Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Some thoughts
Published on October 26, 2005 By Draginol In Current Events

In the battle of Okinawa, a small island in the Pacific ocean, over 12,000 Americans died and another 38,000 were seriously wounded.

Mind you, this was to take an island that was tiny and had a population less than part of Baghad. And we're still there today.

Luckily, Americans were a little bit tougher of skin back then.  We didn't shirk or slink away from paying a high price to do things that were important in a larger sense. 

2,000 Americans have died in Iraq over the past 3 years.  That's 1/6th as many people who died -- within the span of a few days -- in a single battle on a single island in World War II. 

Those Americans gave their lives in a cause they believed in.  In a cause that serves our country and even the rest of the world even if much of that world (those ironically many of whom were either our enemies or sat on the side-lines back in World War II) doesn't appreciate it. 

Those Americans were not sent there to find "WMD" or for "oil".  They were sent there to topple an evil, corrupt regime that had twice attacked its neighbors, had used whatever weapons it had at hand in war, was violating the cease fire from the previous war with the coaliation, and quite clearly was working its way through the so-called "Sanctions" to the day when it could restart programs to gain for itself horrific weapons to use or distribute to enemies. 

Those Americans were sent to a country that is literally in the middle of a region that is formenting people who want to exterminate not just every single American but the entire western way of life. 

Those Americans gave their lives to help put in its place a country that we hope will become democratic and representative but at the very least won't harbor terrorists who can plan at their leisure further attacks on this country.

Those Americans gave their lives as a part of a broader war on Islamic terror.  And while some don't see the connection between Iraq and Islamic militarism, the same could be said of not seeing the connection between the attack on Pearl Harbor and the US invasion of French North Africa.

Luckily, the greatest generation of Americans were made of sterner stuff than what today's Americans are apparently made of. They rolled up their sleaves and went to work and made possible the world we have today where we have the luxury to hyper-analyse every combat death that occurs in the name of securing freedom and security both there and at home.

The families and friends of those 2,000 men and women can hopefully take comfort that they gave their lives in a cause that was as noble and true as any cause that warriors have fought and died in.  As an American, I want to express appreciation for their sacrifice that has helped make all of us a bit safer and helped make the world a better place.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 26, 2005

There is no equivalence here!

But the mind numbed robots trying to make the equation, Like Cindy Sheehan, try to.  They are not terrorist, but Freedom Fighters.  The extreme left wing is chanting that a lot.

on Oct 26, 2005

The self-proclaimed "Greatest Generation" had the luxury of a clear enemy

Their enemy was as clear as ours in most respects.  The difference is that we didn't have a bunch of arm-chair apologists demanding exit strategies and wanting to know the 10-year battle plan as Americans shot French soldiers in Northern Africa despite having just been attacked by Japan on the other side of the world.

on Oct 26, 2005

I argue that "today's generation of Americans" is made of sterner stuff, because even though we have more reasons to despise and abandon this country,

The ignorance of this statement is...simply astounding.  It also codifies what I've been saying for some time -- those who have problems with US foreign policy or the war in Iraq are -- generally -- ignorant of  history.  Anyone even casually familiar with American history knows that today we have far more freedoms, far more toleration, and far more altruism in both our society in general as well as in our government in particular.  This also extends into the realm of public ethics and morality where even the Clinton administration, far from being a pinnacle of ethics was still far more transparent and scrupulous than what we've had in the past.

on Oct 26, 2005
I sure don't feel sorry for the other side dying....the more of them that are dead, means the less of ours that will die

There have been many innocents caught up in the crossfire, and I don't want to presume things about you, but I'm hoping you mean you're glad that the insurgents and Saddam's guys are dead, not those folks in the wrong place at the wrong time

Tex....the innocents are not on the other side....the insurgents and Saddam's guys are the ones I am talking about.....

I hate to read news that another soldier has been killed....or that a man, woman or child was caught in a cross-fire (or whatever).....

But when I read that x amount of insurgents were killed (or captured)....then that makes me smile.
on Oct 26, 2005

But when I read that x amount of insurgents were killed (or captured

means fewer of us and the innocents are going to die.  Anywhere in the world

on Oct 26, 2005
Although I mourn the loss of life, I will not apoligize for us removing SADDAM, it's just so easy to monday morning quarterback things about WMD'S, what kills me is if SADDAM WERE to have sold his many proven WMD'S to terrorist and it was used here, you bleeding hearts would be crying , WHY DID YOU NOT PROTECT US ? bahhhhh
on Oct 26, 2005
I think we owe it too the fallen to "hyper-analyse" every death. Your very cavalier attitude about chalking up battle deaths to "if you want to make an omlette you have to break a few eggs" is disgusting. Have you ever been to war or for that matter a warzone?

If you feel that strongly for the cause then why dont you sign up and shoulder some of the burden? That, if anything was the key difference between previous generations and our own. They actually fought for what they believed in ...those who didn;t go actually had a sense of shame and humilty for staying home in the comfort of their mothers and armchairs ... writing software.
What have you done for this war effort? What sacrifice have you made?

