Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
It's easy for people who don't pay taxes to advocate others to help the losers of society
Published on February 25, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

The problem I have debating people on welfare and other issues is well frankly, a lot of people are just incredibly ignorant. They just espouse platitudes without knowing what the hell they're talking about. It's a bit frustrating. No one expects everyone to be experts on what they choose to write about. But often times it's obvious that they haven't taken even a serious glance at the facts behind the issue they speak of. I don't mean "facts" as in from some left-wing or right-wing website. I mean the actual facts.

Al Sharpton, on 20/20 publicly claimed that the rich (top 5%) don't even pay for 2% of the taxes. Sadly, he's typical of the people who want to raise taxes on "the wealthy". It would have only taken him a few minutes to learn that the top 5% of income earners pay 54% of the federal income taxes. But he, like many Americans who talk about things like "corporate welfare" and "tax cuts for the rich" are just mouthing things they've heard from without bothering to look it up.

The left-wing whining and claims have done their job though. Since the 1960s, contrary to claims by right-wing radio, the left has won. The right was defeated utterly. We now spend most of our federal budget giving money to other people. Job training programs? We got them. Food delivered to the poor? Did it. Oh, but that wasn't enough. So it was upgraded to food stamps. Food stamps can't be used as cash? No problem, a certain percent can now be received as cash. Widen the scope of these programs so that millions of Americans qualify for it? No problem. Subsidized housing for those who make significantly less than the mean income? Here you go.

And what is the lesson? The people who demand we do more for the poor continue to claim we don't do enough. They will often not even acknowledge what we actualy do do.

"Oh we don't spend enough to help the poor." We sure the hell do. It's easy for people who either pay no or little federal taxes to bitch and moan about how nice it would be for other people to pay more, but those of us who actually pay serious taxes have made it our business to look at what that money is spent on. You see, half the population of the United States pays virtually no federal income taxes. And polls have made it pretty clear that they are the ones who are the numerous  in demanding more programs for "the poor".

If 5% of the population gets food stamps, for the sake of argument, based on what we spent in 1998 just on food stamps then each man, woman, and child getting foodstamps got $3,000.  That's not $3,000 per family. That's per person. So a family of 4 on food stamps would be getting $12,000. Obviously they're not really getting that much because of the waste that is government. But in 1998 the Federal Government spent about $40 billion on food for the poor. Which means that $40 billion of our taxes were spent on it. Well, the taxes of the 60% of Americans who actually pay something to the federal government in federal income taxes. 

We also spend a similar amount on federally subsidized low income housing.  And job training? We spend billions on that too.

It makes some people feel all warm and fuzzy to care so much about the poor. There will always be poor people. You know why? Because most poor people are either disabled or are...well losers. And I say that having grown up poor.  My dad left when I was very young and my mom and I (well my mom mainly) struggled to make ends meet. She worked her way up working multiple jobs at minimum wage. No health care. No insurance. But we made it. Today she lives a middle class lifestyle. She doesn't make much still but a lifetime of living within ones means adds up. It taught me a great deal about life.  My first "job" was at 6 years old. I took out the trash in the apartment complex we lived in for the various welfare mothers in our building. I was paid 10 cents per bag. The dumpster was quite a distance away, especially to a 6 year old in the middle of winter.  Even at that age, however, I observed some things about "the poor". 1) They always managed to afford lots of smelly cigarettes. 2) They always managed to afford beer and other booze.

As a result, I don't tend to be that compassionate for most poor people. The key word is most. I have plenty of compassion for people who are truly disabled or have gotten a legitimately raw deal. My mom got a raw deal too.

But show me a chronically poor person (i.e. someone poor all their life -- and I mean actually poor as in making less than $15,000 annually) through most their life and I'll show you (statistically) someone who's either disabled or someone who's just a total loser.  People don't like that word. Loser. But in life there are winners and losers. Some people will try to turn such terms into being so relativistic as to losing all meaning. But there are losers out there. And while not all poor people are losers, most losers are poor. Losers are people who are either chronically stupid, terminally foolish, lazy, or all of the above. But it's not compassionate to admit that. We're supposed to pretend that they're somehow noble, courageous people struggling against the odds. What odds? The odds of them finishing high school without getting pregnant multiple times? The odds of them not calling in "sick" twice a week because they just didn't want to get up? The odds that they couldn't resist telling their foreman or boss or whatever what they really think of them? The odds of them recognizing that attention deficit disorder is not a disability that one should apply for federal disability aid for? You get the idea.

