Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Or at least interest
Published on October 7, 2005 By Draginol In US Domestic

Bush's latest Supreme Court nominee I think pretty much seals it that Bush is really just an idiot.  I've had misgivings about him and was not a fan of his in the past but this nomination reeks of arrogance.

The Roman emperor, Caligula, made his horse a senator.  I suppose now we know that reincarnation is possible though at least Bush's advisors managed to thwart any ideas of nominating a favorite horse to the supreme court. 

Bush's croneyism is possibly the worst in the modern era.  He may be fairly moral in most respects but his professional ethics certainly are in question. 

Frankly, I'm disgusted with Bush.  And since the Republican senators are likely to rubber stamp his nominee, I've lost interest in politics.  We have the Republicans who seem to be eager to appear as the party of the corrupt and the Democrats who are eager to be the party of the screwballs (when they're not bitching and moaning pathetically).

And so here we are. Sigh.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 08, 2005
No other JU user could get away with saying this without being called a 'liberal' , bush-bashing, unpatriotic fool. Now, suddenly, we miraculously have a change of tone from the peanut gallery when the message of Bush's flaws comes from a different messenger.


Politics have always bored me. The petty arguments, the bureaucracy.....They're all a bunch of children.
on Oct 08, 2005
he is not bashing Bush, he is expressing his displeasure.

What's the difference?
on Oct 08, 2005
Deference: The difference is some people make their decisions based upon the actions of a politician, and others already know what they are based upon their party affiliation. Many of us have voiced dissatisfaction with Bush and his policies.

Kind of says something that the Left is so bad that Bush would be preferable, huh...
on Oct 08, 2005
What's the difference?

Bashing is ignorant.

Dabe and the rest base their critiques on whether the person has a (R) by their name, and make up the rest as needed. Others just make baseless claims about conspiracies and crimes that no one has been convicted of. Brad is citing something, and something that doesn't assume the outcome of an investigation.
on Oct 08, 2005

Bashing is ignorant.


Hate for the sake of hating is never good.  Disagreeing with reasons means you get listened to.  WHo outside of the loony left listens to Howard Dean?

just the ones looking for entertainment, and not a good debate.

on Oct 08, 2005
A Democrat/Liberal who bashes Bush and cites reasons is said to be loony. A Republican/Conservative who bashes Bush and cites reasons is said to be just voicing his displeasure.
on Oct 08, 2005
I mean, it's patently obvious when someone's whole blogging life is slanted toward bashing Bush. Go read their blogs. If Bush cured cancer they'd find a way to spin it... the col's headline the next day would be "BUSH IGNORES DIABETES!!"

If we are agreeing it is kudos to Brad for being honest and reasonable. If we don't agree with others it is because they are looking for excuses to express knee-jerk sentiment. When someone spends all their time looking for EXCUSES to bash something, there's not much reason to expect reason from them.

Don't blame us if the average Bush-hater on JU is a two dimensional character who can barely muster the will to do anything but cut and paste.
on Oct 08, 2005

A Democrat/Liberal who bashes Bush and cites reasons is said to be loony.

Show us where?  And dont use Col Klink.  or Dabe.  Both dont cite reasons, they just bash.  oh, and Myrran-not-her as well.

on Oct 08, 2005

Well as most people know, I'm a conservative in many areas.  I'm inclined to vote for Republicans.  I want a smaller government.  I want a supereme court the interprets the constitution and forces the law making body to make laws -- even if they're politically difficult to do.

I support Bush's foreign policy pretty completely.  I am glad we invaded Iraq.  I am not a big fan of nation building as I have no love or the Iraqi people and don't see it as our responsibility to nurse made them endlessly anymore than we had a duty to nurse made Germany after World War II.

I support No child left behind.

But between Bush's actions, there's a certain..arrogance you can see peeping in there.  A certain half-baked mentality that lets us peer at what is increasingly obvious to me to be a second-rate mind. 

Bush embarasses me and our country every time he speaks.  Does that mean I regret voting for him? No.  Because the Democrats are much worse.  The Democrats are the party of political cowards and naive IMO (not saying eveyrone who is a Democrat is a naive coward, just that the Democrats choose cowards and naive as spokesmen).

on Oct 08, 2005

I support No child left behind.

