So how are the different civilizations in Galactic Civilizations different?
The easiest way to illustrate the difference that I can think of is how each of the civilizations would deal with the scenario in which they are driving a car down the road and there's a turtle trying to cross...
The Drengin would swerve onto the shoulder in order to squash the turtle.
The Arceans would run over the turtle if it were on the road, otherwise they would drive past.
The Humans would swerve on the road to miss the turtle if they could.
The Altarians would stop their car, get out, pick up the turtle gently and move it to the other side of the road.
The Korx would stop their car, get out, pick up the turtle, and then sell it to the local pet store.
The Torians would run over the turtle and then justify that the turtle had it coming anyway.
The Yor woud not be aware if they ran over the turtle or not since they don't really distinguish between living and non-living things.