And since the 1960s, we've spent TRILLIONS trying to help losers. But there's only so much you can do to help losers. They will always be poor because they're losers and no amount of free hand outs to them will change that.  Give them a big check of money and they'll waste it. Give them a nice house and they'll trash it.

But I'm sure it makes many of people feel nice and good about themselves to advocate that other people should be taxed even more to pay for those losers. It makes them feel holier than thou to point at people like me and say how mean and "greedy" I am. Bear in mind, people like me actually do the paying but those people who want something for nothing are the ones arguing I'm "greedy".  What would I do if taxes were lower? I'd hire more people. That's what I do with my capital. We hire people. We give people jobs. Jobs that help them support their families. Jobs that provide additional tax revenue to the government. And the people we hire make pretty good money.  Give us back the hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes we paid last year and I'd hire another several people next year. Spread those tax cuts across the entire country, particularly in the form of corporate tax cuts and you'll see more people get hired.

But instead some of these guys would rather even more money to be thrown at the losers of society. The dumb ass 19 year old with 3 kids.  The high school drop out who can't understand why he can't get a good job.  The 30 year old career student with several meaningless degrees who can't get a real job because the job market for people with a masters in philosophy or anthropology just isn't there who bitches at how unfair life is. 

There are some people out there who are poor that got a raw deal. It's for that tiny minority of people who aren't habitually idiotic in their life decisions that I do support a social safety net. 

I don't support abolishing the social safety net.  I am simply saying that the hundreds of billions of dollars we spend each year at the state and federal level is more than adequate to help those who are having a rough time of things through no fault of their own. I'm willing to subsidize the lifestyles of losers to try to help the truly needy. But enough is enough. We don't need more. We're running huge deficits. If the national debt were paid off and we just had more money than we knew what to do with I'd be all for trying some experiment to reform the losers of the world. But we don't. And subsidizing the losers of the world hurts the rest of society in ways that the people who advocate more help for them recognize.

Unless those advocating these programs are willing to step up to the plate and demand that their taxes be increased further (gee, funny how those who advocate these programs never support flat tax proposals) then all they're doing is making themselves feel good at society's expense (again: people like me who pay most of the taxes don't take that money and spend it on jewels or something, we invest it back into the economy in the form of hiring more people, investing in new start-ups, etc.).

The poor will always be with us because losers will always be with us. We can't afford to do anymore more for them. We need to get our finances together to eliminate the deficit and start paying off the debt before it keeps us from being able to provide basic services.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 25, 2004
I understand where you are coming from.When you can take your voucher to the corner mini mart&trade for beer& cigs.Mabee someone needs to watch that closer! But on A diferent angel look at the oil companies.Your government gives away billions of dollars in taxpayer money to them.I ask you does this not make the money given to the poor look small.I think there is to much taxpayer money wasted. Who is going to stop it?
on Feb 25, 2004
Woot! preach it brotha
on Feb 25, 2004
I agree with a lot of points that you made. So... how would you change it? What are some solutions to get people off welfare, and getting them to become more self-sufficient?
on Feb 25, 2004
Finally, someone is willing to tell it like it is.
This is an issue that rarely gets discussed because of the stigma attached to those persons that want to question the validity of any program or subsidy for the 'special' people. Those with the audacity to question such practices are tagged as 'uncaring' or 'unfeeling' or, even, 'biased'.
True discourse about the pros and cons of such efforts are near impossible without the issue being deflected into the irrelevant area of 'intent'.
on Feb 25, 2004
there is a lot of unaccountable money to be made in waste,thats why its not stopped.The media spent maybe two days bitching about Halliberton,steeling one hundred twenty mil.then went back to sleep,then there is Ken Lay[or whatever]Martha Stewert,cost millions ,five to one nothing happens.Poor people survive,rich people go to the bank---charlie poore
on Feb 25, 2004
I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862), "Walden", pp. 323- 324
on Feb 25, 2004
if the top 5% of the population pays 54% of the taxes then my question is this:

What % of the total money is made by the top 5% of the population?
on Feb 25, 2004
You evil, evil man. How dare you speak the truth to the masses? My wife thinks you are great!!
on Feb 25, 2004
Brad, I tried to say much the same thing weeks ago on Wisefawn's famous "homeless" post, but was really jumped on for it. I couldn't say it as
eloquintly as you did. I agree.

