Windows 2000 & XP machines. It is called .NET framework and I assume the equivalent version of "Win FX" .NET framework (without the support for the new Longhorn features of course) will ship for the other Windows versions.

Today happens the same thing. .NET 1.1 (the current version) exists for Windows 98-Windows XP, however only in Windows XP .NET applications can take advantage of the "theme" abilities of XP. But all of them run in all Windows platforms, provided that .NET framework is installed in the machine.