Spent a lot of time this weekend working on the game. There's just so much to do.
Maintainence costs of planetary improvements weren't implemented which messed up the economic balancing.
The cost of production wasn't being correctly calculated. Right now, there's still an issue with production bonuses which I'll hae to work on.
The AI is building fleets. Not well. But I had to turn it off because it's made the game very unstable. We'll have to fix that this week.
The AI now designs ships MUCH more effectively. Very pleased with that result. That required a lot of bug hunting and a different way of designing the ships which I think makes the game better. Now, AI ships are named like "Frigate M5". So players will bea ble to just glance at a ship name and see how good it is.
The AI is starting to get smarter about researching. GalCiv II's tech tree has category tags which allow it to have a good idea of what it should be going for. I may add more AI tags to make that even easier and allow for more user-modding.
The planet labels need work. I would like to see a planet label that gives more information. A planet label should (in a visually interesting way) display:
The planet name (of course).
The population of the planet as an integer in millions (like 15) (for 15.1 million)
Whether it has a starport or not and whether that starport is building something or not.
What the social status is (are there unused tiles with nothing being built? Are social projects being built?)
I think this could be done as a label with a nice block background or something with a couple of symbols:

Beta 4 is due this Thursday but it may slip to Friday based on how rough things are.