Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The US really does try to be a good citizen
Published on May 20, 2005 By Draginol In Politics
For all the talk about how Dubya is ruining the environment, the reality is somewhat different.  When it comes to auto emissions, the US has the tightest auto emissions laws in the world.  For instance, starting this year, US autos are only allowed to put out 1/4th as much NO2 as their European counterparts.  But across the board, from cars to industry emissions, the US air quality laws are far stricter than other industrialized nations.  When it comes to clean air, the US - Republican or Democrat, is taken very seriously.
on May 21, 2005
I would ask ,isn't that what blogs are supposed to do; express opinion?Only the writer should remain annomous according to [we respect your privicy]Blogs are driving congress crazy and there are mumbling about ways to control them.Yet there are,"in my opinion", contridictory and bogus crap on every news program on TV and the FCC doesn't seem concerned.If a blogger is stiffeled from expression,either by legislation or fear,what is the point of blogging?
on May 22, 2005
It doesn't surprise me. Europe didn't have unleaded gas until after 1985. But I will say that Germany does have some strict environmental laws.
on May 22, 2005
America: Where 4% of the world's population use 25% of the world's energy.

Yeah, what a model it is!
on May 22, 2005
Total Consumption Primary Energy 2003:

U.S. 23.5%

Mexico/Canada: 4.4%

S & Central America: 4.8%

Europe: 29.9%

Middle East: 4.4%

Africa: 3.1%

Asia Pacific: 29.9%

In all categories, Europe and Asia have a higher consumption percentage than the U.S. The biggest increase in all categories from the previous year was China with an average increase of 12.8%

In five years, if past trends continue, China will become the leader in consumption of the world's energy.
on May 23, 2005
Absolutely amazing,considering we ,America,with the technology could have could have "O" Emissions [The shuttle for example].
so why not go for hydrogen fuels?Serious?I think not,its still the money!!!!
on May 26, 2005
europe and asia are continents
on May 26, 2005
Yeah and America is an island no bigger than Australia. America the country with the same land mass and population of Germany. Bah!