Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
So much to see and do..
Published on May 15, 2005 By Draginol In PC Gaming
This year's E3 promises to be one of the most exciting ones in years.  Not only will Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft be showing off next-generation stuff but the PC games arena should be a pretty exciting place as well.  With Civilization 4 and Age of Empires 3 and new first person goodies from iD and Valve, gamers are in store for quite a treat.

On the other hand, E3 also takes place during the opening of Episode III which is a bit of a bummer.  But some of Stardock's game development team, including myself, will be there.  And so we'll be trying our best to blog what we see and hear while there.

I've done writing on what I saw at E3 in the past, here are some links to them:

on May 16, 2005
Look forward to hearing your commentary on E3 this year.