Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

We're back..

Over at the Epcot Center
Wife Debbie
At Animal Kingdom
In front of the castle at Magic Kingdom

on Apr 30, 2005
Welcome back
on Apr 30, 2005
In front of the castle at Magic Kingdom

I'm jealous. I've never gotten to see the castle. Every time I've been there, they've had it covered by decorations to transform it into something else and had it completely blocked off. For instance, one year they had turned it into a giant birthday cake.

on Apr 30, 2005

And we were working!


You can return that when I head out this summer!

on May 03, 2005

First you have a very nice family.

Can I respectfully suggest that you should never post photos of your children on the internet. I investigate computer crimes, including child pornography cases and the suspects take faces from photos of children on the internet and paste them on the CP photos to create new ones. How devistaing it would be to have your childs face placed on one of those photos.

Its OK to share photos with friends on closed protected sites, or via e-mail with those you feel secure about, but photos of your kids on public sites can lead to unwanted results. The photos can also be used by Child Predators to ID your children. An example would be the Pred walking up to your child and telling him that his mommy had sent him to take him to her, and see its OK your Mommys name is Debbie and we are friends see I have a picture of you she gave me.

Please take this as constructive advice from someone who has seen to many murders in his 24 years of law enforcement. I was one of the divers who found Adam Walshes remains. And with the recent rash of abductions in FLorida these last few weeks, well I just thought I should mention and maybe someone can learn from the comment.
on May 03, 2005
I don't tend to let fear guide my decisions. It's a scary world out there, and I can think of a lot riskier daily behaviors than having family pictures put up on a website.
on May 03, 2005
Cute kids Brad!
on May 04, 2005

It was not intended to cause fear. It was constructive advice, take it or leave it.. They are your children not mine.

Have a good weekend..
on May 04, 2005

ShadowWar -- don't get me wrong, I appreciate your advice.  I just take the view that life is full of risks and this is one I can live with.
