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Brad Wardell - Opinionated Techie
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North Korea, what should be done?
If anything?
Published on February 26, 2005 By
North Korea
So let's put all recriminations aside about what Clinton did or Bush did. What should be done, if anything, about North Korea?
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on Feb 26, 2005
We will have to come down hard on them. if we show any weakness (civility or compassion) they will not listen at the bargining table. They have to remember just one thing. Their nukes can't reach us but ours can sure as hell reach them. We also need to make them understand that if "nessacary" we will use ours. This is going to be a Royal rumble and they won't give in easy. Hopefully they can talk it out, but I doubt it.
on Feb 26, 2005
Crippled them, one coastline at a time. Send top infiltrators and sabotageurs. Destroy their radioactive supply routes. Topple Kim.
Send UN into it afterward
on Feb 26, 2005
Well, the first thing we need to do it cut off all monetary aid going to N. Korea. The threat of joining the Nuclear club has been their favorite ploy for bilking money out of the U.S. and other countries. Well, if they want to push it to this point, we should just tell them, Ok, if you want nukes, fine, but you'll never see another dime in aid.
Gene Nash
on Feb 26, 2005
Kim Jung Il's off on the same despotic masturbatory fantasy that brought down Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein. "Look, I so powerful I can take on U.S.!!!" So, let's take away his girlie magazine and practice "quiet diplomacy."
I'd like to see China and Russia handle N. Korea. I'd be putting my diplomatic efforts into persuading those two countries that they have the most to lose from a nuclear armed lunatic in the region, and giving them behind the scenes incentives to tame the beastie.
Ideally they could threaten/promise away till he either a) dies,
gets killed, c) is overthrown, d) backs off.
The worst case scenario there, though, is they decide to do it by invading and trying to own the Korean Peninsula. Then we might have to intervene before they started a war. (Fortunately they didn't interfere that way with us and Iraq.) Hopefully by negotiating with China and Russia behind the scenes we could exert some control/influence over how they handled their attempts to control Kimmie boy.
on Feb 26, 2005
I like what Nash hints at, employ N. Korea's large and close neighbors to apply pressure to N. Korea.
...of course, since they have WMD's we should just invade them right now. (just kidding Bushie warhawks, don't get excited)
Unknownst to you.....
on Feb 26, 2005
I say we work on getting Kim Jung II assasinated. This would probably bring the whole bloody mess to a halt. I am not saying we should be the ones to do it, but there is no reason we couldn't sponsor someone that has a desire within his own country. I am sure it wouldn't be that hard to find someone that would like to take over the reigns and become a hero....just have to be picky about not getting into another Noriega situation...
on Feb 26, 2005
say we work on getting Kim Jung II assasinated. This would probably bring the whole bloody mess to a halt. I am not saying we should be the ones to do it, but there is no reason we couldn't sponsor someone that has a desire within his own country. I am sure it wouldn't be that hard to find someone that would like to take over the reigns and become a hero....just have to be picky about not getting into another Noriega situation...
Wouldn't take a lot. Just a couple of Marine Corp sniper teams. (One shot, one kill.)
on Feb 26, 2005
But if they screw up, that's pretty much a declaration of war.
on Feb 26, 2005
But if they screw up, that's pretty much a declaration of war.
Snipers don't screw up. They either hit the target or they don't shoot. History channel did a segment on snipers a little while ago. You should watch it. It explains things a lot better than I can.
on Feb 26, 2005
Yes, as a matter of fact, I saw that special. I was more talking about being captured or spotted. It is unlikely, but the consequences would be disastrous.
on Feb 26, 2005
Yes, as a matter of fact, I saw that special. I was more talking about being captured or spotted. It is unlikely, but the consequences would be disastrous.
Yes they would be. But neither would happen. That's a MAJOR part of their training.
on Feb 26, 2005
Threaten China with the possibility of a nuclear S. Korea, Japan, and/or Taiwan.
on Feb 27, 2005
I agree with Gene Nash - China is a much better threat than the US. NK citizens have always been told that the US is evil, but China has never really been that big a target for propaganda. When it threatens NK, it'll be like being savaged by a previously friendly dog. Just so long as China doesn't feel it'll be supported if it invades the whole thing should work a bit better than the US going it alone.
Of course if China is responsible for the overthrow of the regime it will set up its own, more amenable puppet government in NK - this could have serious consequences for US influence in the region, particularly considering the immediate border with South Korea.
on Feb 27, 2005
North Korea is a symptom of the larger threat that is China. China is currently paying lip service to Washington's desires while privately supporting North Korea. My opinion is, if North Korea can keep the US occupied with worrying about nukes, this allows China to continue brokering oil deals with Iran, Venezuela, and the countries around the Caspian Sea.
China is not only trying to solidify its energy base, it is positioning itself to challenge American hegemony around the world. America lacks the resources to fight a war in Korea and continue to attempt to subjugate the Middle East. China knows this, and furthurmore knows that it can really hurt the dollar because of the amount of US debt it holds.
Don't rely on China to put pressure on North Korea, y'all. Kim Jong Il is small potatoes compared to what's on the horizon.
on Feb 27, 2005
I say we work on getting Kim Jung II assasinated.
This plan certainly worked on Fidel Castro. You guys have been watching too much James Bond.
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