Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Why the Democrats are heading towards irrelevance..
Published on June 8, 2005 By Draginol In Politics

Imagine what the uproar would be if say Dick Cheney said that Democrats pretty much act the same and look the same to him.  There's be cries for his resignation.  After all, Republicans ousted Trent Lott over a lot less.  But the Democrats..well, they have different standards of behavior.  It's okay for them to be overt bigots.  Whether that be former KKK Senator Byrd or Jesse "Hymie Town" Jackson, and now Howard Dean, Democrats have spent so much time accusing others of being bigots and racists and sexists that they just can't see how hateful and nasty and yes..bigoted they've become.

For example:

Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, unapologetic in the face of recent criticism that he has been too tough on his political opposition, said in San Francisco this week that Republicans are "a pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same. They all look the same. It's pretty much a white Christian party."

Howard Dean stated this past Winter that he "hates" Republicans.  And if Dean sees Republicans as being a bunch of white Christians, well, one can make the connection about what exactly he hates. Don't these guys realize that this kind of hate and ugliness drives people away from them?

on Jun 08, 2005

I've heard it rumored that this is purposeful tactics by the party itself..

-It is supposed to draw back far-lefties they lost to third parties for running Bush-lite Kerry.

-It is supposed to shame shallow young voters who ride the fence and make them lean toward the Democratic party as 'image'.

-It is supposed to temporarily cement a 'hard-left' stereotype of Dems to pave the way for a more moderate candidate in 2008.

In the end, the main people they offend would never have voted Dem anyway, they gain some back, and the guy they run in 2008 looks more palatable to EVERYONE compared to Dean. I think it is BS, but that is what people are saying.

on Jun 08, 2005
You gotta love how when Howard Dean says something stupid, whether it be stategy or personal opinion or whatever, it becomes a matter of all democrats being bigots. I say he has a right ot say what he wishes, and people have a right to take it as they will. However, I do say this assuming that one man's words wont generalize his party. Guess i should stop saying these things
on Jun 09, 2005
" I say he has a right ot say what he wishes, and people have a right to take it as they will. "

The problem is, these aren't secretly taped conversations. These are well-planned speeches to 'rally the troops' of the Democratic party and raise money. He isn't speaking in his capacity as Joe Q. Public. He is speaking as the leader of the Democratic party. When Charlton Heston speaks, he is considered to be speaking for the NRA, and the NRA suffers for his words. Same for Bush and Republicans, and any other leader/group.

I find it difficult to separate what the leader of the Democratic Party says at Democratic Party functions from the Democratic Party. Sorry for my lack of imagination. Perhaps if they don't like being represented in such a way, Democrats should pick someone else to represent them.

on Jun 09, 2005
I agree with BakerStreet, I have read the same thing. So many people fall for this stuff, whether democrat or republican, that you just have to use it as a tool.
on Jun 09, 2005
I think that what happens is that it drives up turn-out for Republicans.  That's what happened in 2004 IMO.  Enough "casual" conservatives/Republicans got fed up with the hate-mongers on the left that they were motivated to come out and vote.
on Jun 09, 2005
"I think that what happens is that it drives up turn-out for Republicans. That's what happened in 2004 IMO. Enough "casual" conservatives/Republicans got fed up with the hate-mongers on the left that they were motivated to come out and vote."

Yep. That's the underlying sin in what Dean is doing. They really, down deep think that Conservative Americans are simple, marginalized sheep that do what their preacher tells them to do. They believe that we can be 'educated' out of our stance, and those that remain do so because we are ignorant of their 'enlightened' values.

Let them keep doing it. The only people they really marginalize are themselves.