From Right Wing News:"
She's. Pretending. To. Sleep. On. Her. Son's. Grave! For. A. Vanity Fair. Photo-op!!!
What the hell? Sometimes words just fail me..."
Now that is a great pun!
As for Sheehan, I thought she had disappeared after her book signing bombed. She does not have the brains to understand that her 15 minutes are up. What next? Becoming a pimp or whore? This photo indicates she will try anything to stay in the news.
How about you check some facts instead. As it is not your president, I can only conclude you are a real loser.
Now try some facts! What a fricking loser! You want me to quote blogs? Asshat!
Did you watch my movie, asshat? What a fricking loser!
I love anon trolls that have no facts, no reason, and no brains! You are a true troll! Get lost. Until you can at least get some real facts! What a maroon! What an imbecile!