Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Some thoughts
Published on October 26, 2005 By Draginol In Current Events

In the battle of Okinawa, a small island in the Pacific ocean, over 12,000 Americans died and another 38,000 were seriously wounded.

Mind you, this was to take an island that was tiny and had a population less than part of Baghad. And we're still there today.

Luckily, Americans were a little bit tougher of skin back then.  We didn't shirk or slink away from paying a high price to do things that were important in a larger sense. 

2,000 Americans have died in Iraq over the past 3 years.  That's 1/6th as many people who died -- within the span of a few days -- in a single battle on a single island in World War II. 

Those Americans gave their lives in a cause they believed in.  In a cause that serves our country and even the rest of the world even if much of that world (those ironically many of whom were either our enemies or sat on the side-lines back in World War II) doesn't appreciate it. 

Those Americans were not sent there to find "WMD" or for "oil".  They were sent there to topple an evil, corrupt regime that had twice attacked its neighbors, had used whatever weapons it had at hand in war, was violating the cease fire from the previous war with the coaliation, and quite clearly was working its way through the so-called "Sanctions" to the day when it could restart programs to gain for itself horrific weapons to use or distribute to enemies. 

Those Americans were sent to a country that is literally in the middle of a region that is formenting people who want to exterminate not just every single American but the entire western way of life. 

Those Americans gave their lives to help put in its place a country that we hope will become democratic and representative but at the very least won't harbor terrorists who can plan at their leisure further attacks on this country.

Those Americans gave their lives as a part of a broader war on Islamic terror.  And while some don't see the connection between Iraq and Islamic militarism, the same could be said of not seeing the connection between the attack on Pearl Harbor and the US invasion of French North Africa.

Luckily, the greatest generation of Americans were made of sterner stuff than what today's Americans are apparently made of. They rolled up their sleaves and went to work and made possible the world we have today where we have the luxury to hyper-analyse every combat death that occurs in the name of securing freedom and security both there and at home.

The families and friends of those 2,000 men and women can hopefully take comfort that they gave their lives in a cause that was as noble and true as any cause that warriors have fought and died in.  As an American, I want to express appreciation for their sacrifice that has helped make all of us a bit safer and helped make the world a better place.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Oct 28, 2005
Just so all of you know, we lost 2252 soldiers in one year (1985) during peace time. We lost more in one year than in more than 2+ years of the war in Iraq. That tells me we are doing a danm fine job and our men in the military are great at what they do.

Oh and who decided 2000 as a milestone?? WHat happened to the 1999 soldier? All of them are important and all of them will be missed but we are doing a great job there.

Keep up the fight and keep up the pressure guys... we love ya..
on Oct 28, 2005
I wrote a lengthly piece but decided to table it because I hope at this point I think you have gotten the message.

i. The deaths are a highly contenious issue and by bringing such a subject up, one opens themselves to alot of emotional criticism. Both ways.

ii. The right to regime change automatically superimposes one set of beliefs, values and principles on another. Some call that hubris.

iii. The notion of using war to promote stability is a misnomer, I have yet to find a confirmed newsource outside a DoD report that speaks of improvements outside the "green" zone. So this begs the question - if things are no safer after intervening than before, how does this translate into increased security at home?

iv. I think it is very dangerous to associate this overseas endeavor as a contributing factor to the calm enjoyed here post 9/11. Making that connection is one very large mistake. Huge.

Beyond that, if the Plame investigation draws more blood than say Scooter Libby's and delves into Cheney's this will deal a devastating blow to the nation's credibility.. Impeachment or worse could follow and that would substantially desecrate the nobleness of this war in ways name-shouting could never accomplish.
on Oct 28, 2005

Iraq did not attack America. Iraq did not have the ability to attack America. Iraq was not a danger to our country.

I can imagine liberal news headlines:

"Attacking American aircraft not considered attacking America. President overreacts."

"Americans, made of stainless steel, able to resist any kind of weapon terrorists could smuggle into country. Still wondering how terrorists manage to kill people."

"New definition of 'danger' doesn't include enemy fire and terrorism. Republicans prove once again that they are living in the past."
on Oct 28, 2005
I can imagine liberal news headlines:

You dont have to imagine. You can read them.
on Oct 28, 2005
It's egotistical and arrogant to pretend one's own opinion is accepted fact and beyond doubt

What's egotistical is that you believe your opinion is fact.

yet, strangely enuff, it appears as if your opinions--including those expressed in the very article we are discussing--are somehow exempt.

yall are killin me here.
on Oct 28, 2005
iv. I think it is very dangerous to associate this overseas endeavor as a contributing factor to the calm enjoyed here post 9/11. Making that connection is one very large mistake. Huge.

