More spam seems to be getting passed the spam filters
Some months ago I started using some spam filters. My favorite has been SpamPal. Our mail server also has its own spam filter on there. They worked reasonably well. About 90% of the spam was caught by them. Which for me was significant because each day I get around 500 to 600 email of which around 300 to 400 is spam. Going through 600 email to find the 200 legitimate email was a major pain. It's still quite a pain even with the filters.
But in the past month, more and more spam has been getting through.
Anyone else running into this?
They need to pass a law so that totally unsolicited email cannot be sent out. I don't care if they have a valid email address. I don't mind getting email from, I've purchased from them. I don't mind emailing me either since I signed up for a free account there. But I really resent "Jenny Smith" sending me a "Can you look at this?" which is in actuality an ad for some site that sends my information to hundreds of lenders. They have no business emailing me.