The internet has definitely taken a beating this week.

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week the Internet was
practically shut down for some people. Particularly Tuesday and Wednesday. The
first chart represents how many people are doing stuff on the net. The
second two charts represents the lag and packet loss. As you could see, on
9/2 and 9/3 traffic was down yet lag and packet loss were up. That spells doom
for dial up users and pain for everyone else as well.
I started investigating this because our direct sales (sales via
the Internet) were oddly down. And sure enough, that damn worm and email
virus are the main culprits. Whoever created those things should be shot after
having been given a wedgie and then marched in front of his school (it's gotta
be a high school kid as worm and virus writing is the type of thing that appeals
that age -- it's like shooting windows out of an abandoned building, easy to do
but yet destructive on a larger scale).
That sad thing is that the twits who create this stuff don't realize (or care) about the harm it does. People who rely on the net for their livelihood get hurt and I'm not talking about Internet companies. Anyone who relies on the Internet for their business in a major way is affected. These virus writers need to get a life and a wake up call -- writing worms and computer viruses is trivial. Any half wit software developer can make them. Get over it.