at risk of hitting new heights of egotism and arrogance, i'm of the opinion you're so right it hurts. on 9/11, the countdown to the next attack started. without knowing how much time we have, i'm convinced the war presidency has wasted precious years as well as precious lives attempting something very few americans would have supported had the truth been told.
on Oct 28, 2005
kingbee? I do love ya dude, even if we disagree most the time, but sometimes {like now} I wanna shake ya till ya barf.
on Oct 28, 2005
"Americans, made of stainless steel, able to resist any kind of weapon terrorists could smuggle into country. Still wondering how terrorists manage to kill people."

no i'm still wondering what's been done to prevent anyone from smuggling damn near anything into the country. even more to the point, how does the adventure in iraq figure into the equation?

let's imagine for a second there are terrorists who've never been to iraq and go on from there.
on Oct 28, 2005
kingbee? I do love ya dude, even if we disagree most the time, but sometimes {like now} I wanna shake ya till ya barf.

long before i barfed, the rubberband connecting my head and arms to the rest of my doll-like body would snap and then you'd wind up having to explain how that happened.
on Oct 29, 2005
disgusts me when ppl jump on here, using an anonymous name....not registering....and trash the guy tha is giving you a free service. Grow the hell up, jack-nut.

I can see why that poster didn't register what with the advertising of the loss of all articles due to a database crash, the half dozen or so null reference exceptions, not to mention the outofmemory exceptions i have experienced in the last 15minutes alone, I'd say its a good job he didn't. It might well be free but as they get what you pay for.

Simply because Draginol happens to run this service doesn't mean his opinions are neccessarily any more or less valid than the next guys.

Let me go on record as stating:

Well that's one thing you have in common with George Bush then..... how do you feel about Black Gold and Halliburton?
on Oct 29, 2005
disgusts me when ppl jump on here, using an anonymous name....not registering....and trash the guy tha is giving you a free service. Grow the hell up, jack-nut.

I can see why that poster didn't register what with the advertising of the loss of all articles due to a database crash, the half dozen or so null reference exceptions, not to mention the outofmemory exceptions i have experienced in the last 15minutes alone, I'd say its a good job he didn't. It might well be free but as they get what you pay for.

Simply because Draginol happens to run this service doesn't mean his opinions are neccessarily any more or less valid than the next guys.

Let me go on record as stating:

Well that's one thing you have in common with George Bush then..... how do you feel about Black Gold and Halliburton?
on Oct 29, 2005
disgusts me when ppl jump on here, using an anonymous name....not registering....and trash the guy tha is giving you a free service. Grow the hell up, jack-nut.

I can see why that poster didn't register what with the advertising of the loss of all articles due to a database crash, the half dozen or so null reference exceptions, not to mention the outofmemory exceptions i have experienced in the last 15minutes alone, I'd say its a good job he didn't. It might well be free but as they get what you pay for.

Simply because Draginol happens to run this service doesn't mean his opinions are neccessarily any more or less valid than the next guys.

Let me go on record as stating:

Well that's one thing you have in common with George Bush then..... how do you feel about Black Gold and Halliburton?
on Oct 29, 2005
disgusts me when ppl jump on here, using an anonymous name....not registering....and trash the guy tha is giving you a free service. Grow the hell up, jack-nut.

I can see why that poster didn't register what with the advertising of the loss of all articles due to a database crash, the half dozen or so null reference exceptions, not to mention the outofmemory exceptions i have experienced in the last 15minutes alone, I'd say its a good job he didn't. It might well be free but as they get what you pay for.

Simply because Draginol happens to run this service doesn't mean his opinions are neccessarily any more or less valid than the next guys.

Let me go on record as stating:

Well that's one thing you have in common with George Bush then..... how do you feel about Black Gold and Halliburton?
on Oct 29, 2005
disgusts me when ppl jump on here, using an anonymous name....not registering....and trash the guy tha is giving you a free service. Grow the hell up, jack-nut.

I can see why that poster didn't register what with the advertising of the loss of all articles due to a database crash, the half dozen or so null reference exceptions, not to mention the outofmemory exceptions i have experienced in the last 15minutes alone, I'd say its a good job he didn't. It might well be free but as they get what you pay for.

Simply because Draginol happens to run this service doesn't mean his opinions are neccessarily any more or less valid than the next guys.

Let me go on record as stating:

Well that's one thing you have in common with George Bush then..... how do you feel about Black Gold and Halliburton?
on Oct 29, 2005
disgusts me when ppl jump on here, using an anonymous name....not registering....and trash the guy tha is giving you a free service. Grow the hell up, jack-nut.

I can see why that poster didn't register what with the advertising of the loss of all articles due to a database crash, the half dozen or so null reference exceptions, not to mention the outofmemory exceptions i have experienced in the last 15minutes alone, I'd say its a good job he didn't. It might well be free but as they get what you pay for.

Simply because Draginol happens to run this service doesn't mean his opinions are neccessarily any more or less valid than the next guys.

Let me go on record as stating:

Well that's one thing you have in common with George Bush then..... how do you feel about Black Gold and Halliburton?
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