I dont.  I think that was his first big mistake.

on Oct 08, 2005
As stupid as Bush's appointment appears, I have to reserve judgement for one reason and one reason alone: When President Kennedy appointed Robert Kennedy to the post of Attorney General, the latter was fresh out of law school. The joke made by JFK was that RFK needed "on the job experience" (or something to that order; I can't quote the story verbatim).

While Bobby Kennedy may have been controversial, he is widely regarded as a competent AG, at the very minimum. It is quite possible that Miers is up to the task.

If it were in my power to vote on Miers, I would definitely vote "no", simply because she is not even CLOSE to the most qualified candidate for the position. But it's not within my power, and, while I have STRONG reservations, I will have to wait and see what happens.

In the meantime, I'll write my senators and encourage them to vote against her. But I'm not sure what good it will do.
on Oct 08, 2005

A Democrat/Liberal who bashes Bush and cites reasons is said to be loony. A Republican/Conservative who bashes Bush and cites reasons is said to be just voicing his displeasure.

This blog is not called "Bush is an idiot" it is "Losing faith in politics". Bush bashers are totally one sided. This is saying that Bush's actions are causing Draginol to think Bush is an idiot but he still thinks the Dems/libs are worse and therefore has lost faith in politics.
on Oct 08, 2005
Reply By: JillUserPosted: Saturday, October 08, 2005A Democrat/Liberal who bashes Bush and cites reasons is said to be loony. A Republican/Conservative who bashes Bush and cites reasons is said to be just voicing his displeasure.This blog is not called "Bush is an idiot" it is "Losing faith in politics". Bush bashers are totally one sided. This is saying that Bush's actions are causing Dragging to think Bush is an idiot but he still thinks the Dems/libs are worse and therefore has lost faith in politics.

that's how I interpreted this article. George is an embarrassment at times, {when he speaks} ha! but for the most part I agree with his decisions.
on Oct 08, 2005

I only voted for Bush because I found Kerry so distasteful, and the people he surrounded himself with (like Al Sharpton) literally made my skin crawl.

I can understand that reason.

I fully support his decision to go into Iraq, and I don't give a damn if there were WMDs or not. Eleven years of Saddamn flipping us the bird in regards to weapons inspections while the corrupt despots at the UN raked in billions on their "Oil for Food" scams was reason enough for me.

That is true enough. Your position on that could even be called pro-UN, as the very power of the UN was challenged by Iraq and defended only be the coalition.

I support his 'No Child Left Behind' act, his efforts to privatize social security, and the Medicare prescription drug plan.

I don't know enough about these programs to comment.

However, he has done many things that have pissed me off royally, like proposing amnesty for illegal aliens, spending like there's no tomorrow, and now wasting these Supreme Court nominations on bland, faceless, nobodies.

Yes. But then I think the spending is somewhat understandable. He had to deal with rather many very expensive problems. And nobody else came up with cheaper plans.

I sure hope the Republican Party can offer up a truly Conservative candidate in 2008, if they don't, I wont be voting at all.

How would that help?

on Oct 08, 2005
No, Bush Bashers could not get away with it, for it would be seen (Dabe) as what it is. Draginol is conservative. As such he is not bashing Bush, he is expressing his displeasure.

It's been my experience here, thus far, that when anyone is critical of the Bush Admin. they are immediately branded 'liberal' or accused of 'bush-bashing' instead of arguing the facts of the matter.

Learn the difference. if you want to be taken seriously, call a spade a spade. That means bash the loons on your side of the fence, instead of being a kool aid drinker.

Oh, and for the record, I dont Guess you listen to Rush Limbaugh? nah, I thought not. You get your news from Airhead America.

I call things as I see them, Dr.Guy and I often have some sort of reasoning and fact to back up my assertion. I'm already bashing loons on my side of the fence, not that that's the mission.

I grew up listening to Oliver "Ollie" North and Rush Limbaugh in the afternoon after school. I really liked Ollie - Rush was a notorious windbag who wore thin after a year. I read his book "The Way Things Ought To Be" and thought it not bad, but later realized he had very little actual data to back any of his arguments.

I was very upset with Clinton on everything from NAFTA to Monica. When George W. came along I thought,
"Wow, finally, we're going to get our chance."

I couldn't have been more wrong. It's evident to all but the most hardcore supporters that the Bush administration really will not protect or advance our interests.

You probably already know how betrayed I feel regarding Iraq and Patriot Act.

Your assumptions about me are wrong and I think this exposes your die-hard commitment to Bush&Co.
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