Not too excited to hear Mexicans treating our soccer team
this way. Booing the US national anthem and yelling "Osama" as a soccer game
in Mexico helps make the case that the US really needs to secure the border.
It's not just that Mexican illegal immigrants aren't assimilating as well as
other cultures have for economic reasons, they're not assimilating because
unlike other immigrants, there's a considerable number of them quite hostile to
the US. I have seen interviews with immigrants who quite openly hope to
become a majority in New Mexico, Arizona, and California and effectively turn it
into a quasi-separate country. Don't kid yourself, Mexico isn't our friend. They
have ample reason not to like the USA btw. But that doesn't change the end

France's solution to discrimination?
Eliminate personal freedom to express their religion. Great...
Clark is out of the race. Big surprise. Maybe he figured out that
Republicans should run in Republican primaries. I mean, what kind of fool would
think Clark was a Democrat?
Oh yea, Michael Moore.

Meanwhile, my friend
Andrew Orlowski has
an article at The Register about iPod owners ticked off about their alliance
with Pepsi. I like the Register but frankly I tend to want to focus on Andrew's
articles as they're my favorites and I have to go by the sub-headers to figure
out which ones are his (his tend to be more smart aleky). Of course, he's likely
horrified at my right-wing blogging. 
Meanwhile, the anti-Orlowski, Steven Den Beste has an article about why
Muslims need to deal with the fanatics. If you're left of center or against
the war in Iraq you'll probably want to avoid it as it'll cause you to wither
Another net friend, Jark, is having
some problems with his employer. Besides being the main guy at
deviantART, he has a day job. If the
cheapskate users at deviantART were willing to help the site more Jark wouldn't
have to put up with crap from his employer, the US Navy.
Speaking of day jobs, running JoeUser isn't my day job. Not really anyway.
But I will tell you one thing, everytime someone marks someone as a troll it
shows up in a log. So you left wingers and right wingers running around trying
to bring down your ideological opponents through abuse of the trolling button,
beware, we know who you are.
Meanwhile, John Hawkins has an article suggesting that if the
Trek dream came true, it would ruin the human race. I tend to agree. In
fact, I predict that my son's generation will likely run into serious issues
once virtual reality becomes a..ahem reality. Who's going to want to do real
work when you can just go have virtual sex anytime you want? Look at the
popularity of Everquest now and that stuff is nothing compared to what VR will
one day offer.
Well it's going on 2 am. I'm finishing up my install of SP5 for Visual Studio
6. I really need to upgrade to Visual one of these days. I'll
know soon whether I'll be working from home or dragging the 3 year old to the
office with the laptop to get The Political Machine setup on this machine.
Hmph, gotta go grab the latest MSDN. Pain.