Executive Summary: I'm the President & CEO of Stardock Corp. Beyond the usual strategic management work, I am also directly involved with the day to day operations of several of our key projects.
I also do a lot of writing, skinning and programming. Below is a partial summary of my background.
Most Important Talent: Really really fast typer. 
Graduated in 1994 with a degree in Electrical Engineering with specialty of Computer Engineering.
Taught Electrical Engineering lab classes and substituted for professors during lecture hours. Specifically EE 250 (Digital Logic) and EE 255 (Digital Systems/Assembly Language).
- Designed basic CMOS Random Access Memory using "MAGIC" visual design system (class project).
- Developed a hardware interface to interact with AGV's (Automated Guided Vehicles) along with software to design programs for the AGVs.
- Built customized personal computers from components. Familiarity with most types of PC architecture and technology trends on the PC.
- Managed Western Michigan University's Macintosh Lab as an under graduate (1991-1994). This involved upgrading and repairing 68k based Macintoshes and later early PowerMac's. As well as maintaining System 6.x and System 7.x.
- Programmed Intel based Micro-Controllers along with Motorola HC11 micro controllers.
- Own an Altera kit for use with Programmable Logic Devices.
- Part of both nVidia and ATI external early driver testing teams.
- General familiarity with most modern PC based technologies.
- Intel x86 Assembly Language
- Motorola 68000 series Assembly Language
- Pascal
- C/C++
Software (Programming)
Software (Design/Management)
- Wrote Truth in Lending application for Ford Credit in 1994.
- Software Co-Designer of Object Desktop for OS/2 in 1995.
- Product Manager: Process Commander for OS/2 in 1996
- Product Manager: Avarice in 1996
- Product Manager: Trials of Battle 1996
- Product Manager: PMINews Reader in 1997
- Helped design IBM's OS/2 Warp 4 Desktop Interface.
- Product Manager: Links Golf Port to OS/2 in 1997
- Product Manager: Stellar Frontier for OS/2 & Windows
- Software Designer of Object Desktop for Windows in 1997
- Product Manager: WindowBlinds (current)
- Product Manager: DesktopX (current)
- Product Manager: ObjectBar (current)
- Product Manager: SkinStudio (current)
- Software Designer of Drengin.net game network
- Product Manager: WinStyles (current)
- Product Manager: WinCustomize Skin Browser (current)
- Project Manager: The Political Machine (2004).
- Designer: Galactic Civilizations
- Designer: Galactic Civilizations II
- Designer: The Political Machine
Web (Development)
All current:
Web Management
Lead Administrator of WinCustomize.com (2 million unique visitors per month) (current)
Graphics Design Software (As a user)
Expert familiarity with:
- Corel Draw
- Corel Photopaint
- Adobe Photoshop
Business Management
President & CEO of Stardock Corporation.
Finalist for Ernst & Young Michigan Entrepreneur of the Year (2002).
Finalist for Ernst & Young Michigan Entrepreneur of the Year (2003).
Finalist for Ernst & Young Michigan Entrepreneur of the Year (2004).
Winner of Crain's 2003 "40 under 40" award (2003).
Winner of OS/2 Professional's "Corporate Commitment" (1996).
Software Projects Winners of numerous awards.
- Founder/Editor of Burnham Gazette (college magazine)
- Columnist for Avault on the Game Industry
- Columnist for Quarter to Three
- Former writer for Gamepen
- Editor/Writer for WinCustomize Magazine
- Author of "Gamer's Eye View" of E3 conference
- Author of OS Wars series of articles
- Regular columns on JoeUser.com.
- Articles for Game Developer Magazine / Gamasutra
- Misc articles.
Have created dozens of WindowBlinds, DesktopX, ObjectBar and other types of themes. Full listing is available here.
- Judge for The Independent Games Festival (Game Developer's Conference)
- Panelist at 2002 Intellectual Property Conference in Washington D.C.
- Have appeared on The Nightly Business Report, TechTV, FOX News.
- Featured in (partial list): Entrepreneur Magazine, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Infoworld, eWeek, Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Craine's, Computer Gaming World, PC Gamer.
General History, Military History, Creative Writing, Basketball, Video editing, Writing, Politics and political philosophy, PC based technology, Business Economics. And being a good dad!

From a trip to Washington DC