Last year the family and I tried to go to Higgins Lake for vacation. I can't find the blogs on it. Which reminds me, we need a calendar interface for accessing blogs as I know when I blogged about it. 
Anyway, it was a bit of a disaster. The cabin we rented was supposed by be "by the beach" but I think they meant "by the beech" as in tree. It was across a fairly busy street from a dirty wad of sand.
This year, we didn't even try to get something next to the beach. We opted for a bit more comfort and we'd just drive to the state park. That's worked well so far. Now the only problem is that I can't turn off my brain. Lots of interesting things going on at work that I want to work on.
For instance, the podcasting stuff is going well. And we just released a beta of a program called StyleVista. And of course, things with Galactic Civilizations II are reaching a climax as we start heading towards the final parts of development - only 4 months left to finish it! And in between all this there's all kind of interesting things with Windows Vista, WindowBlinds and Object Desktop in general.
So anyway, I'm thinking about that stuff instead of relaxing. Is that so bad?