Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Or at least interest
Published on October 7, 2005 By Draginol In US Domestic

Bush's latest Supreme Court nominee I think pretty much seals it that Bush is really just an idiot.  I've had misgivings about him and was not a fan of his in the past but this nomination reeks of arrogance.

The Roman emperor, Caligula, made his horse a senator.  I suppose now we know that reincarnation is possible though at least Bush's advisors managed to thwart any ideas of nominating a favorite horse to the supreme court. 

Bush's croneyism is possibly the worst in the modern era.  He may be fairly moral in most respects but his professional ethics certainly are in question. 

Frankly, I'm disgusted with Bush.  And since the Republican senators are likely to rubber stamp his nominee, I've lost interest in politics.  We have the Republicans who seem to be eager to appear as the party of the corrupt and the Democrats who are eager to be the party of the screwballs (when they're not bitching and moaning pathetically).

And so here we are. Sigh.

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on Oct 07, 2005
I can get behind some of that action. Really the Republican party desperately needs to clean house.
on Oct 08, 2005
I remember studying in American History how the "Spoils System" was assumed to be the standard through the early 1800s, when it was finally eliminated and people were given posts based on merit. Now we're set back 200 years, right back to the "spoils system"... (for ref, the spoils system was the system where important posts in gov't went to whoever the winner felt like, as a reward for being a good supporter. In Bushevik terms, someone who was "loyal".... ).
on Oct 08, 2005
The Roman emperor, Caligula, made his horse a senator.

If I remember correctly, he also eventually declared it a god, and made all his servants bow down to the manure piles they passed in the hallways of the palace.

Besides, you gotta admit, a horse would do better than a lot of the senators we have now.
on Oct 08, 2005
Besides, you gotta admit, a horse would do better than a lot of the senators we have now.

Well, they'd have better horse sense *groan*

Sorry... it was too easy, and I had to go for it.

This whole thing probably would have been a good time for a filibuster... but the Democrats sort of had to really wear out there welcome with that, didn't they.
on Oct 08, 2005
"The Roman emperor, Caligula, made his horse a senator."

It was a priest, if I am not mistaken, and he threatened to make it a senator but never went through with it. Before he did he accused one of the elite Praetorian guards of being a homosexual and he was killed for the insult. Evidently they'd been plotting to anyway.

It doesn't excuse what he did, but being in the private child harem of the previous emperor, (His creepy uncle Tiberius who threw the kids he got tired of off cliffs), probably didn't do much for his personality.

As for this nomination, I honestly haven't posted my opinion on it because I haven't bothered to look into her. I'll take your word for it. I'll probably get my political second wind in a year or so, right now I just can't bring myself to care.

I guess that is what they are counting on, huh?
on Oct 08, 2005
If I were a cynic, I'd expect this type of thing -- unless he's completely popular and so far above the influence of the party rabble, he has to sometime reward the people who "put him there" during his second term. Patronage is a hallmark of a lot of modern politics (especially considering what kind of capital, monetary and political, that's required to attain something like a presidency) and it seems weak leaders often end their terms with a rash of favoured postings. However, GW is still quite a ways from the end of 2nd term though ... I hope for your nation's sake that he hasn't lost the "fire in his belly" already!
on Oct 08, 2005
Brilliant thread Brad!
on Oct 08, 2005
So, you're saying that you were never much of a supporter of Prs. Bush and now (with the nomination of Harriet Miers) you are even less than not much of a supporter?

Ok, fair enough. ;~D
on Oct 08, 2005
I don't think he's been the best President, but Ms. Miers seems to fit most of the ideological criteria that we wanted in a judge. I was happy with Chief Justice Roberts, and I'm taking a sort of "wait and see" attitude with Miers. There's a history of non-judges being appointed to the court, though it's been less common in modern times. She seems to be a good, Christian lady, though, and that's really important to me.
on Oct 08, 2005
Oh LW, don't get me wrong, I am a Bush supporter, but that doesn't mean I support everything he does. Draginol just made the point that he never really supported Prs. Bush anyway and nominating Harriet Miers just seals the deal for him...

My comment was in reply to his article itself.

You're right, Prs. Bush isn't a "true conservative" and never has claimed to be (which is why he is often in the dog house with so many conservative organizations). However, he record of appointments so far has been pretty conservative, so I'm not sure why conservatives figure that he made an exception this one time. ;~d
on Oct 08, 2005
If The president can be persuaded by his wife to nominate a woman [any women] to the Supreme court, one wonders what member of his family is influencing his decisions on Immigration policy? Perhaps a brother in law [or others] with ties to the Mexican government?
If president Bush would insist the Immigration laws already on the books be upheld and strickle enforced that alone would bring his ratings back to ninety percent. On this point he has let America down and the American voter is sick of it.
on Oct 08, 2005

I saw your comment on Dabe's thread, and now I see the source.  You surprise me at times, and I am glad.

So Bush is making his horse a Supreme Court Justice.  That has got to be the zinger of the year!

on Oct 08, 2005
Slowly I am rethinking many stances I have taken over the years, I do see the flaws in President Bush and some of the choices he has made.

I still think choosing Miers was a stroke of genius because of her total lack of a paper trail.

Lets remember the former {may he rest in peace} chief justice was not a judge prior to taking a seat on scotus.
on Oct 08, 2005
Bush's latest Supreme Court nominee I think pretty much seals it that Bush is really just an idiot. - Draginol

No other JU user could get away with saying this without being called a 'liberal' , bush-bashing, unpatriotic fool.

Now, suddenly, we miraculously have a change of tone from the peanut gallery when the message of Bush's flaws comes from a different messenger.

on Oct 08, 2005

No other JU user could get away with saying this without being called a 'liberal' , bush-bashing, unpatriotic fool.

Now, suddenly, we miraculously have a change of tone from the peanut gallery when the message of Bush's flaws comes from a different messenger.

No, Bush Bashers could not get away with it, for it would be seen (Dabe) as what it is.  Draginol is conservative. As such he is not bashing Bush, he is expressing his displeasure.

Learn the difference.  if you want to be taken seriously, call a spade a spade.  That means bash the loons on your side of the fence, instead of being a kool aid drinker.

Oh, and for the record, I dont Guess you listen to Rush Limbaugh?  nah, I thought not.  You get your news from Airhead America.

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