When I was 23, I could work 80 hours a week for years on end. Now I'm 33 and I can definitely feel the hours wearing. In March, according to my daily planner, I worked 256 hours. There were 23 official work days in March so that comes out to about 11 hours per day. Of course, I don't usually work 11 hours per day. Instead, I work more days per week (typically 6 days per week).
But still, working 55 to 60 hours per week over the course of months and months will wear a person down and I feel worn down. The first thing that goes is concentration. I was increasingly finding it difficult to spend too many hours at the office because I had trouble concentrating there. People will come to my office, very often, to let me know what's happening. Usually it's info that could have been IM'd or emailed but when you're there in person, there is a tendancy to just want to walk over and tell them.
When I'm rested, I can be interupted and get back to concentrating quite quickly. But lately, when I get interupted I'm basically tapped for quite awhile. I can't "force" myself back into "the zone". So I'd just end up coming home and working from there.
So in a couple hours we're heading out on vacation. We're going to Disney World. My wife, two children, and I are flying out in a little while. Disney's not my favorite destination but when you have two small children, your options are a bit more limited and it's still pretty fun. With Animal Kingdom and MGM and other nearby things as well as the usual Magic Kingdom stuff, it should still be a blast.
Of course, I'll still have the laptop with me to handle key things (when you run a company you're never completely disconnected) and put out fires. But it'll still be good to get away from things for a week. Then when I get back, I can focus on getting ready for E3. Because holy cow, May is going to be insane! 
I'll see you all in about a week.