I see the poor and the losers everyday in my field. I try to personally help those I feel are deserving, and was even jumped for that. The losers, you
can't help.

I was labeled a "callous, heartless, bastard", for feeling that way, a possition in life I now have come to accept, and feel good about.

Also, as I read in another post on the homosexual marriages, I didn't realize that being a, "white, male, wealthy, christian, heterosexual, with guns",
was such a bad thing. I asked what was concidered "wealthy", to see if I qualified there, but didn't get a response. Oh well, I'm content with just
"white, male, christian, heterosexual, callous, heartless, bastard, with guns", I guess.

Anyway, great post.
on Feb 25, 2004

Top 5% earn 32% of the money but pay 54% of the taxes.
on Feb 25, 2004
If you take the long view, America is pretty awesome economically. Would you agree?

Perhaps it is BECAUSE we support losers so much.

Hmmm. Could be. Hard to argue with.
on Feb 25, 2004
I would say it's despite the throwing of money as losers.

The reason we do so well economically is because we have a huge single market, relatively few regulations on business, reasonable tax rates, a reasonably educated work force (and an outstanding after high school education system).

Another way to look at it is that we do so well because most other countries are run so poorly or lack our inate advantages (~300 million people in a single market speaking the same language with good infrastructure and little government interference).

But it has nothing to do with the losers of society. They're just along for the ride.
on Feb 25, 2004
The reason we do so well economically is because we have a huge single market, relatively few regulations on business, reasonable tax rates, a reasonably educated work force

Like China right ?

Too bad we can't just kill all the poor, or sterilize them so they won't procreate, or revoke their citizenship. Think how prosperous we would be then!

Losers should get what they deserve.

on Feb 25, 2004
Like China? Do you know anything about China?

Let me help you get up to speed: They speak a half dozen differnet languages throughout China so it's not truly a single market. It has a COMMUNIST government in case you weren't aware so massive government interference. Poor infrastructure. The reason why China will likely become a superpower down the line is because it will become more unified, the government is likely to interfere less and the people will likely become better educated in the future. But those things aren't true now hence why the US is a lot better off economically than China.

I love it how pseudo-intelletuals from the left, when faced with an coherent argument will jump to the extreme version. Which part of the article where I said "I support having a safety net to help those who are truly needy even if it means helping the losers" do you not understand? I hate to say it, but it's such a "n00b" tactic. The old "If you don't support massive federal programs to throw money at the poor then you must want them all to die! You are a monster." Classic strawman argument. Which brings us back to the first sentence of my original article...

I don't mean to pick on you Poet but you do seem to resort to making trivializing statements quite often. I can't tell, because of the nature of the medium, whether you are serious or whehter you're just trying to offer some levity.

on Feb 26, 2004
What is it that drives people to believe that they have a right to something they didn't earn? In 1997 I finally had enough. As someone who had worked hard to gain the position of V.P. Of Operations for a large trucking company (and female) I found my 60 to 80 hours a week earning going out in taxes to the tune of 66%. Then in 1996 the tax people came to me and said "Pam you didnt't pay enough taxes over the past five years (paid $1,900,334.32 Dollars). They (the IRS) wanted another $38.750 dollars. Hence in 1997 I quite the world of big business (more or less retired). At this point I am living on $15,230 dollars a year, and that qualifies for as being poor. However, I get nothing from the goverment, nor do I want it; it would be stupid to deal with the idoits that run the farst that is being placed on the people who actually work hard for a living regardless of their income. Oh, for those who are wondering, yes at this point in my life I am extremely happy. Besides look at all the time I have to read Blogs on JoeUser.

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