Galactic Civilizations I didn't have many hot keys. This time around, we want to have lots of them.
Here are some of the preliminary ones (and if we have time, we'll make this configurable -- maybe for the bonus pack).
F1 through F4 are different views of the map.
- 1 Ship List
- 2 Planet list
- 3 Research Screen
- 4 Domestic Policy
- 5 Foreign Policy
- 6 Galactic Census
- 7 Ship Design
- TAB Find next ship
- SPACE pass on current ship (give up moves)
- ENTER end turn
- ` Toggle grid lines
- Delete delete current ship
- ' Find your toughest ship
- ; Find your most powerful fleet
- G Open up Goto panel to send ship to a given destination
- X Enter Rallypoint mode
- R Bring up list of Rally Points
- P Bring up most powerful planet in your civilization
- B Build starbase with currently selected constructor
- S Sentry currently selected ship
- G Set current ship to guard
- D Bring up details for currently selected ship or the details screen on selected planet.
- + zoom in
- - zoom out
- Keypad + zoom in on mini map
- Keypad - zoom out on mini map
- Backspace toggle screens that have fold in UIs.
- Esc Options screen
- Ctrl-S Quick Save current game
- Ctrl-1 Bring up negotiation screen with Humans
- Ctrl-2 " with Drengin
- Ctrl-3 through 0 bring up negotiation screen with corresponding player
- Home brings up home planet of currently selected ship. If no ship selected, brings up your capital world.
Any others you can think of?