Man do I have a case of the blahs. I sometimes think I have the dullest life
imaginable. But I think the real problem is that my job is my hobby and so when
I get sick of that, what's left? I'm not sick of my job per se, just want a
change of pace but things are so busy this past week.
We've got DesktopX 2 going out the door on Monday. I gotta do the press
release for that and then do the Object Desktop 2004 media guide. There's a
bunch of documentation stuff. Clearly, this stuff ain't a hobby but it has to be
done. Meanwhile, I need to get moving on The Political Machine. I want to
make it into a board game but first I gotta get cranking on the code.
And so many things are just a bit...flaky. We have a bunch of stuff that's
90% ready to go, but lots of tedious stuff has to be done to get it out the
Tomorrow is Euchre. We play with neighborhood friends. But I really dislike
Euchre parties. I liked them fine when I was in college but now it's just old.
My wife loves to play so I play for her benefit and have been for the past few
years. But I think tomorrow will be the last one I play. It's just not fun. For
one thing, people get overly competitive at it. Which is ridiculous since
there's very little skill involved at Euchre. Poker would be a much better
game. Being competitive about Euchre is like getting competitive playing Candy
Land. Last Euchre coincided on a day that my close friends have Poker and
I got stuck playing Euchre. I've "won" the tournament 3 times but it
always feels hollow since I know that winning just meant that I happened to get
better cards that day than another day. Let's set up a 8 player Rise of Nations
tournament and then we'll talk. But I've already told my wife that I don't
plan to do any more Euchres after this.
And then there's the email. I really need to find time to respond to some of
the email I get. Most of it is really thoughtful but I've got plenty of emails
about everything from the UN to tax rates to partial birth abortion to evolution
vs. creationism. If I don't always respond quickly to your emails, please
don't take offense. I get approximately 800 to 1000 emails per day (600 to 800
of it is spam but that leaves 200 legitimate emails per day to go through and a
lot of it is work related that I have to deal with).