A rap-atap-tap on the keyboard is hardly the same as the rap-atat-tat of an AK47 being fired at you. Im curious when you say

We didn't shirk or slink away from paying a high price to do things that were important in a larger sense.

what exactly do you mean by "we"? What price have YOU paid? Its also interesting that you have completely ignored all figures not accounting for American death. Theres over 100,000 Iraqi dead. These people you've supposedly set out to save? What are they? What choice did they have? Or do you also believe that its quite o.k for you to speak for them as well while your telling your own country men to shut up and waive their 1st Amendment rights? Dont question. Just follow.

How can you use language like "true and noble" for a war that required the President to lie to us in order to get us there in the first place. How can you compare the invasion of Iraq with the defence of our soveriegn boundaries? If your pro-war thats one thing but dont disgrace yourself by suggesting that the invasion of Iraq is anything like WWII. That was honourable. That was justified.

You've also completely discounted the technological advantage we currently hold. We have trillions of dollars of technology tied up in our weapons of mass destruction and we're still getting kicked. We are not in control. We have to desecrate the dead in order to engage the enemy. Our justification being, their just too "sneaky".

This brave new world you talk this the one whereby we as Amercians are now so scared of the rest of the world the we are investing biilions of dollars into putting weaponry into space?

Your article is nothing more than propaganda trotted out by some software geek whose probably never himself made any kind of sacrifice to the "greater good" beyond paying his taxes. You should be ashamed of yourself.
on Oct 26, 2005
you guys are hilarious ... i wonder how many of you have kids in the army?

maybe you should read Pat Buchannans post on Hes a conservative
with some SENSE ... you idiots just repeat the same old warn out talking

saddam gassed the earth we live on
bush sits at gods right hand
he had WMD's and we dont
the world is better without him and his dog

Remember we were saying the same crap during Vietnam ... when it was us
and the south ... SUPPOSEDLY. Took a couple of years but they kicked us out
and so it shall be here.

Wake the hell up.
on Oct 26, 2005
by the way its WAYYYY more than 2000 dead. Its estimated the number is
closer to 10k.

Heres the little secret:
The Pentagon counts war dead different. If you die in Langstien Airbase or on
route you arent counted as casualty IN Iraq.

You guys kill me ... take the wool off your eyes
on Oct 26, 2005
you guys are hilarious ... i wonder how many of you have kids in the army?

My husband is serving.

by the way its WAYYYY more than 2000 dead. Its estimated the number is
closer to 10k.

This has already been debunked.
on Oct 26, 2005
This has already been debunked.

O.k but how many are coming home missing limbs?
It disgusts me when someone like Draginol says something along the lines of "just dont think about it". Stand behind the flag.

These are real people not statistics.
on Oct 26, 2005
>My husband is serving.

No madam, your husband is a fool!!
He is serving the interests of a chosen few, a cabal of people whose children
will benefit from his efforts (stock options/contracts for their businesses
doing work in Iraq).

I know you would love to believe he is doing something noble.

Wake up
on Oct 26, 2005
it disgusts me when ppl jump on here, using an anonymous name....not registering....and trash the guy tha is giving you a free service. Grow the hell up, jack-nut.

I did serve (US Army)....wasn't in a war (Thank God), but I was ready and willing to fight, and die if need be.

And as far as Technilogical Advantage goes....that stuff is only as good as we are allowed to use it. Sure, we could mop up the entire middle east within days....but, we actually do try to follow the so-called "Rule of War".

And you want to chat about the Iraqis? Where was your overly concerned jack-nut ass when Saddam was killing the Iraqis...where was your concern when his son was kidnapping, raping, and killing iraqi women? Where was your concern?

Stupid rhetoric from the Bleeding Heart Extreme Team....And as for lying....that has also been has been proven many a times on this board that Bush outlined more than WMD as the reason to invade Iraq.

Oh, my two kids are only 2 and 4....but you know what? If they made the decision to serve this country in the military....I would be P.R.O.U.D

Sorry, Brad for the rant....this stuff just really pisses me off, though.

on Oct 26, 2005
>My husband is serving.

No madam, your husband is a fool!!
He is serving the interests of a chosen few, a cabal of people whose children
will benefit from his efforts (stock options/contracts for their businesses
doing work in Iraq).

I know you would love to believe he is doing something noble.

Wake up

Wow..and then you insults Tex....way to go to win ppl over to your "beliefs" i said...the Liberal Bleeding Hearts Extreme Team....
on Oct 26, 2005
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.
The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling
which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.
The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight,
nothing which is more important than his own personal safety,
is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless
made so and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
-John Stuart Mill- (1806-1873)

{pointed glance at rombios}

Yes, 2000 poor little innocents, who didn't know exactly what they were doing when they signed up. Who no doubt are a bunch of "kids", right? Too young to make rational decisions? I forgot, we just serve the rich oligarchial "Bush" captalist industrial machine.

Cut the horse crap. I knew when I signed up the chances I took. I'm not volunteering to be the one that gets shot, but a free iraq is worth fighting for. Forget about WMDs and oil, I'd fight for the chance for a shit load of Kurds not to be gassed to death by Saddam. And if I did get shot, well, shit happens. People dead? In a war? Go figure............

I just finished my time. Six years and one month.
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